Chapter 9

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Aislinn didn't want to stay in that room anymore. The smells were too much for her body to handle and she could feel the women's eyes on her. Absently she realized that her mate was talking, but she didn't bother to listen. Now was not the time to talk. They needed to eat and shower. After quickly and expertly stowing her silver daggers in her pockets, she turned from the mess of the room and slipped through the door. Richard watched her as she passed him to get to the opening but he knew better then to try and stop her, she didn't even have to look at him. Her face was blank as she left the room, her mind on the tasks still ahead of her.

In her mind she rolled her eyes though she didn't turn to look as she heard the sound of bare feet quickly dashing along the dirty stained carpet until they settled in close behind her. And she definitely didn't pause her steps for the string of curses that followed along behind the sound.

Kaiden let out a string of curses as he spun towards the door and watched the tail of the sheet whip behind the women as she darted out the door. Following out he watched in amazement as the woman scurried quickly behind the lone figure of his mate walking down the narrow hallway. He hadn't even realized she had left. Turing to Blair and Clay he shook his head in bemusement.

"Clean this up. Dispose of them somewhere and make an anonymous tip to the front about the door. Report back to me when you're done." No questions were asked as they merely nodded their heads before turning stone-faced to the task before them. It was a necessary area of expertise, body disposal, one that every pack member had had to master at an early age.

Confident that they had everything under control, Kaiden jogged down the hall after the two women. He let out a breath of relief when he spotted them stopped outside of their rented room. His mate was standing still, her face like normal, devoid of any emotion, while her hands hung by her sides. The other woman was not nearly as composed. Her hands clutched at the sheet that covered her, while her eyes continually darted around the hall. She stood as close to his mate as she could. Her eyes flicking to her every few seconds, as if just her presence was a comforting reassurance. Kaiden picked up his speed as a desire to be near his mate and anxiety over the unknown woman's reactions to her had him now nearly sprinting. Slowing a few feet from the two women, Kaiden attempted to calm himself so as not to unintentionally cause either women alarm.

The battered woman watched him hesitantly and stepped back so that his mate was between them as he moved closer. He tried to give the women a reassuring look but it didn't seem to have much of an effect. Although Kaiden did not miss how she minutely relaxed when his mate didn't react to his presence. However unsure she still was towards himself and the others, the slim silver haired beauty seemed to have won her absolute and immediate trust.

Turning towards the door Kaiden quickly inserted the key card before immediately stepping inside. He kept his body in the doorway knowing his mate would be reluctant to enter when there was the threat of touching him, using this to his advantage he widened all of his senses and took in the small room. Inhaling deeply, Kaiden felt his wolf come forward as he let his eyes and sense encompass the entirety of the space. Knowing his mate stood behind him, his wolf pushed him further, the need to protect her forcing his senses further until he could hear the faint noises from the rooms up and down the corridors and could easily pick up the now deceased rogues from the open room. His wolf still very uneasy at missing the obvious threat that had been present and was now no longer okay with not taking every precaution to ensure her safety and well-being. The sight of the abused and hurt woman behind him, and the scent of her bloody wounds only acting to increase and heighten his instincts, as he went into full-protective mode. After a few tense seconds, Kaiden was finally reassured that there was no hidden or unknown dangers lurking, he let go of the door and stepped into the room. Though he did not let his senses slip as he moved forward, his wolf needing to do a final inspection before either would fully feel at ease. Still focused on the room and those around them he absently heard the two women enter in behind him.

Aislinn knew what her mate was doing, and although she knew there was no danger inside the room and she desperately wanted to enter, she also knew that for both himself and his wolf he needed to see that for himself. So she merely looked at his tense and stiff back as her mate searched for any possible threat.

The protective natures of male wolves around her was nothing new. She had seen wolves and she-wolves act like this around her nearly every minute of every day for the first five years of her life. She nearly felt an urge to tell him that she understood and would remain outside until he was satisfied. That he could search the room before she would enter, knowing that in truth that was what he needed and wanted.

She knew that it was this that he and his wolf most likely wanted. They would both want for her to remain outside in the hallway where he had men to guard her and a means of escape while he searched the room for any threats or dangers. From his behavior she surmised that he seemed to think that either she would not understand this need or else that she would not consent. Silly wolf.

She could have given him this even without him asking. She considered simply staying in the hall anyway. Aislinn was stunned by how suddenly appealing this thought was to her. Fliting through the feelings swirling inside her she picked up on this strange new part of herself that she found suddenly desperately wanting to do whatever this wolf-mate wanted. Instantly irritated and annoyed at herself she shoved at the unhelpful feelings, forcing that part of herself away, completely unimpressed with the realization that the mate-bond was seemingly growing between them. Still annoyed she decided that her mate and his over-protectiveness would need to be satisfied with what it got, she really wanted to get out of the hall.

When the mate-bond reared its head at not giving her mate what he obviously wanted she reminded herself that really either way his wolf would eventually realize there was no danger. Plus eventually he would come to learn that she was not one to fight against his desire for her safety whether she told him now or not. She knew eventually she'd give in, even if it had never been a part of her plans. Stupid annoying, selfish fates. Just not today, she smirked internally.

She wasn't going to become some soft pushover just because fate had decided to destroy everything she had worked for.

It was slightly amusing how nervous her mate seemed about following his instinct to protect her. So hesitant to let her see it, as though she wouldn't be able to handle it. Ha.

The ability to not only accept but also endure over-protective and over-bearing security and protective details had been ingrained in her since her inception. In fact if her mate knew the extent and size of the entourage and guard she was used to, he might understand how his actions were actually less than ordinary and mundane, nearly unnoticeable. Silly wolves, she thought as she felt his wolf surface.

Finally his arms fell and he allowed the door to open as he stepped inside their room. Aislinn and the strange she-wolf quickly followed him inside.

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