Chapter 31

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Aislinn was snuggled in the bed Kio's small soft body curled into her chest his nose tucked against her neck. His breath ticking against her skin. Looking up she watched as he entered from the bathroom his hair damp from his shower. A pair of black sweatpants hanging low on his hips as a white t-shirt pulled tightly across his muscular chest. His feet bare as he padded silently across the room to the sofa.

Not sure she could speak the words she let her mind seek his out, it scared her a little how easy it was to find his. How familiar and right it felt.

"You don't have to sleep on the sofa." She thought making sure to keep her words steady, her emotions were locked away for the most part and those that were managing to escape, she was choosing to completely ignore. She was still not totally liking how it felt to well ... feel them again. It was just they were so confusing and overwhelming changing how she thought and acted, it made her uneasy, off-balance, and well just plain terrified.

His head whipped up his eyes opening wide as he looked over at her his eyebrows furrowing together.

"I don't mind." His voice was hesitant as he spoke out loud, while he eyed her.

"You can think thoughts at me and I can hear you." She said into his mind again ignoring his comment.

"Like a normal link?"

"Not really. You don't send them to me more like I pick them up from you, but if I'm listening I will hear you the same."

"Okay." He said sitting down on the sofa he looked exhausted.

"You don't have to sleep on the sofa." She said again wanting to go to sleep as she felt her own tiredness.

"Its fine plus I don't want to be away from you." She smiled internally as she listened to his words. What she said was true he didn't push the words into her mind like in the mind link but her wolf could 'hear' when someone was trying to speak to her, her father had explained it that their wolf was calling to hers the intention being to grab her attention like hollering across the room.

"The bed here is big enough, you don't need to sleep on that." She said simply letting herself finally give into the sleep that was tugging at her.

Kaiden sat stunned for a few moments before slowly moving to the bed. It dipped under his weight as he looked over at his mates back. Her hair spilling across the white sheets tangling around her body like ribbons. He could just see the tips of her wolf pups ears sticking up from where he slept peacefully his soft breaths and heartbeat mixing with hers. Moving cautiously he pulled the covers back before sliding between the sheets.



It was cold. The sky was dark the moon hidden behind thick clouds, only their night vision was allowing them to be able to move through the thick forest.

Branches scraped against her skin, pulled at her clothing, caught in her hair. She didn't stop. Didn't even pause.

She knew they were behind her. Could her their frantic calls. Their heavy footfalls. Panic and anger meaning they weren't moving carefully. They were hell bent on catching her.

She didn't stop. She couldn't.

She knew she worried him when she bolted from the bed, throwing herself across the room and out the door without pause. Flying down the stairs she had nearly thrown Kio at Clay's sleepy face as he came out of his room, rubbing his hands over his face as his hair stuck up everywhere, he stared at her with blurry eyes in only a pair of boxers. He had only just managed to grab the fur ball that was shoved at him without dropping him. He had cursed but she hadn't bothered to listen instead throwing herself over the railing to the floor below and out the door.

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