Chapter 11

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Alex spent most of her time outside with Hagrid. That delighted Minerva but infieriated Snape. Alex was was chasing a butterfly when she found herself faced with a hippogriff. "Hagrid!" Alex called fearfully. The creature sqwauked. "Bow Alex." Alex did as asked. The bird bowed back. Alex stood up and walked over to it slowly. She raised her hand and it put its head against her palm. Alex was then picked up and put on his back. "Hold on tight, don't pull out any of his feathers. Be good buckbeak."

"What?!" Hagrid smack the rear end of the bird and it reared up and took off in a run.

Alex screamed and held on tight as it extended its wings and took off. Alex had her eyes shut until the creature crowed. Alex opened her eyes and was in awe. She could see everything from there. Even an angry Minerva, who looked to be yelling at Hagrid demanding to get her down. Buckbeak soared over the lake and Alex let go to extended her arms. "Wooohooooo!!" Alex shouted. She had never felt so free. She held on tight again when the bird when up. They flew to the ground and buckbeak landed. "Good boy." Alex petted his feathers. Snape came storming up and pulled Alex off. "You stupid girl!" He roared. Buckbeak sqwauked and beated his wings. Snape backed off as Buckbeak moved beside Alex. Hagrid and Minerva slowly approached. Hagrid was grinning. "It seems ya have a new friend, Alex." He said encouragingly. Alex laughed and stroked Buckbeak's feathers. The bird put its head in her arms and Alex petted him softly. "Yes, well, I think that will do for today." Minerva said and held her hands out for Alex. "I'm fine, mum." Alex said with a smile. "Doubtful, that bird is a menice and should be banished from the grounds." Snape said. "Your a menice but professor Dumbledore insists we keep you here." Alex spat. Hagrid chuckled and Minerva looked anywhere else to keep from smiling. Buckbeak raised his head as Snape stepped forward. "How dare you! You insolent little-"
Sqwauk!! Buckbeak beated his wings at Snape, who backed away. "Careful Snape, Buckbeak likes vermin." Alex hissed. Snape glared at her. Buckbeak followed Hagrid back to his hutt. "You will appoligise!" Snape demanded. "No! Why would I appoligise to a filthy, low life, arsehole that only cares about himself!" Alex was fuming. Minerva gasped. "I do care about others just not like a little whore like yourself!" Snape barked. They both had forgotten Minerva was standing there. Alex slapped Snape across his face as hard as she could. Tears were pouring down her face. "You don't have the right to call me that and I am far from it. I'm sorry loving someone is a crime!" Alex shouted. She turned and ran off as she almost broke in front of him.

Alex stood in the clearing and sobbed. She froze when she heard growles. Alex turned and saw Seth, Arrow, and Proudfoot in wolf form. Alex shook her head. "Its the middle of the day! Just leave me alone!" Alex shouted but they pounced. Alex screamed.

Hagrid heard a faint scream but chalked it up to the wind. Buckbeak started to go craze. "Buckbeak? Whats the matter with 'ya?" Hagrid asked. He opened the pen and Buckbeak took off to the forest. Minerva raced up. "Where is it going?" She asked. Hagrid shrugged.

Alex was screaming as a wolf had her by the ankle. The others were circling. Alex was cut and bleeding badly. A shadow appeared over her and the wolf that had her let her go and backed off. Alex looked up and saw Buckbeak. He sqwauked and reared up while beating his wings. Gods how Alex loved this bird. Alex got to her feet but cried out in pain and stumbled. Buckbeak caught her and put her on his back. The wolves snarled and went in for the attack but Buckbeak took off.

They landed and Hagrid helpd her off and laid her on the ground. "I'm fine, Hagrid."

"The cuts deep and looks to be a dog bite." Alex looked up and froze upon meeting a pair of warm brown eyes. "Wolves." Alex said with barely a whisper. Alex found she couldn't look away from this man who was on his knees examining her ankle. Buckbeak leaned down and head butted the man's back causin him land on her but he caught himself. Their faces were extremely close. "Buckbeak the match maker, I should 'ave called 'ya." Hagrid mused to Buckbeak. "Does it hurt?" The man asked, seeming to not be able to look away either. "No." Alex whispered. "Get away from her Lupin!" Came none other than Snape. The two snapped out of it and Lupin stood. "Ah Severus, do you have any healing potions?" Snape push by and kneeled at Alex's side and took out a vial. Alex shoved him away causing him to fall on his butt. "Don't touch me." She hissed. Alex looked up at Lupin. "Would you mind taking me to Madam Pomfrey?" Alex asked. Lupin secretly smirked and agreed. He helped her to her feet but Alex winced and stumbled. Lupin scooped her up and carried her back towards the castle.

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