Chapter 36

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Aislinn looked up meeting the calm rich chocolate brown of the eyes of the new participant in their little game. His arms were folded over his chest, his feet planted as he calmly barred the path of the retreating Alpha.

Stanley looked at him and grinned before spinning around to face Aislinn. A gleeful expression now taking over his face and quickly replacing the fear and rage that had previously dominated.

"Is it true?" The newcomer asked his voice low and soft but she still heard him.

"Of course not you idiot! Now grab her! She attacked me and she must pay!" Stanley shouted his face smirking at her again. If Aislinn wasn't so concentrated on the new wolf she might have shivered from the disgusting images that his mind was conjuring up as he looked at her.

Holding his questioning stare with a calm one of her own she watched him evenly. Both were now completely ignoring the raging Alpha blubbering between them. Searching his face she made sure she kept her own blank.

Finally she spoke her voice nearly as low and soft as his had been, "You know it is."

The wolf held her gaze for another minute before slowly nodding his head while letting out a low sigh of defeat. A look of pure sorrow played over his features. "What now?" He asked glancing back at his Alpha.

Cocking her head she also looked at the man who was now watching the two of them with growing unease. His face began to pale in horror as his eyes flicked between them in disbelief.

"No! NO! You can't do this! I am an Alpha. Your Alpha. I have the council. They won't let you get away with this!" He screamed at them his head now whipping between them comically as his hands came up in a useless attempt to ward off any advance.

Aislinn finally let her face change. Her cool mask of indifference dissolving as a deadly smile erupted. Letting all of her fury, hate and rage fill her eyes. At the change both men took a step back from her.

She felt as Richard started moving in her direction. Making his way towards her at a faster rate. Across the mate bond she felt as her mate's own emotions spiked. Worry and concern filling him as he registered her now unrestrained and consuming emotions clearly.

She let out a cold menacing laugh as she stalked forward. Her eyes began to swirl with silver as her wolf become one with her. Melding together both focused on their prey. It satisfied them to watch as he cowered before their advance. Prowling gracefully in the moonlight.

"Oh that is where you are wrong Stan. I can and I will. I will feel your life drain away by my hands and I will rejoice in it. You have lived long with this debt on your head and now I am here to collect."

His eyes widened as he stared at her. "Wh-who .... Who a-are yo-you?" The thick stench of terror and fear was wafting from him making her wolf howl with delight and relish in the power.

"You know who I am. Did you think you would not pay for what you did? Did you think we would forget? Did you think your council could shield you forever?" Her voice was deadly. Ice and venom in her veins.

"They will kill you for this! You won't get away from them!"

She never stopped. Gliding across the space until she was nearly on top of him. Tilting her head back she looked up at him, leaning close until there was only a whisper of space between her still form and his now trembling one. Pitching her voice so it took on that of a friendly conspirator who was handing him her biggest secret she leaned in even closer going onto her toes to reach him. Letting her breath fan across his skin gently she whispered sweetly into his ear "Not if I kill them first."

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