Chapter 40

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She slept for four hours in the safety and warmth of her mates embrace. Waking wrapped in his arms she took a few minutes to snuggle into his chest just enjoying the feeling that only he could bring.

"Morning." Kaiden's voice was husky and velvety with sleep. She just hummed in response. "How are you feeling?"

As he questioned her he shifted so he was propped up on his elbow and looking down at where she was still cuddled into his side. She let out a little whimper as he gently shifted her onto her back. He chuckled at her. "Hey now love, you're the one who woke up. I just want to see how you're healing. Does it hurt?" He asked gently but persistently, concern now replacing any amusement. His hand moved to shift her further. Gently urging her head away from him so he could get a look at her neck. Reluctantly she gave in and let him move her head to the side so she was facing away from the warm comforting feel of his chest and scent. Brushing her hair off her shoulder he softly exposed his mark.

She could feel his satisfaction spike in the bond and could imagine the accompanying grin that would have spread over his face as he looked at it. With a feather light touch he brushed his fingertips over the now light pale scars that decorated her skin. The mark that resoundly proclaimed to the world that she was his.

Her eyes flew open at the first touch of skin against his mark, a bolt of pleasure racing through her that had her gasping for air. Her body arching up and into his touch. She was suddenly very much awake as desire and electricity raced through her, leaving her begging for more. When her body finally settled sinking back onto the bed, she looked with clouded eyes into the smug face of her mate hovering just over her own. His eyes sparkled with satisfaction and mischief, his breath was warm against her flushed skin.

"You're mine and the whole world knows." He accompanied his words with a sweet kiss to her lips. Of course after the sensations he had created in her it quickly escalated into a make out session that left them both breathless, hearts beating erratically.

Aislinn was cuddle into his side her head resting once more on his chest with one of her legs sprawled over his waist. A remnant from where it had been hiked to wrap around his hip as he had hovered over his mouth moving greedily against hers his hands branding her body. She loved the feel of the taut muscles that covered him. The heat that radiated from him and the way they seemed to fit together. She sighed in satisfaction while his fingers played in her hair and rubbed loving designs over the small slip of exposed skin on her hip where her shirt had ridden up.

"Me marking you will change things." Kaiden said breaking the comfortable silence they had fallen into.

"I know, but it's okay."

"Your part of the pack now, officially. Your scent changed not only to mine but to our packs." He felt her nod but he also sensed her reluctance and uneasiness at the confirmation. Picking his next words carefully he continued needing to make sure she knew what was happening. "Aislinn you're also going to go into heat soon now. Within the next few weeks."

She physically squirmed at that particular reminder. Not at all comfortable with the topic. Since her mother died when she was so young and then living how she did for eight years then finally ending up with humans she only knew the basics of the mating process and the accompanying female heat.

"Are you embarrassed?" She heard the humor in his voice. Ramming an elbow into his side she was rewarded with a hiss of air.

"I told you not to laugh at me." She huffed out while trying to push away from him. Struggling against his hold as she tried to escape this entire conversation. She was completely out of her element in this situation and it seemed to her displeasure her annoying mate was fully aware of it.

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