Chapter 17

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"... she is the lost Queen of the Wolves."




"Holy mother of all that stands and lives." Austin let out on a gasp.

"Queen!? Queen? You're joking right?" Blair added.

"This is f*cking insane. Your insane!" Clay added

"Wow." Olivia stared in simple awe.

Kaiden didn't know what to feel. What to think. It was a thousand times more than he had ever imagined. His life, his future everything he had known and thought splintering and burning around him. Nothing made sense.

An exasperated sound caught all of their attentions. The sound so alien coming from her, none of them yet used to her sudden development of feelings and expressions. Her voice still so foreign and unexpected amongst their conversations.

"I told you Richard I am not claiming my blood. I may have accepted your bond but that is the only oath to be sworn around here." She stated firmly finally lifting her head from her sketch book.

"You must claim it! The council needs to be stopped. What they did needs to be accounted for." Richard argued spinning slightly so he could look down on her while still keeping an eye on the rest of the room.

"And they will. But I will not and do not want to claim anything that is not mine."

"Not yours! It is the only thing that is yours. Yours and yours alone."

"Not anymore Richard. And I do not wish it any other way. Those responsible will pay whether or not I claim that title." She said her voice steel.

"As you wish my Queen." Richard answered bowing his head in submission.

"Richard." She snapped finally a hint of exasperation leaking through her tight control.

"You may not claim your title your Majesty but I shall not ignore what is rightfully and justly yours. The day your father and grandfather were cut down you inherited the crown and all that it represents, it is in your blood. It is yours whether you wish it or not. I am your Guardian, I refuse to not acknowledge that right. I was not able to serve your father as I wished, I will not abandon that duty again."

In a show of true emotions Aislinn threw her hands in the air as she suddenly stood. The movement so fast and fluid that even with their enhanced vision the other werewolves weren't able to follow it.

"Fine Richard, do as you wish. How I loath the oath of the Guardian. Now I remember why I never wanted to claim one of you again. Always so uptight and righteous, you were a thorn in my side as a child and I feel this time will be no different." Her eyes now the color of dark ominous storm clouds narrowed as she eyed her sworn protector, "I cannot command you and if you refuse to give into my request then fine, acknowledge my claim. Do whatever you want, you infuriating man! But remember however that I have not made any pledge and to do so would reveal myself not only to my potential supporters but also prematurely to my enemies. It would put me in harm's way, Custos. It would bring more threats against me much sooner."

Richard's low growl was erupting throughout the room and as her speech was finished his face had hardened once again flushed with renewed anger. He seemed it be in an intense internal battle at her simple sounding words, his body shaking slightly as if a violent war was being waged within the older werewolf. Kaiden went to take a step towards his mate at the vicious sound and obvious signs of anger but a hand from her stopped his movements.

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