Chapter 33

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Sitting in the kitchen a few hours later Aislinn had reclaimed Kio from a bemused Clay and was now dangling a string as the cub chased it around her feet. Kaiden stood pacing at the head of the table to her right his hair sticking up tousled and messy from where his hands were constantly being run through it. His eyes were rimmed red from exhaustion and he had dark bags under his eyes. Looking up she found her stomach clenching at the sight of him.

Pushing that aside she eyed him wearily. Still sensing the lingering anger coursing through him. It was a good thing they had been in the lower levels when they had received their intended 'message'. Else they would be in need of some serious repair work. As it was Kaiden had nearly completely destroyed the infirmary. Thankfully the reinforced walls and doors had been able to withstand the brunt of his rage. Not that he was the only one reacting badly to the news from Alpha Fraser.

Richard stood silent and tense at her shoulder. He hadn't moved further then an arm's reach from her side since the words had been spoken. His face had grown hard and dark, anger and determination radiating from him as he incessantly watched for anything that dare try to come near her.

Clay and Blair were at the moment rummaging in the kitchen pulling out food and piling it onto plates for them all. They were trying to act normal but it was hard to ignore the guarded glances they kept throwing her or the way their eyes darted constantly around the room. It was as if they expected her to disappear before their eyes or for wolves to jump out of the woodwork and start attacking any minute.

Olivia sat beside her nervously her leg bouncing. Alternating between playing on her phone and watching the others.

Turning away from them Aislinn looked across the table at Michael and his mate Ethan. Both still weak from their injuries they slumped slightly in their seats. On the table between them lay their hands intertwined. Clasped together they clung to each other with a strength that belied their appearances. It was as heart wrenching as it was beautiful. They had regained consciousness only an hour or so ago and from that moment they had been inseparable. Now as they sat watching those around them uneasily their shoulders continuously brushed as their bodies moved in perfect tune with one another. Instinctively they sought out the comfort and reassurance only a mate's presence could offer.

Austin stood near the two unknown men. His stance was outwardly relaxed but Aislinn could sense the coiled energy humming through him as his gaze flicked between where the new pair sat, then to Aislinn before moving on to his agitated Alpha. Who was still pacing and muttering under his breath before sweeping the room and then moving between them all again. It was easy to tell how uneasy he and his wolf were.

Annoyed by the silence Aislinn let the string go dropping it to the floor. Kio yelped before whining up at her. Bending down trying to scoop up the energetic pup she was dismayed when he bolted from the room.

"Kio!" She called but he ignored her disappearing out of the room. Standing up she felt Richard move closer to her as he sensed her distress. "Clay." Shocked at her address the warrior whipped around to look at her, "Kio ran away." She stated pointed where she had seen him go.

His eyebrows pulled together as he looked at her in utter confusion, "So?"

"Will you go find him?"

"What!? Me? Why?"

"He ran away." She repeated.

"Clay go find Kio." Kaiden cut in his voice clipped.

Clay looked even more shocked if that was possible. "Why me? I hate that – that creature, and he hates me! He peed on me!" This earned him a few snickers from the room.

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