Chapter 13

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Snape woke up and groaned as he got to his feet. "Alex?" He called. Silence. Snape was suddenly alarmed as he ran out of the ally. "ALEX!!" He shouted. Snape started to panic. There was a pop and Snape turned to see Minerva and Albus. Minerva ran up and slapped Snape across his face. "This is the second time you have lost my daughter!" Minerva shouted. Snape was silent. "Minerva, we must move quickly." Albus said. Minerva nodded and grabbed Snape, disapperating with him and Albus.

They landed in an abandoned lumber warehouse. Snape heard Alex's screams and ran toward a room. He blew open the door and saw a man ontop of Alex. His Alex that currently looked drugged up. Snape drew his wand and pointed it at him. "Riktumsepra!" The man hit the opposite wall. "Obliviate!" The man went limp. Alex looked up at Snape and her eyes closed as she passed out. Snape realized she was in her undergarnments.  "Hurry up, Severus!" Albus shouted. Severus unbound her and scooped her up. There was a gun going off and Snape walked back out and pointed his wand at 4 men. "Obliviate!" The men dropped to the floor and fell unconcious. Minerva ran over to Severus with Albus behind her. "Is she alright?" Snape nodded and the three of them disapperate.

They landed in Snape's chambers. "I have to feed her, Albus. They drugged her with something so she she needs blood." Snape explained. Albus nodded and dragged out a protesting Minerva. Snape put Alex on his lap in a straddling position and put her face to his neck. Alex awoke and kissed his neck softly then sunk her fangs in. Alex begain to feed as she wrapped her hands around his shoulders. Once she had her fill, Alex kissed Snape's lips desperatly. Snape moaned and flipped them over. He held her to him so tight he could have easily cracked one of her ribs. Alex slipped her panties off. Snape's lips moved to her neck causing her to moan. "I need you, Severus." Alex moaned. Snape growled as his hands skillfully worked over her body causing her to feel on fire. Snape fiddled with his trousers as he freed his hard member from its confines. "Say you love me." Alex moaned. Snape paused. Alex noticed. "Severus?" Alex asked breathlessly. Snape had stopped. Alex felt the tears build up in her eyes. She pushed him off and pulled up her underwear. "Alex..." Snape said but Alex was far from listening. "Its fine, I get it." Alex said as tears ran down her face. Alex stumbled out of his room and into hers.

Alex laid down on her bed and cried herself into a dreamless sleep.

Alex woke to heavy rain and dark clouds, all a recipe for a bad day but it started out as a good one. She sat with Remus and disgust boggarts and red caps. Alex then helped Filtch clean up Peeves' poor excuses for pranks. Alex was walking up the steps when Peeves appeared in front of her. 'Ickle Alex is so clumsy that she walked up the stairs and stepped on a step that wasn't really there!' Alex grabbed the railing before the step under her gave out. Alex screamed and pulled herself up on the stairs. "Piss off, Peeves." Alex hissed. 'Awe is the ickle teachers pet upset?' He mocked. Alex's face went red. "There once was a girl that loved an old dongeon bat but the bat said no and she had to go!' Tears pricked in her eyes. "Shove off Peeves!" Alex shouted and hurried her steps but the poltergiest wasn't done. 'The silly girl is quick but is without witt. Her heart is like gold but he treats her like mold. The silly girl said I love you and he said I loath you! Silly girl!' Peeves howled with laughter. Alex was in tears as she whipped out her wand and pointed it at him. He exploded into ectoplasam. Alex was breathing heavily and didn't realize she was standing in the Great Hall. Teachers were looking at her with wide eyes. "Alex?" Minerva called soothingly as she stood. Alex was wide eyed as she looked at the teachers, still breathing heavily. Snape was staring at her. Alex turned and ran from the room.

She ran from the castle with Minerva shouting something at her but Alex couldn't hear her or care. The ran drentched her as she ran toward the forest. The ground had frost on it but Alex wasn't paying attention. Something swooped past her but she couldn't see. There was a clap of thunder that made Alex stop. Alex turned and screamed as a floating cloaked figure swooped toward her and grabbed her by her neck. Alex dropped her wand as she clawed at the icy skelital hand that had her by the throat. Alex gasped as it started to suck all the happiness from her. Alex soon stopped struggling against this horrid creature as sleep felt close. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Someone shouted. Alex hit the ground as the figure retreated from a misty silvery panther that chased after it and then came to circle her. Alex was so tired. Alex felt someone pick her up and shield her from the rain. She soon felt the warmth of the castle and someone puting something to her lips. "Whats wrong with her, Poppy?" Minerva's voice randd through a hall. "She's in shock." Poppy explained.

Alex had a strange dream. She was standing in a forest with people in masks and black robes. A man with snake-like eyes and white chalky skin. He was bald and emmitted an aura of dark magic and power. Potter walked into the clearing and everything turned weird. "Harry Potter, the boy who lived... come to die." Then things got even weirder... They all broke out into song. Alex ran for an exite but a women with curly unrully hair stood in Alex's path. Alex tried running for Harry but no matter how hard she tried to get to him, he would seem farther away. Then they started to dance. Alex screamed for Snape but he didn't seem to be anywhere in sight. Alex was then grabbed and dragged to their leader. He grabbed her and grabbed her face. "You and I are ment to be." He twirled her away and she tripped over a fallen log as they continued on. Alex screamed as they crowded around her. "ALEX!" Alex got to her feet as she heard Snape's voice. She ran towards him. Alex wrapped her arms around his neck and Snape pulled them out from her mind.

They sat in the Hospital Wing panting as they looked away from each other ackwardly. Even Snape was weirded out from the day terror.

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