Chapter 8

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Aislinn had known what was happening in the room. She may not pay attention to 99% of what happened around her but what was going on behind that thin locked door was something she could and would never ignore. Not even bothering to look at the others, in truth she had forgotten entirely about their presence the moment she had sensed what was happening down this hall, she paused outside of room 212 assessing what she could feel beyond the barrier.

She never looked up as her mate turned down the hallway to look at her, her entire being focused only on what was beyond that small piece of wood. She didn't care about her mate at that moment. Didn't care what he thought, what any of them thought. Aislinn didn't care about a single thing except for the fact that she had to get inside that room.

Her foot connected right beside the lock hard and powerful. The cheap wood and lock were no match for her strength and easily crumpled under the force of her kick. Swinging in on the broken hinges, Aislinn got her first visual glimpse of the hell that awaited her inside.

The she-wolf was naked. Her limbs tied down to the disgusting bed, blood staining the bindings from cutting into her soft flesh a result of her many struggles. Bruises and cuts covered her skin. The abuse so constant and relentless that even her werewolf healing had not been able to keep up with it. The stench of unwashed bodies, blood, sex, alcohol and pain permeated the air threatening to overwhelm Aislinn as she quickly swept her gaze over the girl again, amazed that she was still alive and conscious. She looked only a few years older than she herself. Soft brown hair was matted and tangled against her face, tear tracks traced down her face before landing softly against the soiled sheets under her. It made her look even more vulnerable and broken.

Aislinn felt the black fury rising.

The four rogue wolves inside the room were in varying degrees of both dress and sobriety. Aislinn didn't hesitate, she didn't ask questions and she definitely did not wait for any explanations. The scene before her told her everything she needed to know.

These four vile and disgusting creatures were going to die.

And die by her hands.

The first two were just inside the door sitting on two gaudy chairs as they held beer bottles in their dirty hands, with many more littering the table and floor around them. It looked like the aftermath of a party. A sick and twisted disgusting party.

Moving with lethal speed Aislinn darted forward sending a hard kick directly into the furthest one's chest knocking him back a few feet so that he and the chair went tumbling until he landed hard on the floor.

Without stopping Aislinn used her momentum from the kick, turning her body her hands already up and expecting the floundering attack of the second rogue. Easily deflecting the man's wild swing she slid inside his defense her hands going straight for his head as her leg swept his out from under him. Using both his own weight and downward momentum she viciously snapped his neck. Rejoicing in the satisfying sound of the snapping sound she let go of his head, which was now hanging at an odd angle. She didn't even spare a look as the broken body crumpled to the ground unmoving.

By now the two other men had begun to recover from their shock at her sudden attack. The third rogue who had been just existing the bathroom on the other side of the room let out an oath before launching himself at her.

Aislinn easily foresaw the attack and expertly dodged the messy attempt. Instead landing three hard hits to the man's abdomen and chest before throwing herself around his body and onto his back. Her small hands easily grabbing his head and in quick order she snapped his neck as well.

Before the body could even drop to the floor she had dropped to the ground her feet lightly landing already in a defensive stance as her hand instinctually brought up the dagger from her back pocket.

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