Chapter 7

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Alex was quiet for the next couple of days. She spent all her time reading, studying, or even trying her hand at identifying potion ingrediants. She sat in a desk in the potions classroom reading advanced potions when Snape waltzed in. He stopped when he saw her. "What are your doing in my classroom?" He sounded threatening. "Just reading my favorite book." Alex said without looking up. "Theres not really mush to do until school starts and its blistering hot everywhere else." Alex looked up and noticed Snape was just wearing a white dress shirt and black trousers. She quickly ducked her head and looked back at her book, her cheeks turning red and her intreast peaked. Snape saw her wearing a, rather too short, black skirt and a white blouse that showed off her bust perfectly. Snape mentally cursed himself. Alex set her book down and stood. Snape watched how the skirt rose to mid thigh. "Professor?" Snape looked back up at her face. "What is it you annoying child?" Alex ignored that. "I have nothing to do and I take you don't either so I was wondering if you could... I would like to see a boggart," Snape almost said no but she cut him off and moved closer so she was dangerously close. "I know the spell and I've practiced it mentally and out loud and I am really curious. Please professor Snape!" To everyone else, Snape would said no but he found the word was forign to his tongue when this girl's emerald green eyes sparkled with hope for him to say yes. "Very well, follow me." He side stepped her and left. She grinned, and chased after him, grabbing her wand on the way out.

They both stood in a room with a skelital dragon thing hanging from the ceiling and a wardrobe in the middle of the room. "Can you tell me what is a boggart?" Alex smiled as the wardrobe shook. "Its a magical creature that can take anyform of what a witch or a wizard is most afraid of."

"Good. Now imagine something that will make you laugh." Alex smirked. Snape nodded as Alex drew her wand. "Do you remember the spell?" Alex nodded and pointed her wand at the wardrobe. Snape flicked his wand and the door knob turned and creeked open. Out came a shifting ball. It finally stopped and turned into Madam Vivian. Alex saw it holding something she feared more than anything. A cane. "You are filthy and evil so I am going to take the one thing that makes you pure." Alex's eyes were wide a sausers as the end of the cane was dripping with blood. "Riddikulas!" The boggart turned into butterflies. Snape vanished it back into the wardrobe. Alex continued to stand there staring at it. Snape walked closer to her. He was so close to her. Alex turned to look at him. "That was intereasting." She tried to joked but Snape grabbed her shoulders roughly, rage willing him to the brim. "She raped you with that cane, didn't she?" Alex couldn't form the words so she just nodded. "Has she done other things to you?" Alex remained silent. Snape shook her. "Has she?!" Alex looked up at him. "Everyone has dark secrets professor... I ask that you allow me to keep mine." Snape let her go and stormed off.

Alex sat at the lake reading when she heard Albus aprouching along with a raging Minerva. "Alex, I must speak with you." Minerva called. Alex turned the page. "What about, Minerva?" Alex asked, never taking her eyes off the text. "About Madam Vivian." Minerva said the name with disgust. "What about her?" Alex was quickly getting bored. "About her violating you with a cane!" Minerva was pissed and into mother mode. Alex snapped her book shut and rose to her feet. Snape had run off and opened his mouth. "And if she did?" Alex sounded impassive but she had her back to them to cover the rage on her face. One thing nobody wanted to see was an angry Alexandria. It ment the monster she had within was surfacing slowly. "I would have her locked away in a muggle prison!" Minerva seethed. "There is no point. Whats done is done." Minerva gasped. "Has she done anything else to you?!" Alex took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Please just leave it." Alex said almost pleadingly. "Albus we have to do something!" Minerva demanded. Alex whirled around. "NO! JUST LEAVE IT THE BLOODY HELL ALONE, MINERVA!" Alex shouted, baring her fangs. Albus' eyebrows rose as seriousness appeared on his face. Minerva recoiled away in fear. Alex covered her mouth and ducked her head as she ran past them and off towards Hagrid's hut.

She banged on the door and Hagrid opened it as she rushed in past him. Once she finished her goblet, she thanked Hagrid and left.

She walked into the Great Hall and everyone stopped whispering and started to stared at her. Alex looked from each person and scoffed before turning and storming out. Alex ignored Minerva calling after her. Tears ran down her cheeks as she decended down into the depts of the castle. She came to an abandoned corridor and stumbled into a wall. Alex let a rare sob run through her. She walked while holding the wall to steady herself. "Ms. Octavias." Alex ground her teeth together as she stood straight up, quickly wiping away her tears, and continued to walk but the steps caught up and grabbed her arm and forced her to turn around. Snape's face obscured her vision. "What do you want?!" She shouted and struggled but Snape held both her arms now like a steel trap. "Come to spill more of my secrets or just to see what a monster I truly am?!" Snape sneered at her and shoved her up against the wall. "You are far from a monster and I had to tell Albus, who was forced to tell Minerva due to her being your gaurdian. So don't use that tone with... me." He hissed. Alex slowly calmed down. He pressed up against her suddenly and released her wrists as he slid his hands down her sides and snaked them around her waist. Alex laid her hands on his chest. She tips her chin up and met his lips with hers slowly. Alex's eyes closed as Snape kissed her more tenderly. Snape reached down and gripped her back side as he lifted her up, pressing her between the wall and him. Alex wrapped her legs aroud his waist as the kiss got rougher. Alex wrapped an arm around his shoulder and moved her other to grab a fist full of his raven locks. Snape growled and passionatly nipped at her lips before moving to her neck. Alex groaned and arched her neck, giving him more access. After his assault on her neck, he went lower to spreading kisses across her chest. He started to go lower and Alex bucked her hips against his. Alex was biting her tongue to hold back a moan. She was suddenly placed on her feet and Snape was storming away. Alex swayed on her feet slightly but went her own way.

The rest of the summer went by relitavly quickly and the teachers were getting excited about the bet.

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