Chapter 21

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They drove through the day and well into the night stopping only for gas and a couple of pit stops to grab some food. Kaiden was worried about Aislinn who so far had refused to eat but every time he brought up his concerns Richard merely brushed them off with a shrug. Still he was growing concerned.

With so many drivers they all agreed that it would be easier to just drive straight through. Switching drivers every few hours seeing as no one was that keen on spending another night in a motel.

It was early afternoon when they reached their destination. Montana.

Slowly making their way off of the interstate they wound their way through the state turning from large interstates, to highways until they were making their way down an old single lane country road. With a final turn they started down a long curving gravel road.

"Whose territory are we in?" Kaiden thought to his Beta.

"Montana is part of the Fraser Pack's territory. Alpha Stanley Fraser leads them, he has an alliance with your father although they tend to keep out of most things. A smaller pack, less than half our size but don't cause trouble with the council." Austin thought back his voice brisk and professional as he switched into his role as Kaiden's second dropping his immature facade.

The drive they were following was at least two miles long the twists and heavy forests on either side completely blocking it off from the road, the entrance itself nearly hidden from eyes a heavy black metal gate had barred their path further and had required Aislinn to get out of the car to punch in the security code so that the gate would slide open for them to pass.

Kaiden looked over at Aislinn who sat once more in the passenger seat beside him. She was staring straight ahead her body and face calm and seemingly unaffected.

After another few minutes of driving over the crunching gravel the two vehicles finally broke through the heavy tree line. Awe and surprise breaking the silence that had fallen around them as they pulled up in front of an architectural masterpiece.

Glass, wood and metal with aspects of stone wove together into an elegant yet absolutely simple and modern house. It looked to be at least three levels, most of the walls on the outside appeared to be glass allowing for the trees and forests that hugged around it to be visible and the stunning landscapes that ran for miles in every direction to become the backdrop for every room.

Piling silently out of the cars. The group followed Aislinn as she walked up to the large tall heavy front door. Her hand steady as she pushed it open letting them step inside what was so obviously her home. She seemed to fit here so perfectly it was strange, everywhere else she stood out. It was so obvious she didn't belong that she was out of place, but here ... it was different ... this was her place.

The inside was as beautiful as the exterior. A mixture of nature and metals that only intensified the stunning views coming from the floor to ceiling windows and yet not taking away or overshadowing them. The furniture and decorating was cool and simple. Modern clean lines, greys, whites, black and silver warmed by natural woods. The floors were contrasting mixes of stone and woods with some rooms even sprouting bare concrete. Together it created a balance that was calming, inviting and yet extremely tasteful and lavish. The ceilings were high soaring up so that every room was airy and bright.

Aislinn lead them off to an open room on the left. The walls of windows letting the afternoon sun pour in warming the bare stone floors before the soft dark wood planks started. Sleek low modern sofas and chairs scattered around the space. A high tech and massive entertainment system was set against one wall over a simple clean low fireplace. While the other wall not made of glass was given to towering metal and glass bookshelves crammed full of every type of book imaginable.

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