Chapter 42.5

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The conversation between Aislinn and Alpha Sergio that took place in chapter 42. Translated from Italian into English. Apologies if grammar or spelling is not perfect I used a translator. Again more the idea then the execution.

- B



"It isn't who I think I am. It is who I know I am." Aislinn said calmly.

He might not yet have recognized her but she definitely knew who he was. Quickly she hid the memories that tried to surface at the thought. Refusing to let them slip out and into the light when she knew her mate was still present in her head. Even if he wasn't particularly fond of the man right now, it didn't mean he should have to see what she saw every time he looked or thought of his father.

"You owe me a debt Alpha and I will take it with your head." Aislinn's voice took on a melodic quality as she stepped up closer to the older version of her mate. "What is the problem beautiful?"

They looked so similar it was amazing that she had not connected the dots sooner. She could admit to herself, though she didn't particularly like it, that she had probably refused and chosen not to see or accept the resemblance before now. Her mind unwilling to sully her mate with the memories of this man. Physically they looked so startlingly similar, but Aislinn knew now that the only resemblance between father and son was strictly on the surface. Her mate, her Kaiden was nothing like this man. Whatever fears had held her back from seeing the truth before were put aside, she understood now that she would never look at her mate and see the man who fathered him.

Her voice pitched low as she reveled in the emotions that played over his face as she spoke. Shock, surprise, disbelief and then lastly horror. His eyes grew wide with fright as she whispered the words she had heard so many times. The words that would always promise that the most cruel and horrific pain was to follow.

"Do not pretend you do not want my touch. Do not pretend you do not want me. You will feel pain."

"Where did you hear that?" He was pale, his voice shaking as he stared at her with wide fearful eyes. She could hear as his mind tried desperately to deny what her words were telling him.

She cocked her head to the side a fake pout on her lips as she looked up at the towering Alpha with fake hurt filling her eyes.

"Did you think I would forget?"

"Who are you?"

"Do you not recognize me master?"


"Do not be so upset beautiful. I remember you." Aislinn said letting a cruel smirk twist her lips. She let the words hang between them for a beat before stepping back from him.

Switching back to English, Aislinn let her volume resume its normal monotone level. "Soon you will pay for the blood on your hands that I promise you."



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