Chapter 26

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Aislinn felt her body slowly wake up as her mind stretched out along her limbs. Welcoming and embracing the familiar feeling of the burning exhaustion in her muscles. She let her breathing guide her to consciousness, making sure every step she let her body and mind take was within her absolute control. Slowly she let her senses turn outward. Her eyes sprang open as her body registered the fact that she was no longer on the mat where she had collapsed. It only took a moment to realize where she was. She refused to allow her brain to be groggy to let the abuse of her body affect her mind as she pushed it to work, forced it clear, to function through the haze that wanted to take her over.

Refusing to let her muscles tremble she pushed herself up on her bed so that her body rested against the wall behind her head. She didn't have to look down to know she had been cleaned and changed. Her eyes easily found him in the room.

His blue eyes clouded with worry and concern met her blank void grey ones. Relief flooded his as his gaze took in her face hungrily. He let out a shuddering breath.

"You scared me little one."

She just watched him not sure what he was talking about.

Sensing her confusion. "You collapsed. You were convulsing bleeding and then you were suddenly unconscious. You've been out for four hours. I didn't know what the hell was going on."

Oh that. She didn't see why he was so upset.

He stopped speaking. Instead now he was just looking at her. He kept taking deep breaths his eyes haunted by traces of panic and worry.

She didn't like that. Didn't like seeing him like this. It upset her. She felt herself frown in her mind.

"It's okay that's what happens." She finally said. Too uncomfortable with seeing him upset to not speak up. She wanted him to stop looking like that, her wolf didn't like it.

At that his mouth fell open his eyes changing abruptly to equal parts shock and horror. "Y-you ... you KNEW that was going to happen?"

Now she was even more confused. Was he mad? But why would he be? She didn't like him mad at her. It was like this morning, her mind fluttering back to the scene from earlier. Frowning at the thought of the confrontation in the kitchen. She felt herself bristling at the reminder. Definitely not liking that he had been mad at her, it still upset her now, but she REALLY didn't like being commanded. That dulled her unhappiness as her irritation spiked once again, plus they had all been overreacting.

Pulling her mind back she just looked at him. Apparently he expected her to answer him. She debated not but then decided against it.

"Of course."

That didn't get the reaction she was expecting. He was suddenly out of his chair leaning over her his frame trembling as anger blazed in his eyes. Again she was confused. She really hated this. Why was she always so confused? It was very irritating not that she let any of it show but still she didn't like that he was making her feel all these things. He was pulling all these things up in her, things she had never wanted to have ever again. She sighed in her head as she looked at him warily, why was he so mad now? Of course she had known what was going to happen when she trained, but why would that upset him?

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He demanded his voice filled with anger as he looked down at her his sky blue eyes blazing and piercing.

Briefly she wondered if she should be scared. And then she found herself wondering at the fact that she found that she wasn't. Even as close as he was, standing nearly towering over her and extremely pissed she found she wasn't in the least bit worried about it. Strange. Again she debated about answering him or not. Even as she thought it she realized she would give in to him even though she thought it was stupid that he was so upset. Annoying mate bonds. Stupid fate.

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