Chapter 25

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"I'm sorry would you care to repeat that?" Austin asked looking at Aislinn in disbelief, "Because I swear you just said you wanted to invite the enemy over."

It was Richard who answered. "It makes sense." Turning he looked at Kaiden although he made sure he kept his rigid stance close to Aislinn's chair. Neither man nor their wolves was comfortable right now knowing just how close a threat was to her.

Kaiden sighed weighing the options in his head. He let out a low groan his eyes closing as he ran his hands threw his dark black glossy hair causing it to stick up all over his head. "I don't like it."

"It needs to be done."

"Doesn't mean I have to like it."

Richard grunted in response. Kaiden turned to his Beta. "Call up Alpha Stanley invite him, his Luna, Beta and the Beta female to dinner."

Austin looked taken aback but didn't question the order, "He'll demand to bring his third and at least a guard."

Kaiden scrubbed his hands over his face and through his hair again not liking that he knew they were going to be outnumbered and there was nothing he could do about it. "I know don't offer it. He will demand the guard you will counter with his head warrior, it's what he will prefer and it will contain their numbers." A stiff nod from Austin before he was heading to the main office and conference room located on this floor where a phone was located.

"Oh and Aus," His Beta paused turning to look at his Alpha, "the invitation is from the heir of the Silvatori's." At his raised eyebrow Kaiden smirked at his friend. "No need for them to know beforehand what they're walking into. Plus there is no way that my father will have let word spread yet so we might as well use it to our advantage. All hell will break loose soon enough we just need to try and get in front of it as much as we can."

With that Austin left to go make a very uncomfortable phone call. It was times like this he hated being Beta. Calling an Alpha especially one that is not your own is not a pleasant experience and he had no doubt that this time was not going to disappoint on that front.

Hearing his friends murmuring to himself reminded Kaiden of his own phone call with an Alpha. He had completely forgotten he had woken to a call from his father. Letting out a groan he realized he must have left his phone upstairs. That was not going to be fun.

Today was turning out to be one of massive understatements. To say that Kaiden's father had been less then pleased and less then understanding was only one such example of the clusterf*cks that were piling up around them as the hours dragged by.

Kaiden eventually hurled his phone against a random wall in frustration after the nearly 30th call from his family. If it wasn't his father screaming and threatening, it was his mother sobbing, or else it was some combination of his siblings; yelling, pleading and cursing him. The phone shattered into a million pieces on the cool marble of the floor and blissful silence finally filled the house.

"Thank the gods! The goddess and every d*mn lucky star!" Austin groaned from the den that they had discovered after breakfast. It was filled with an even larger TV then the one in the living room, plus a full selection of every game console and combination of games and entertainment service imaginable, a full surround sound system and huge theatre worthy seating. The boys were in heaven.

"Jesus your family is f*cking intense!" Blair added in as the silence soothed their aching eardrums. Sometimes werewolf senses were seriously a pain in the ass.

Kaiden ran his hands over his face and through his hair for what had to be the thousandth time that day, letting out only a grunt in response to his friend's comments. His throat was sore from screaming, shouting, fighting and growling back at his father and the rest of his over-bearing family members. He honestly didn't understand their reactions. His brother Anthony would simply pick up his role as heir. Of course he hadn't been training as long and he was a complete idiot but his father had years before he absolutely had to step down, he could learn. Didn't they see he had to do what was best for his mate? How could they not understand that?

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