Chapter 10

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Turning to look at the injured woman, Aislinn quickly forgot any thoughts about her mate who was trying inconspicuously to search the room around them, her attention and focus turning on the women she had just saved. Looking her over Aislinn eyed her various injuries. They were numerous however none were life threatening. Her face showed nothing as she took her in.

At this point Richard and Austin had caught up and had entered the room. Making sure to give both women space they moved towards the table and chairs sat against the wall near the door.

Aislinn moved unhurriedly towards the small bathroom, after scrubbing the blood from her hands and quickly running her fingers through her waist length hair pulling gently at a few knots that had tangled in it she turned and turned on the shower. Moving back into the main room she didn't look at anyone as she moved closer to her mate's beta before she merely held out her hand.

It took Austin a few moments before he realized what she wanted, looking at her with pure bewilderment he held out the bag of clothes that Blair and Clay had collected for the men to wear.

Quickly routing through Aislinn pulled out a lightly worn but clean t-shirt and a pair of navy boxers. Turning back she moved back to the bathroom putting the items on the lid of the toilet before picking up her own bag and pulling out her brush, deodorant, and some other toiletries setting them on the sink. When she reentered the room she felt the looks of confusion and tension from the men but she tuned them out not even looking at her mate, none of that concerned her. They were safe and unhurt and she had things she wanted to do. Instead she turned to look at the woman.

Kaiden looked between his mate who was standing just beside the bathroom door and the unknown she wolf who had stopped just inside the door to the room, still clutching at the sheet that draped around her shaking frame.

"Ah miss?" Kaiden spoke trying to speak gently to not upset the woman, he let a small smile touch his lips when she looked at him, "I think my mate wants you to use the bathroom. Take a shower. clean up, there's a change of clothes in there. You'll be safe with us I swear. My mate saved you and me and my men will protect you. You will come to no harm from us."

Out of the corner of his eye Kaiden saw his mate leave her post by the bathroom door before moving to the closest bed, sitting down she folded her legs up pulling out her sketchbook and pencils. Apparently he had correctly guessed what she had wanted and now satisfied he would get it for her, she had withdrawn from the situation.

He smiled internally, he was starting to know his mate. It made him proud that not only had he figured out what she wanted but that she seemed so accepting of their bond.

The girl looked at him skeptically before flickering her eyes at the bent form of his mate before letting out a shuddering breath before nodding her head. Taking a few steps towards the soft wafting steam of the bathroom she paused not turning around her voice was low and quivered as she spoke.

"T-Thank ... Thank you for saving me from them - from that hell. Just thanks. And my name is Olivia. Olivia Locke."

After she spoke Olivia rushed the rest of the way to the bathroom gently shutting and locking the door behind her.

"Okay can someone please tell me what the F*CK just happened?!" Austin's voice was low but nonetheless the sense of absolute shock and confusion was unmistakable.

Richard was simply staring at Aislinn's bent form on the bed, his face a mix of sheer awe and disbelief.

Kaiden didn't have a lot of answers for his second. "Honestly I have no idea."

"Kaid man. Four rogues just had a f*cking she-wolf tied to a bed for god knows how f*cking long! How the hell does that happen? Not to mention the fact that your mate on her own just killed them with her bare hands. Did you know she could do that?" Turning to look at Richard who didn't turn before shaking his head. "How the hell did she even know they were there? We all walked past that room not one of us scented rogues! She f*cking ripped his heart out man!"

"He deserved far worse." Was Kaiden's only response to his Beta's rant.

"Well of course. But holy shit, that was unbelievable!"

"Yes she is."

Now that Austin had released some steam his mind began to calm once more, feeling the calm and unfazed mind of his alpha in the back of his head did the rest, and without really realizing it he was once again steady and sure.

"Okay so what's next?" He asked looking to his alpha for orders.

Kaiden sent a look of gratitude and thanks to his best friend, he knew that what happened was surprising if not downright alarming and upsetting but he needed his beta and he wouldn't if he was freaking out. "Now we eat, shower and sleep. Tomorrow we set out."

"What about the woman, Olivia?"

"We'll see if she wants to tell her story. See what my mate wants; take her somewhere, take her with us. I'm sure that she already knows what she wants, so we'll just follow. But next time Aus I want a f*cking heads up that there are rogues down the bloody hall, no scratch that I want to f*cking know if there are rogues within a mile of my mate. Understood?" His alpha tone had slipped in by the end and Austin visibly tensed at the tone, shame and guilt filling him at the reminder that danger had been so close to both his alpha and his mate and he had not known. Kaiden was right it was unacceptable.

"Yes alpha." Bowing his head in both submission and respect. "I've linked both Clay and Blair to do a sweep of the rest of the motel and perimeter just to be sure."

Kaiden nodded at his second. Normally he would have lost it on his second for the failure but he couldn't forget that he hadn't sensed the rogues either, it was a thought that was not comforting. In fact it made him want to go back to that room and kill the rogues himself, pushing down his anger he turned so he was looking at his mate. The sight of her lifted his heart. Joy and happiness filled him at the sight of her unhurt. The urge to go to her and pull her into his chest was physically painful to refuse but he did it. He would do anything for her, even if it meant he would never feel the softness of her skin or the taste of her lips.

As if somehow sensing his need, she shocked him when she lifted her head from her sketch book looking him straight in the eye. His breath hitched as he met the startling grey of her eyes. They were breathtaking. Not silver, not blue but a stom grey, deep and cool and yet calming. Kaiden racked his eyes over the rest of her face, taking in every piece of her. Strands of her silvery hair had fallen over her shoulder. So long and soft, nearly touching her bum the silver tendrils shone in the soft light of the room framing her face in metal and setting off the wintery paleness of her skin, so flawless and smooth. Her face beautiful in its sheer sharpness, and simplicity, elven and symmetrical she defied every mold, holding a harshness that was beautiful in a haunting way. But as before it was her eyes that drew him in, somehow so blank and void and yet he felt lost in their depths. Endless they seemed to hold everything and yet nothing, he felt himself falling as he stared at her, desire and heat flooding his body as her scent permeated the room wrapping around him as he inhaled crisp rain and lavender. Everything else faded until it was just him and her.

The sound of the shower turning off and the echoes of movements in the small bathroom brought Kaiden back to the present. Turning his head he watched as Olivia exited into the main room, her steps were hesitant and she hovered in the doorway her eyes searching the room before landing on his mate. Her eyes suddenly got big as they filled with tears, her breath hitched and before Kaiden could react she was throwing herself at the other girl.

The reaction was instantaneous Olivia's hands reached out intent in wrapping the woman who had saved her into an embrace. Such a genuine and earnest intent that caused instant chaos to erupt.

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