Chapter 24

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Kaiden was jerked awake by the insistent ringing of his cell phone. Grumbling under his breath he let his hand search for the annoying piece of plastic while his eyes wandered the room. He felt his heart sink to realize he had slept in and his mate was already awake and had left the room. Finally his hand hit the familiar smooth plastic and he hit the answer button before checking the caller I.D.

Mistake number 1

Mistake number 2 ... not immediately hanging up when he recognized his father's voice on the other side.

He had just woken up and he already felt a migraine coming on. He tuned out his father's shouts pulling the phone from his ear as he suddenly heard more shouting but this time coming from lower in the house.

"I'm going to kill her. No! You listen here..."

Kaiden was up in a heartbeat completely forgetting that his father was still on the line as he raced out of the room and towards where he now heard loud growls erupting. Flying down the stairs he let the sounds pull him to the kitchen where he froze.

Richard stood fuming near the massive and beautiful marble island that ran down the center of the huge and impressive kitchen. Sleek and modern Aislinn had certainly outdone herself. A random thought of how much his mom would have loved to play in here skidded across his brain as he attempted to understand the situation he had walked into.

Richard's face was one of complete fury. Nope not fury. Fury was to soft an emotion. He was livid. Pure and unrestrained pissed off livid and it was all at that moment directed at one single person.

Aislinn sat completely unfazed at the large farmer style kitchen table which was situated at the back of the room before the ever-present glass wall. This one was looking out over the back and side of the house on the opposite side from the living room giving it a beautiful view of the sunrise. Letting morning light flood in across the cool marbles, glass, chrome and slate stones. She sat completely and utterly ignoring the glares, growls and anger rolling her way from her very pissed off Guardian. Instead focusing on leisurely munching her way through a massive plate of fruit that sat before her, sketch pad open and pens littering the surface around her. She did however allow herself a small glance up when she felt her mate enter. He looked good in the morning.

Kaiden looked at Richard stunned. If he was getting this right the man was beyond upset and it was at his mate. That didn't make any sense. The entire time he had known them Richard had yet to get upset at her, annoyed perhaps, exasperated of course. But upset to the point where he was nearly blowing steam out of his ears? Never. Kaiden didn't even think it would have been possible. As the wolf let out another low growl. Kaiden moved. No longer caring how or why he was pissed, he only cared that a wolf and a large and angry male wolf at that, was threatening his mate.

"What the f*ck is going on?" He demanded as he positioned himself between them his arms crossing over his chest as his fists clenched. When he didn't get an answer straight away he spared a glance at Austin and Clay who were both awake and standing in the kitchen seemingly equally as stunned as him judging by their twin expressions.

Quickly Kaiden felt along the links to his new pack mates. Feeling out he found that Olivia and Blair (not surprisingly) were both still dead asleep above their heads. While his second and warrior had only just walked into the room a few seconds before himself and had no more clue what was happening than he did.

"What's going on? What's going on is that I'm going to shake that girl until I force some sense into her! That's what's going on!" Richard finally roared still glaring angrily at her. At the words Kaiden let out a low and powerful growl pulling the Guardian's eyes to himself before meeting his hard glare with one of his own.

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