Chapter 34

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Alex laid asleep on Severus' bed as Poppy ran diagnostic spells. "Well, Alex is fine but the baby seems to have gotten dissgressed and wrapped the embilical cord around it's neck, I managed to Unwrap it and they are fine. No signs of damage." Poppy said. Snape gave a sigh of relief and turned on Grubbyplank. "If anything had happened to our child, no force on earth could keep me from killing you." He snarled. She moved forward but Snape drew his wand. "If you come near me or Alexandria again, I will not be held responsible for my... actions." He sneered. She backed away and left. Snape turned back to Alex and crawled in beside her after Poppy left.

Alex woke to Snape. He came in carrying a bottle of wine. He saw she was up. "Don't touch this, its poisoned." He said in a rush. He told her what had happened and left. Alex got up and walked to the bottle. She took a sharp inhale. She could smell the scent of Severus, Albus, Slughorn, and... Alex growled. Draco.

Alex walked into the Slytherin Common room and there sat Draco in front of the fire. The common room was empty. "I'm tired of getting the run around," Draco jumped up and whirled toward her. "What is your scent doing on a poisoned bottle of wine that almost killed Weasley?" Alex asked. Draco gave her a nasty smirk. "I don't know, maybe you should get your nose checked." Alex narrowed her eyes. "Fine, then." Alex hissed and left.

Alex was fuming as she sat at the staff table in the Great Hall. She stabbed at her stake angrily. There was a loud crow and Alex looked up as a crow landed in fronted of her with a letter. Alex set her utencils down and took the letter. Alex sighed and opened it.


I know about Snape inpregnating you and your betrayal to me but I will except you back with open arms,

Alex snickered at that.

In exchange, I will let these two muggles, that you are so fond of, go.

Alex stood up quickly. Terra and May.

Come to me and all shall be forgiven. Once the child is born, Severus shall take it and you shall bare my child after we wed. Come to Malfoy Manor... I'm waiting.

Alex started to hyperventalating. "Alex, whats wrong child?" Albus asked. Alex dropped the letter and rushed around the table. Her black cloak with the silver fastenings appeared on her as she rushed down the isle. Alex rushed down the hall and out the front door. She walked out of the entrance courtyard and stepped onto the stone bridge. Alex then started to move faster. 'Hold on May and Terra, I'm on my way.' She thought.

Snape walked into the Great Hall and saw Minerva amd Albus rushin towards him. He saw no sign of Alex and began to panic.

Alex landed in the entrance foier of Malfoy Manor. Voldemort stood there as two Death Eaters held Terra and May. "Ah! Alex, you came." He purred. Alex looked to Terra and May. "What are you people?!" May demanded. Terra struggled, trying to get to Alex. Alex smiled softly at her, silently reassuring her it was alright. Terra relaxed slightly. Alex looked toward a grinning Voldemort. "I have two conditions." Alex said. He nodded. "No one it to harm, kill, or look for them once they leave here." Alex said. Voldemort nodded. "No, I want the unbreakable vow." Alex demanded. His eye twitched but he sighed and moved forward. They grabbed eachothers arms and a Death Eater performed the spell. "Do you, Tom Riddle, swear that no harm will come to these muggles once they go forth from this place?" Alex asked. He smirked. "I do." Alex felt the tears build. "Do you swear to never look for them?" His smirk grew. "I do." Alex felt the tears spill from her eyes. "And do you swear that you or anyone else you command will never harm my child?" Alex asked. His grin grew. "I swear." He hissed. The band grew gold then faded. Alex let him go. Terra pulled free and ran to Alex. She wrapped her arms around Alex and hugged her tight. Alex hugged Terra back. She kissed the top of the girl's head. "You be good and remember my house is yours." Alex whispered. Terra nodded and Alex gave her the floo powder. Once Terra and May left, Alex was taken upstairs.

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