Chapter 28

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She emerged from the bathroom and into her bedroom his t-shirt soft against her skin. His scent still clinging to the fabric, wrapping her in the smell of crisp sunshine and winter nights. She would miss that. Miss the smell of him. The warmth of his body near hers, the feeling of safety and protection that she hadn't felt since she was a small child and that only they could bring her. But she would be strong. She would make sure he lived, that was all that was important. Her life, her happiness, her feelings didn't matter only him.

She shouldn't have been surprised that he was waiting for her but she was. She had been so lost in her own thoughts she hadn't noticed him sitting on the sofa his body tense and coiled his eyes steady waiting and watching for her. The sound of his clothing shifting had her head snapping towards him her eyes instantly meeting his hard ones. She had never seen him look at her like that. The absolute determination, possessiveness, and confidence that shone back at her evaporated any thoughts or words from her head as his body unfurled to stand. He was in front of her in a heartbeat. His body towering over hers. The heat from him battering against her, his comforting scent enveloping her. It was so much more concentrated then the lingering traces on her shirt. It was the scent that she would forever on associate with home, with safety, with him.

His jaw was clenched his muscles prominent and on display as his body stood tensed and intimidating before her. His breath fanning over her still slightly damp skin as he stared down at her.

"You would reject me?" It was a question but he said it like a statement. Like he already knew the answer and was not happy about it at all.

"I won't have you die because of me." It was all she could manage to get out. She wasn't used to expressing her feelings. Hell, she wasn't used to feeling her feelings. And his presence, his closeness, it was scrambling her brain. Making any rational thought nearly impossible. She didn't know how to do this.

He had never before used his height, his frame against her, and for the first time she got a taste for just how intimidating, how truly terrifying her Alpha could be. His eyes were like ice, deadly cold and unforgiving, his face harsh and brutal, every muscle bulging as his shoulders squared and he pulled himself up to his full height. It was something to behold.

"You would reject me." It definitely wasn't a question this time. This time it was a challenge.

"I-I... It..."

"You. Would. Reject. Me." He cut her off stepping impossibly closer to her until they were nearly chest to chest. His gaze held hers and for the life of her she couldn't break that stare. She felt herself crack under the weight of all that he was. Her infallible control, the emptiness and void she had spent the majority of her life cultivating escaped her, the walls she prided herself in crumbled, every defense she had evaporated and she heard as she whispered the word that was sure to break her heart once more.


He let out a breath, a smirk tugging at his lips as his eyes suddenly crackled in amusement. It was not the reaction she had been expecting to earn with her admission.

Before she could react his lips were descending on hers. They crushed her soft ones, capturing them in a fiercely harsh kiss. His mouth was unrelenting, demanding as he moved against her. She found herself being devoured by him and she was powerless under the absolutely relentless and possessiveness of it.

The errant and erratic thought that he tasted like pure sunshine and bitter coffee the only thing she could comprehend as the tingles and shocks of electricity exploded from where his lips met hers. They were soft and silky against her own despite his aggressiveness, warm and harsh as they kissed her with bruising force, passion and unrestrained want pushing him. Sending ripples of shocks through her body and throwing her into a whirlwind of pleasure where any thought beside the man pressed against her was impossible.

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