Let Chaos Reign

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(Y/N) has been added to the group chat. Say hi!

Hobo: Nezu did you hire someone?

Nezu: No I believe I did not

Loudblond: It didn't say who added them either!

Hobo: God you're too loud

BDSM: He typed that tho?

Hobo: And?

Nezu has attempted to remove the admin from the group chat.

Attempt Failed.

BDSM: W o w Nezu's admin privileges were taken-

Nezu: This is very concerning as I myself encrypted this group chat

Hobo: Viral villain attack?

Loudblond: That's the first time someone's gotten around Nezu's encryption

(Y/N) is online.

(Y/N): ...wtf is this a roleplay chat?

BDSM: Mmmm I prefer foreplay 

Loudblond: Who are you little listener?

(Y/N): Wow y'all really in character huh

Nezu: I assure you, random stranger, that we are not 'roleplaying'

(Y/N): Uh-huh yeah okay, I'ma just go

(Y/N) has attempted to leave the group chat. 

Attempt failed.

(Y/N): Tf?

BDSM: But it said you were admin earlier?

(Y/N): It says I am but it's not letting me do anything with it, or leave

Nezu: This could be a villain attack, (Y/N) who are you?

(Y/N): You can see my username tho?
Or are you asking me to roleplay as one of the pro heros?
Bc y'all apparently refuse to break character

Loudblond: We're not roleplaying!

Hobo: This could be a distraction for a villain attack

(Y/N): JFC y'all are weird, the acting is spot on tho
(Y/N): But why doesn't Nezu have a nickname?

Nezu: They cannot come up with one that is imaginative enough

Hobo: Why are you fraternizing with a potential threat?

(Y/N): Psh, that's easy

Nezu: Then please feel free to change it
Nezu: As for 'Hobo' they don't seem to be a threat

Nezu's name has been changed to RatGod.

BDSM: ...

Hobo: ...

Loudblond: ...

(Y/N): Whatcha think?

RatGod: That is acceptable 

Loudblond: HE LIKED IT?!?!

Hobo: I can hear you screaming from the lounge
Hobo: Shut up

(Y/N): Awesome. How did you guys not think of that before?
(Y/N): Literally everyone in the fandom either calls him Rat God or Rat Satan

BDSM: Nezu's fans call him that?

(Y/N): Depends on which fans you're talking about
(Y/N): If you're talking about the fans in his world then no
(Y/N): But out of the character's world
(Y/N): Or in this case since y'all are adamant about not breaking character-
(Y/N): In 'my' world 90% of us call him that

RatGod: Hm.

Loudblond: That's an ominous hm

RatGod: And why do the fans of your world call me that or Satan?

(Y/N): Uh? Cause it's Nezu.
(Y/N): If you're roleplaying him then you know his background, right?

BDSM: How tf-

Nezu: Yes, I am aware

(Y/N): Okay so it'd make sense, with his quirk and unspoken distaste for the human species it's only logical that he'd be one of the scariest mf's to piss off, not to mention his apparent lack of being able to express genuine emotions. With everything he's been through it's not hard to realize that he's perfectly capable of using underhanded tactics like hacking or blackmail for the betterment of his school.

(Y/N): As to WHY he would do that- 

(Y/N): When you watch him in the anime and analyze his character a bit then you see that there is obviously a lot of damage and probably trauma from what he went through. Regular animals still outwardly express emotion even if it takes humans a while to figure out what emotion they are conveying. I assume his thinking would be along the lines of "If humans would go this far in the name of good then so can I" but his biggest difference is that he is doing actual good compared to those pieces of shit. He'd be the scariest villain 

(Y/N): Ergo Rat God, his species remains unnamed and he's intelligent plus emotionally indifferent enough to rule just about anything.

Hobo: ...

BDSM: ...

Loudblond: ...

Nezu: That is quite interesting (Y/N)

Hobo: Where did you get this information?

(Y/N): Uh I watched the anime, read a little bit, and used my pile of mush called a brain

Therapist: ...Want a job?

(Y/N): Lmao y'all are wild, I can't be employed by a fictional character
(Y/N): Ah shit I gtg, I got a study session with a friend

Loudblond: YOU'RE A KID?!?!

(Y/N): Lol no, I'm 20 in college
(Y/N): Ttyl!

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