Chapter 29

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As his breathing began to return to normal Kaiden slowly picked up her trembling frame holding her against him as he backed them up before sitting on the sofa, bringing her down with him so she straddled his lap. His hands were soothing and gentle as he stroked her thighs and back working to bring her back down. She let herself lean into the hard plains of his chest her eyes fluttering closed as she nestled her face into him listening to the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat as she fought to get her own to calm inhaling the intoxicating scent of her mate with every breath.

The whole while he murmured soft words of comfort and love into her hair, soothing her as he urged her to breathe and relax into him. His lips pressing gentle kisses into her hair in between his words as his hands left trails of sparks over her body.

Slowly the tingling and shocks began to recede and the consuming need ebbed as she let him settle her. As her mind came back she felt herself begin to panic. Desperately she reached for the walls that had toppled trying to throw them back up, clawed to fix her blocks to put them back in place. Before she could be consumed by the building panic and fear that she was blindly running through in her mind however, she felt herself being moved. Kaiden's large warm hands stilled against her thighs moving to cup her face urging her to sit up as he pulled her face so she was forced to look at him.

To her horror she knew her face showed every one of her emotions. It would be clear, all of it.

Soft blue eyes met hers. Filled with such earnest compassion and tender worry that she had to take in a shuddering breath.

"Shh, it's okay just breath you're okay. Just look at me. I'm right here" His voice was soft and gentle as he cooed to her as if she was a terrified animal on the verge of bolting, which was pretty on the nose. His thumbs were gently caressing her cheeks as he watched her face.

She took another deep breath her senses filling again with his scent, instantly helping to calm her at least a little.

"That's it." smiling kindly at her as his thumb traced softly over her lips. "Just keep breathing. You're okay I promise. I'm right here." With that Kaiden gently pressed his lips ever so slightly to her own, just brushing the swollen flesh in a sweet kiss before moving to cover every inch of her face similarly. His hands held her as if she was the most precious thing on the planet. While his lips covered her in such soft feelings of tenderness and affection. All of it mixed with the feel of his body under hers so strong and solid, wrapping her in a blanket of warmth and protection, was enough to ease the rest of her panic and fear. She felt herself calming and for the first time in thirteen years she didn't have a single barrier up in her mind or heart. 

Pulling back when he felt her surrender completely Kaiden let his hands fall from her face so they were once more on her thighs moving in slow soft strokes up and down her creamy skin as he truly looked at his mate for the first time. He took her in, the true her and what he saw looking back at him floored him.

The depth of her empathy, her fears, the sheer strength and integrity of the woman in his arms brought tears to his eyes. The bond was so open so raw they saw it all. He didn't hold anything back, let her see and feel every part of him. Every insecurity, fear, weakness, mistake, dream, hope, and self-doubt that made him who he was. And to his amazement she did the same. He saw it all. Every good, bad and ugly moment of her life. It hurt him deeply, how many more bad then good there were. Vowing to himself that he would spend the rest of his life filling hers with good. His heart leapt when he saw the memories of the last few days, the joy and love that he found there. Happy that he had begun to be able to give his mate something other than pain to define her life by.

Pulling out of the bond Aislinn felt as the tears fell freely down her cheeks. He had seen it all; had seen the heart that had been so destroyed she wasn't sure it would ever be able to be mended. The shame and hurt she had felt for so long. Every scar and imperfection that covered not only her body but her mind and soul. All of them and not once did he flinch. Not once did he pull back or look at her with anything but absolute love and acceptance. She couldn't find a hint of disgust or repulsion on his face, she couldn't find any fear or judgement. Not one trace of any of the things that she herself had felt for so long.

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