Chapter 6

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Turning from the kitchen he suppressed the thrill that both, the words and the sound of her feet falling in behind him, sent through his body. Leading the way through the opulent and richly decorated house, Kaiden lead his mate up the wide curving staircase to the third floor were the family quarters was held. On the opposite side from his parent's quarters, was the wing of the house dedicated to him and his siblings. The second floor held rooms for important guests, key high ranking pack members when needed and the various guards of the Salvatori Alpha's family.

As the first born, and heir, Kaiden had the largest set of rooms out of his siblings, and they included a bedroom that was easily the size of two ordinary master bedrooms adorned with a fire place, couches, and a large flat screen. Attached was an office, dressing room, full walk-in closet and en-suite bathroom. Everything was decorated in his mother's favored heavy and opulent style. Rich woods, creams, burgundies, leather and heavy patterns. It wasn't his personal style but it was a room and met its function.

Closing his door, he turned to find his mate standing unmoving in his bedroom. The thought that he was finally alone with her made him suddenly nervous. He looked her over again taking in her graceful form. Her willowy limbs and striking features. It didn't help that he couldn't read anything for her body language or her facial expression. He was normally so good at reading people, but when it came to his mate so far he was lost. Nodding to the bed he decided to take Richard's tactic and just talk to her.

"You can have the bed, I'll crash on the sofa. You can have a shower if you want or a bath. Feel free. I don't know if you have anything to sleep in if you don't you can wear one of shirts and a pair of my boxers they are just in the drawers. My sister is always stealing Austin's, she says it's the comfiest thing to sleep in. Richard is just downstairs on the next floor if you need him. And I'll be just here so if you need anything you can just wake me up. But you're safe here, I will keep you safe I swear, and I won't let anyone else hurt you ever again."

Running out of words Kaiden fell silent. Silence settled around them, after what felt like hours but was less than a minute she turned walking to his dresser. Kaiden let out a small chuckle anxiety and worry easing as he watched her confidently pull out one of his black t-shirts and a pair of his boxers before taking them and her backpack into the bathroom. It was so small, something that only a few hours ago he'd have mocked another for being so affected by, but in that moment he felt like he'd won the greatest prize and medal imaginable.

Aislinn quickly stripped off her dirty and sweaty clothes, turning on the water for the large walk in shower. Letting the hot water steam up the air she finally gave in and stepped under the soothing spray. After washing her body and massaging a small amount of Kaiden's shampoo into her long locks she stepped out, wrapping one of towels around herself. Once she was dry she pulled on her borrowed clothing, gently unwrapping the towel she had wound around her damp locks. She used to love her hair. Loved having it brushed, loved the feeling as people played with the long silky strands. Now though, all that she felt was relief that no one seemed to know what her hair meant. She didn't care that others found her hair different, strange - only that they didn't know what it signified. Honestly Aislinn didn't think there was anyone left that would know now what her hair meant or would allow themselves to remember it. She knew she didn't.

Everything about her - her hair, her eyes, her pale complexion - and what they meant, what they reminded her of, she buried deep and tight inside her. She bound the truth and memories in the furthest reaches of her mind, never even letting herself pull them out to consider. Twice while she was at the academy her hair had been cut off. The first time she had been there for only a few months when some of the other girls had ambushed her, pinning her down while shaving it off. When it grew back just as smooth, straight and as pure silver as before they had been baffled. Even more so when it grew at nearly three times the speed of theirs. It was one of many reasons she had no friends at the academy. Well, that and she had absolutely no desire to even be within their presence.

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