Chapter 30

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Alex had tried escaping many times but she was always dragged back by Alexander. Alex held onto Snape's ring as if it were her life line because in many ways it was.

She was escorted to the train station by a group of Death Eaters causing everyone to flee. Alex ripped her arm from them and walked to the train, getting on. People scrambled into the compartments to get out of her way. Her black dress billowing around her as she walked. Alex was about to enter an empty compartment when someone called out to her. Alex turned her head slightly and saw Minerva and some other staff members rushing towards her. Alex walked in and shut the door, locking it, pulled down the shades, and placing a ward on it. She turned and set the small table up and turned back towards the door, leaning against the hard surface as she listened to them bang on the door and call her name. Alex felt nothing as she listened to them beg and plead for her to open the door. Alex rolled her neck and felt him in her head. "Your doing well, my pet. Never diviate from your mission and remember that I am always watching." Came his hissing voice. Alex nodded. "Yes, Master." Alex replied emotionlessly. The silver snake ring with emerald eyes felt heavy on her engagement finger as she stared at the door. There was a bang and Alex saw her wards flicker but she raised her hand and they became so much stronger. Alex felt the train begin to move and closed her eyes, sighing impatiantly. Alex stood up and begain taking off her dress so she just stood there in a matching pair of frilly emerald undergarnments. Alex congured a mirror and angled it so she could look at her once flawless back that was now covered in lash marks that now were scaring. Alex waved her hand and she stood in her uniform. Her hair was in an updo and her secret treasure hung around her neck, nestled between her breasts safely and invisable. Alex sat on the table and held the ledge while staring down at the ground.

The train came to a stop and Alex looked uptoward the door. She got off the table and undid her spells and let the compartment, joining the crowd of students. Alex stepped off the train and instantly, Death Eater's kids surrounded her, walking her to the carriage and kept the Gryffindors away from her. Alex got in and sat as the carriage begain to pull away. Alex stared into the window as she sat up straight and lady like.

Alex stepped through the gates and ignored Flitwick, whom was demanding her name. Alex looked up and saw Draco and Snape. Snape saw her to and Alex saw the relief in his eyes. Filtch started to pather her down but Alex grabbed him by his throat, lifting him off the ground. "Touch me again and you will regrett it, you filthy squib." Alex hissed and dropped him. He landed in a heap on the ground as Alex walked by the people with shocked looks. She passed Snape without batting an eye or faultering. Alex then decided to take the long way to the castle.

Alex stepped up the final step to the entrance of the school and noticed she was the last to come. Alex ignored the Aurars and walked in. She walked to the giant double doors and waved both hands causing them to creek open. All heads turned to her. Alex noticed they were finished sorting. Slytherins stood amd bowed as she walked toward the table, all mumbling a combination of 'My Lady'. Alex just nodded at them but came to sit with Draco, whom was silent and reserved. Alex ignored the percing stares and stared at her plate. "Very best of evenings to you all. First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff, Horace Slughorn," there was polite claps. "Professor Slughorn, has agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master," more claps. "Meanwhile, the post of Deffence Against the Dark Art will be taken by Professor Snape." The Slytherins went wild as the rest of the hall broke out into whispers. Alex didn't move. "Now as you know, each and everyone of you was searched upon your arrive here tonight and you have the right to know why," he paused. "Once there was a young man, like you, sat in this very hall," Alex zoned out as her eyes drifted to Snape. He was looking at Albus but then his shifted towards her. Alex looked away and got up. Albus watched as she left the Great Hall.

Alex sat in her room on the bed as she kept the wards up on all three doors. "Alex, let me in." Minerva pleaded for the thousandth time. Alex said nothing as she held her wand in her hands. The door to the hallway blew open and hit the shield that was in place. It went from wall to wall, seperating Alex's side of the room from Minerva and Albus. Albus walked to the shield and stood there. "Alex?" He called softly. Alex stood up and turned toward her dresser and took out a nightgown. "Alexandria, let me in." Minerva said as she moved forward but Albus raised a hand, making her stop in her tracks. Alex unded her tie and took it off then moved onto the blouse. Alex removed it and Minerva gasped and let a sob escape her lips. Alex removed her skirt and Alex waved her wand, preforming a cleaning charm. Alex set her wand down and put on the short black silk nightgown. Alex took her head out of the undo and held her wand at her side. "You know what you have to do before I will let you sleep." Came Voldemort's voice in her head. Albus studied Alex's movements. Alex raised her wand and put the tip to her temple. "Yes, Master." Alex said hollowly and dropped to her knees, screaming as a silver coloured stream left her wand and hit her. "ALEX STOP!" Minerva demanded and rushed up to the shield. Alex stopped and struggled to her feet. She turned around and stared at them with disregaurd. "Tell Albus that I will be watching." He hissed and disappeared from her mind. "My Master wishes for Albus to know that he will be watching." Alex droned on. She set her wand down and climbed into bed, curling into a ball on her side as she layed perfectly still. "Whats happened to her, Albus?" Minerva whispered franticly. Albus casted a sad gkance toward Alex. "He and her father broke her." He answered.

Alex woke up and sat up straight, looking around the room. Her eyes landed on Snape, whome was sitting in a chair with his back to the fireplace, holding a drink in his hands and watching her. "So you rolled over and let them brainwash you." He whispered. Alex said nothing as he got up and walked to the shield. "Let me in, Alex." He said softly. Alex just stared at him. He chuckled his glass at the wall causing it to smash on contact and making Alex jump. "How could you do this?!" He demanded angrily. "How could you forget me so fast and agree to marry him when you said yes to me?!" He shouted. Alex's silence seemed to agrivate him more. "Do I mean nothing to you?!" He shouted as he paced back and forth along the shield. He then stopped and went on his knees as he sobbed. "What have they done to you?" He demanded. Alex got off of the bed and walked to the shield, where she got on her knees just in front of him. "I am doing this to protect you." She said emotionlessly. Severus looked up at her and Alex felt her heart clentch at the mixed emotions in his eyes. "I am suppose to protect you, I-" he stopped when he saw the differant ring on her engagement finger. He nodded. "So its sealed." He whispered and stood. Alex stood with him. "Tell me you don't want me and I'm done. Tell me and I will stop fighting for you and leave you alone." He said. Alex saw the hope in his eyes and knew she had to do it. "Severus, I don't want you." Alex said. She wished she could take it back as she watched him crumble. He left in a fiery and slammed his door behide him.

Alex walked into the Hospital wing and Poppy came out with a tight smile. "What can I do for you, Alex?" She asked. Alex took a mental calming breath. "I need a pregnancy test."

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