Chapter 27

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Alex walked into her home and noticed nothing had been touched. Alex carefully walked into her study and found Voldemort had made himself comfy behind her desk. "You didn't come to me." He stated, not bothering to look up from the paper. "Get the fuck out." Alex spat. He threw down the paper, stood and stormed over to her, shoving her up against the wall with his wand at her throat. "Bad... girl..." he hissed slowly. Alex swallowed hard. She soon felt the all too familiar feeling of the Silvercorporus spell hit her.

Alex sat bound to a chair as she took deep laboured breaths. "Let me in, Alex and all of this will stop." He hissed. Alex spat out the blood. "Never." She slurred. Voldemort sighed. "Thats all that would make me happy." He purred. "Screw your happiness." Alex spat. She was met with the torture curse. Alex screamed and started to go limp.

Alex woke to painful throbs to her neither regions. Alex fully woke and realized Voldemort was raping her. Alex just laid there untill he finished. He stayed on top of her as she cried. "Just let me go." She sobbed. He kissed her cheek and moved his lips to her ear. "Never."

Alex walked into the Great Hall for dinner and everyone stared. Alex sat down and ate an apple as she stared at her plate. The stares got more intence as they soon turned to whispers. Alex got up and stormed to the 7th floor.

A days went by when Alex got dizzy and almost hit the floor if Snape hadn't had caught her. Later that day, the prophet reported a mass breakout at Azkaban. Alex was growing restless and angry and everyone around her noticed. It seemed that the more powerful Voldemort grew... the more pieces of Alex died. Alex was starting to slip and Harry took action. Alex was made to show everyone her patronus. Alex closed her eyes and thought of the intamite time she and Snape shared in front of the fireplace. She opened her eyes. "Expecto Patronum!" The magnificent tiger lept from her wand and ran around the room. It dissappeared through a wall and Alex smiled as everyone cheered.

Weeks turned to months and everything was good until one night. Alex was patroling the 7th floor and sighed as she stood in front of the room of requirement. She turned and saw Cho Chang being held by Umbridge's hentch men. She drew her wand but Umbridge blasted her backwards into the wall with a mighty bang. Alex got to her feet and was grabbed and her wand was taken. Alex struggled against her captor, whom was Goyle. Umbridge then turned to the wall. "I shall make short work of this... Bombarda Maxima." The wall blew open and Umbridge was grinning as the dust cleared. "Get them." She hissed. Alex kneed Goyle causing him to yelp and release her. Alex moved in a blurr and knocked Draco away from Potter as everyone tried fleeing. Alex stood between Potter and Umbridge. She bared her fangs. "Touch him and I'll make you think your a chicken." Alex snarled. She then felt the tip of a wand being pressed to her temple. "Put your fangs away." Ordered a young red haired man. Alex did as asked and she was grabbed and dragged away.

Alex was dragged into Albus' office and was thoroughly hacked off. "And see, Dumbledore's army. Proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning." Umbridge turned on Dumbledore. "All your fear mungering about You-Know-Who never fooled us for a minute. We saw through your lies for what they were, a smoke screen for your goal to cease control of the Ministry." Umbridge sneered. Alex struggled. "Naturally," Albus admited. "No, Professor!" Harry turned to the Minister. "He had nothing to do with it, it was me." Harry said. Alex looked pleadingly at Albus. "Most noble of you, Harry, to shield me but its been pointed out that parchement clearly says 'Dumbledore's Army' not Potter's." He turned toward the Minister. "I instructed Harry to form this organization and I, and I alone, am responsable for its activities." Alex struggled. "Please don't do this, Albus!" Alex pleaded. Albus smiled softly. "Dispatch an owl to the daily prophet immediatly. Dolish, Shackbolt, you will be escorting Dumbledore to Azkaban to await trial for concperacy and suddishion. "Alex do you remember what I said?" Dumbledore asked. Alex nodded. "Good." He raised his hands and the bird from his desk flew forward and teleported him out. Everyone angrily turned to her. "What did he say to you?" The Minister demanded. Alex smirked. "No idea." She purred. She was then hit over the head as Snape walked in.

Alex woke up to the sound of kitten plates. Alex sat up and saw Snape sitting across from her and Umbridge beside him. "Now, Snape." She ordered. Alex quickly prepared herself for what was to come as she felt him brush up against her mental barriers but she wouldn't budge. "I cannot. She has her barriers up." He said. Alex let him hin but only to surface. 'Severus, I'm so tired and hungry.' Alex said through their link. 'I know, Alex, but you need to give me something, even if it's fake.' He said. "No, he isn't there!" Alex shouted. "Where Snape?" Umbridge asked with sick excitement. "Florida, United States." He said. Alex shook. "Excellent... Silvercorporus." Alex screamed. "Is this really neccessary? She gave us all we know." Snape said in a passive tone. "Yes, Severus. Ms. Octavias is a dangerous creature that has use to the Ministry, so she will need to be taught loyalty and obediance." Umbridge answered as Alex convulsed. She finally stopped the spell and Alex gasped for air.

3 hours later, Alex was released. She walked with her head held high as students stole glances at her. By the whispers, Alex's screams echoed through the castle. Alex made it to her room and saw Snape sitting on her bed in nothing but his trousers. Alex grabbed the back of the chair for support as she avoided eye contact wuth him. "Get out." She whispered as after shocks made her knees buckle but she stood firmly. "You need to feed, Alex." He said as he stood. "Get out, now." Alex hissed lowly. He ignored her and continued to walk towards her. "GET OUT!!" Alex screamed, her fangs bared and her breathing raged. Snape stopped and then glared at her. "Fine." He hissed and left, slamming his door behind him. Alex walked to her mini fridge and raided it for her emergacy supply of blood. Alex drank every single drop and felt better. She changed out of her sweat drenched clothes and into a clean uniform. Alex laid down and slept.

Alex was walking to the great hall when Harry stopped her. "Snape is a foul git! He invaded my mind, disrespected my father, and is a complete dick. I hope he dies, no one would care." He vented but Alex snapped. She slapped him and had the point of her wand digging into his neck in a flash. "Don't ever say that again to or around me." She sneered as she slightly bared her fangs. "I saw his memories to." Harry said. Alex faultered. "You should have told me about you two." He whispered. Alex invaded his mind and saw Snape as a child, then a girl he fancied, then first seeing Alex, then him kissing her, and then the final thing to make her blood boil. Their time together infront of the roaring fire. Alex pulled out and shoved Potter away. "There is no relationship anymore. If dare breathe a word of any of what you saw... I'll make Voldemort look like an innocent little boy compared to what I'll do." Alex snarled. Potter nodded. Alex stormed away, ignoring the eaves dropping dungeon bat.

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