Chapter 26

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Everything happened so fast in the next couple of weeks. Alex sat in Potions class as Umbridge intarigated him. "You applied first for the Dark Arts post, is that correct?" She asked. "Yes." He said boredly. Alex wanted to claw that bitch's eyes out. Snape gave her a subtil look that told her if she said anything then she qould be punished, and not in the way she would like. "But you were unsuccessful?" She was gloating. "Obviously." He drawled. Weasley snickered as she left and Snape hit him over the head with a book. Alex smirked and he arched an eyebrow at her causing her to quickly look away. The bell rang and they all filed out, except for Alex. Snape was preparing his notes for the next class as she walked up. "I will see you after classes by your fireplace." Alex purred. He smirked but nodded. Alex grinned and skipped out of his classroom, his eyes glued to her behind.

Alex walked out to the courtyard and saw Professor Trawlany sobbing. Alex shoved past everyone and ran to her. It was no secret that the staff of Hogwarts were her family, each and every one of them. Alex hugged her as the women sobbed and clung to her. Alex turned to see Umbridge walk out. She frowned when she saw Alex. "Off you go, Ms. Octavias. This is a Ministry matter." She ordered. Alex glared at her. "How can someone like you sleep at night?!" Alex demanded. "A cup of tea and a warm bed, now run along." She said shortly. Trawlany stepped forwarx. "16... 16 years I-I've lived and taught here... Hogwarts is my home," She sobbed. "You can't do this!" Alex shouted. Dolores gave a giggle. "Actually, I can." She said with a cheerful smile. Minerva ran up and hugged Sybbil. "Something you like to say, dear?" She asked. "Oh, there are several things I'de like to say." Minerba snapped. Alex stepped toward Dolores. "You loathsome evil cockroach!" She snapped and drew her wand as Dolores drew hers. Alex raised it as the entrance doors opened. "There is no need, Ms. Octavias." Came Albus's voice. Alex lowered it and relaxed as Umbridge turned toward him. "Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybbil back inside." Minerva nodded and did just that but Alex moved to stand firmly at Albus' side. "Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of educational decree number 23, as inacted by the Minister-"
"You have the right to dissmiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds, that power remains with the headmaster." Dumbledore cut her off and corrected. Umbridge's smile faded but then grew. "For now." She threatend. Alex took a step forward but stopped when she felt Albus touch her arm. "Come, Ms. Octavias... we have things to disscuss," they turned and walked back to the school, the crowds disappearing.

Alex sat down as Albus sat down behind his desk. "Ms. Octavias... Dolores is trying to remove me from Hogwarts and the way Fudge is being... I could be removed at any time," Alex sat back in the chair, taking in the information. "Hogwarts will be volnerable and so will you and Harry." Alex frowned. "I must ask of you to except a great task." Alex nodded. Albus leaned over his desk with his hands clasped. "I must ask you to bare the burden of watching over Mr. Potter in school but I will be watching over the both of you outside school." Alex let that sink in. Albus watched her carefully. "I shall be at headqaurters so if you need me, reach out to me." He said. Alex nodded. "So you want me to babysit, Potter?" Alex asked. He chuckled. "No, just make sure he stays out of trouble." Alex sighed. "Fine." Alex stood up and left after wishing the headmaster goodnight.

Alex was walking toward the Great Hall the next morning but was dragged into a supply closet. Harry removed his hand and cut Alex off before she could yell at him. "We're not learning magic because Fudge thinks we're forming some kind of army." He rushed. Alex was confused. "But thats riddickulas!" Alex said. He nodded. "Theres more. Muggle families and magical families have been going missing and its just like what happened the first time Voldemort rose to power. Voldemort is on the move, Alex, and its getting worse." Harry said. Alex nodded. "No one knows where he is." Alex looked up at him. "He's made himself a residant at my london Mansion." Alex hissed. Harry's eyes grew large. "Tell them to not brake anything or burn it to the ground because then I will make Voldemort look like a child." Alex moved to leave but turned back to them. "No one touches my car." Alex hissed. Harry chuckled but nodded. "One other thing!" He said suddenly. "Do you think I would make a good teacher?" He asked. Alex raised an eyebrow. "Really don't have time to hear your future career choices, concidering we all might not make it till then." Alex answered. "No, I mean... Hermione was talking about forming a group or a club that practices and learns deffencive and offencive spells," Alex was actually impressed with that idea. "If you formed this... club, than I would be with you on it and I would be security detail for you." Alex said. Harry grinned. "Yeah, that be great but, um, how would you throw them off?" Alex chuckled. "Harry, Harry, Harry. I am half Vampire. I can 'change' their minds." Alex said. Harry nodded. "Get me when and where and I'm there." With that they parted ways from the pungant smelling broom closet.

Alex sighed and made sure her black trench coat was done properly and her black leather gloves her propperly on. She then fixed her Slytherin scarf. Alex listened closely to the conversation inside before walking into the Hog's Head. "Hold off, how are we suppose to do this with Umbridge sniffing around?" Denise Creevy asked. Alex chuckled causing everyone to turn towards her. "Because you all are fortunate to have me on your side." She said. The Weasley twins stood up while staring luatfuly at her. "We're deffinatly in than." They said in unison. Alex winked while grinning. Everyone started to stand and sign up. After Alex signed up, she pulled Harry to the side. "Have you ever concidered what would happen if we were caught?" Harry nodded, patted her shoulder and walked away with a smile. Alex sighed and followed suit.

Alex walked around the 7th floor, doing her rounds. When she bumped into Draco. "What are you doing up here?!" He demanded. Alex inwardly groaned. "I was looking for you." Alex hissed. His visably relaxed as she used her powers. "I had to remind you that you saw a 1st year Gryffindor down in the dungeons." She hissed. He snickered and ran off. Alex sighed and relaxed.

She did that night after night amd had to throw off Filtch so many times. She even had to get Fred and George to help at times. Alex even went through questioning. Alex sat down and Umbridge offered her some tea. Alex picked up the tea cup and smirked as she set it back down. "How did you know how I liked my tea?" Alex asked. Umbridge cocked her head slightly. "What on earyh do you mean dear?" She asked. Alex smirked. "Oh Umbridge, if the smell of Veritiserum wasn't obvious, your suddenly kind behavior was a dead give away." Alex said. Umbridge frowned. "But to show you that I am forever your mindless drown of a student," Alex pivked up the cup and downed its contents. Umbridge smirked. "Whats my name?" She asked. "Dolores Jane Umbridge." Alex said suddenly relaxed but her and Dumbledore already worked this out. "Is Harry Potter organizing a club of any kind?" Alex inwardly smirked. "No." She answered. "Is Dumbledore forming an army?"
"No." She answered. Alex got up. "Have a good day, Professor." With that Alex left the room. Alex smirked to herself. Veritiserum doesn't work on Vampires.
Oh yes, Alex was doing right but she was getting drained. Alex stumbled into her room around 2 am and dragged herself to bed. Alex laid down and almost fell asleep until there was purring, then footsteps, and then finally a familiar scent of herbs and potion fumes before passing out.

Alex stood in a dark room with Voldemort. "I need you to come to me." He hissed. "No." Alex barked. "Then I'll kill him." He hissed. Alex grew confused. "Whom?" But he just laughed. Alex moved forward. "Tell me you pathetic, low-life, coward!" Alex shouted but was met with a spell. Alex hit the floor and screamed.
Alex woke to Snape shaking her. Alex was terrified and told Snape everything. He scooped her up amd carried her to the headmaster's office.

Alex walked in as Potter screamed at Dumbkedore. "He's goig to kill, Mr. Weasley!" Alex said, not noticing everyone standing aroumd. Albus walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders. "How did you know?" He asked. "He came to me in a dream and told me that he needed me to come to him, sir, I need to go, no one can die because of me!" Alex rushed as tears flowed. Snape stood behind her quietly as Alex looked around and saw the Weasleys, Potter, and Minerva. Alex felt something try to smash her mentall barriers as she clutched her head. "Ugh!! GO AWAY!!" She screamed. Albus pulled her into his cheat and hugged her tight as she wept. "Severus, I'm afraid we can't wait... not even till the morning. Other wise, we'll all be vulnerable." Albus said. He nodded and dragged Potter from the room as Alex let fresh screams pass her lips as her legs gave out from under her and if Albus wasn't holding her, she would be on the floor. He shushed her and held her tighter. "Breathe, Alex." He shushed her. "Breathe, child." He whispered. Alex stared out window at the rainy sky as she slowly went limp.

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