Chapter 1

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Holly Cambridge woke to the loud annoying whail of her alarm clock and bolted out of bed to turn it off before her parents awoke because of it. She listened quietly for a few more minutes before letting a small sigh of relief pass my lips. She walked across the dark hard-wooded floor to her dresser. She looked around her plain room and sighed again. She quickly dressed in dark denim jeans, a white blouse, and put on her socks and runners. She walked to her mirror and brushed her long crimson locks as she studied her pale porcilen skin. She noticed her dark green eyes sparkled in the light and snickered. Never once in her 15 years of life had they ever had a reason to sparkle. She put on her jumper and walked quietly to her door. She quietly undid the chain lock, then the dead bolt, and then unlocked the door knob before opening the door slowly to prevent it from squeeking. She peered down the dark hallway before grabbing her change purse and stepping out into the hall. Her heart was racing as she shut her door behind her and locked it. She slipped the key in her pocket and tip toed down the hall.

Holly stepped into the kitchen and saw her rucksack was on the ground with its contents spilled everywhere. She took a deep breath before cleaning it up and walked to the back door. She tried to turn the handle but it wouldn't budge. "Where do you think your going?" Came a cruel sneering voice that made her freeze and her heart to beat rapidly as fear coursed through her. She turned to see her Father standing in the kitchen door way, fully dressed as if he was waiting for her. "I was going to the park." She said nervously, keeping her back pressed to the door. "Your just like your mother. Sneeking off to go practice your freaky abilities." He growled. "No! I promise!" She said as panic set in. He glared at her murderously. "DO YOU THINK I'M A MORON, GIRL?!" He roared causing her to jump slightly. "No!" He moved closer causing her to shake nervously. "You are a freak just like your mother." He hissed. His short brown hair clung to his sweaty face as his hazel cold eyes glared at her in malice. He was about 6'7 and was skinny. She had his hooked nose and sharp features but wished constantly that she didn't. "You need to be taught another lesson about lying, girl!" He lunged at her and she tried to move away but he caught her arm. He gripped it hard causing her to cry out in pain. "Your going to learn to be greatful too!" His free hand came down and slapped her across the face with so much force that her cheek felt like it was on fire. Tears streamed down her cheeks as he threw her into the table causing it to flip and her head to hit a corner. She groaned as she pushed herself up on her hands and knees only to be kicked on to her back. She gasped as she held her gut in pain. "Anthony, don't beat her too bad. We don't want to make another hospital trip because of her fragile bones." Came her Mother's bord tone. See, her Father stopped beating her mother when Holly was old enough and he started to beat her instead. Her Mother didn't care as long as she wasn't her husband's target. Holly got up and fixed the table as her parents sat down. She still had her coin purse tightly in hand as she made a break for the front door. She heard her father shouting after her as she threw open the front door and bolted out only to collide with something solid. "WHAT THE BLOODY-" She didn't catch the rest as she scrambled to her feet and booked it down the street. She didn't even care or seen who she had bumped into.

She sat in the park in the hollow of an old willow tree, breathing calmly and shaking. She started to calm down and let a few tears slip down her face. "Happy birthday, Holly." She whispered to herself. As the day went on she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.
When she awoke she saw the sky was growing dark. She crawled out of the tree and started to walk back to the house she was forced to call home. She was mentally perparing herself for the punishment her Father would have instore for her.

She stopped in front of her house and took a deep breath and let it out slowly as her face became void of all emotion. She walked to the door and walked inside. She was expecting her Father to be right on her but instead he was sitting at the table with her Mother, talking to someone. Her mother looked over and shot her a look that said 'if you say anything, I'll kill you'. Holly walked into the kitchen and kept her gaze on the table. "There you are. Are you going to appoligize for throwing a tantrum and running off?" Came her Father's calm voice that held an underlining threat. "I appoligize for how I acted, Father." She said distantly. "Make us and our guest some tea, please." She nodded and quickly walked to the counter where she prepared the tea kettle and put it on the stove. She ignored the chatting as she opened the cabinet and reached up, wincing slightly, and took three mugs on the counter. One mug slipped off the edge and smashed against the tiled floor. The room went silent but she heard the chair scrap against the floor and someone grabbed her arm. She became rigid as she smelled her Father's putride breath. "Come with me." He hissed and led her out of the room.

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