Chapter 19

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Alex slipped on a black bikini and made her hair bouncy. This next task was going to be hard and her best chances were to use the darkness of the lake to her advantage and even some of her abilities. Alex slipped on her black form fitting trentch coat and a pair of high heels. Alex put on make-up and smirked at herself in the mirror. She was deffinatly going to distract everyone from the compitition.

Alex walked down the hill as Slytherins screamed and cheered her name. She got in the boat and it started to sail toward the stands in the middle of the lake. Alex leaned over and dragged her fingertips against the water causing ripples. Alex sat back down as the boat pulled up to the stands. Alex stood and Albus helped her out of the boat and onto the deck. Alex walked to her mark and slipped off her heels. She felt the eyes of many men on her as she undid her trentch coat. Snape swooped in with a raised eyebrow. "Thats not playing fair, Ms. Octavias." Snape muttered so only she would hear. Alex smirked and opened the trentch coat while watching Harry and Krum. Alex slipped it off and handed it to Snape after she took out her wand. Alex put the tip of her wand on her bottom lip as she stared them both down. They both gapped at her and blushed. Alex winked and turned back to the water. "Are you sure you know the charm?" Snape asked. Alex nodded. "I've practiced it a thousand times." Snape nodded and moved closer to her. "At least pretend not to be enjoying the attention." Snape growled in her ear. Alex snickered. "Yes, sir." Alex uttered in a sultry tone. Snape growled and stormed away. "At the sound of the cannon-" Bang! Alex jumped into the water. Once she was sumerged she did the bobble head charm and started to swim. Alex used her Vampire speed to speed through the water. Alex found herself swimming in front of tied up people who were floating in the water lifelessly. Alex saw Hermione, Ron, a blonde little girl, and Minerva. Alex raised an eyebrow. "Since when was Minerva important to me?" Alex mused to herself. She sighed and blasted the rope that tied her down. Alex grabbed Minerva under the arms and pushed her toward the surface. Alex heard shreiks in the water and swam off to see the seaweed was strangling Fleur. Alex swam down and floated over Fleur. She looked up at Alex with a pleading look. Alex put her finger to her bubble charm signaling for Fleur to be quiet. Alex blasted the seaweed and Fleur swam free. She was bleeding heavily from a cut on her leg. Alex felt her fangs try to come out but Alex kept them in. She grabbed Fleur and swam to the top. The charm popped as they surfaced. Fleur clung to Alex as she swam them to the docks. People cheered as they helped the two out of the water. Minerva rushed up to hugged Alex but Alex side stepped her. Alex watched as Madam Pomfrey fixed Fleur up. Alex turned and watched the water. Snape swooped towards her and put his cloak around her. Alex nodded and watched the water. "Do you know how fast you completed that task?" Snape asked. Alex shrugged. "15 minutes. People are asking questions but Albus has passified them for now." Snape whispered. Alex nodded and felt Snape slip a cup into her hands. Alex looked down and upon seeing the red liquid, greedily drank it all. She recognized it as Snape's blood and growled, feeling her lust take hold. Mad-eye hobbled up and put his hand on her shoulder. "Well done, Ms. Octavias. Very impressive work." He complemented. Alex smiled and seemed to glow as the sun shined down on her. Mad-eye smiled a dreamy smile. Alex blushed and gave a small smile. "What?" She asked. "Your a very lovely women, Ms. Octavias," he moved closer and put his lips near her ear. "Your boyfriend has told me to inform to tell you to meet him in the forest tonight." He whispered. Snape rolled his eyes and guided her away. "Your not going anywhere tonight, Ms. Octavias. You are to get you drink from me then off to bed." Snape ordered. Alex smirked and followed him to the judges with the other, now presant, contestance. Albus stepped forward. "In first place is Hogwarts Champion Alexandria Octavias." Everyone from Hogwarts cheered except Gryffindor. "Second place is Balgarian Champion Victor Krum," the Balgarians cheered. "Third place is Hogwarts Champion Harry Potter," Alex sighed softly in boredom. "And last place for not completing the task is Fleur Dealicour." Alex looked up. "But for saving someone that wasn't his to save, Harry Potter is in Second place!" Everyone cheered as Alex rolled her eyes.

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