Chapter 21

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Alex stood in the doorway of her bedroom, staring at the bed. She allowed the memories of Barty to flow. She remembered how he made her laugh or feel safe or how he made her feel normal. Alex swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat as tears threatened to spill over. Alex felt the pain and allowed it to consume her this once as she slid down the door frame and sat on the floor sobing. She was like that for a good hour before she calmed down and get to her feet. Alex walked to the closet and changed into a simple black dress that was off the shoulders and ended mid thigh. She put on matching heels and put her hair up into a prominant bun and put her wand in the bun for emergancies. She put on make-up and put on a touch of alluring perfume. She grabbed her purse and walked out of the room.

Alex walked down the stairs just as the front doors slammed open. Alex stopped half way down as a couple of masked men came in with their wands drawn. "Who are you?! How dare you enter my home uninvited!" Alex barked. They laughed and moved aside as non other than Voldemort walked in. Alex straightened up. "I should have known that filth would walk in," Alex gestured to the white marble floors. "Now my elfs will have to clean that to!" Alex spat. Voldemort smirked. "My appoligies, Lady Octavias." He said sincerly. Alex was now on high alert. "What do you want?" She asked causiously. Voldemort swept deeper into the entrance foier. "I have come to recruit you and if you except then I shall be resigning here." Alex scoffed. "Well then you better find a motel." She spat. He chuckled. "You have the right to refuse joining but I will be resigning here either way." He said as he looked around. Alex stepped down a step. "This is my only warning... Get out." She hissed. Voldemort just stood there watching her. Alex sighed softly and the front doors slammed shut. The death eaters jumped in surprise. "Then death will be your prize." Alex hissed. Voldemort turned his back to his followers and dismissed them. They bowed and Apparated away. He turned back to her. "Now that its just the two of us, let us discuss buisness." He purred. Alex rolled her eyes and walked down the rest of the stairs. "We have no buisness," Alex reached the door. "If you are not gone from my home by the time I return, I shall personally fry your brain." Alex hissed and opened the door. She walked down the steps and towards her car. She took out the keys and clicked the unlock button. "I shall go with you then." He called Alex walked around the car and opened her door as she looked up at him to see a more human attractive man. He looked nothing like Voldemort. "You travel in that muggle contraption?" He asked as he looked at the car with distaste. Yep, still Voldemort. "Its called a car and no you will leave before I call Dumbledore." Alex barked and got in. She shut the door and put on her seatbelt as he got in the passanger seat. "No get out!" Alex spat. He smirked and copied her actions for the seatbelt. "No, I am the Dark Lord and I shall not be ordered around by you, Ms. Octavias. I am playing nice and not killing you," he paused. "Now start this contraption." He ordered. Alex growled and put the keys in the ignition and started the car. Her music came on and she felt like pushing him. He covered his ears. "What the bloody hell is that racket?!" He demanded. Alex snickered and put the car into gear. "The last thing you will ever hear if you do die." Alex mjsed and hit the gas. The car lurched forward and squeeled out of the driveway. Alex whipped around the corner and got onto the road. Voldemort held onto the sides of his seat as he shouted at her to slow down. Alex sped up as she weeved in and out of traffic. They drove like that until Alex stopped the car in front of a popular night club. Voldemort cleared his throat and straightened himself out. Alex noticed he was wearing muggle clothing but black dress pants and a black dress shirt with finely polished black dress shoes. Alex had to admit he was hot like this but she would never let him know. "Why are we here?" He enquired. Alex got out of the car after putting it in park. She walked around the car and tossed the keys to the usher. Voldemort got out and offered her his arm. Alex ignored it. "We part here." Alex spat and walked into the club.

Alex had a couple of shots and was now sitting at a table, nursing a beer. She looked up as a pompous hispanic looking man walked up to her table. "Ola, cheeka." He greeted and bite his lip as he looked her over. "Are you alone tonight?" He asked as he attempted to put the moves on her. Alex took a sip of her beer. She set it down and smirked. She noticed his friends were watching. She looked back at him. "Maybe if you had proper manners and didn't act like a pompous pig then I might have been interested," his face fell as his friends started howling with laughter. "Now, move along." Alex ordered and looked back down at her beer. "Now listen here, you fridged bitch! I won't stand here and take this from no rich bitch, you here?!" He spat in outrage. Alex looked back up. "I have a fully loaded glock in my purse. Move... along." Alex hissed slowly. He slammed his hands down on the table. "Thats bullshit!" He shouted. He saw through her bluff. Alex stiffened as an arm wrapped around her waist and Voldemort's scent of death filled her nose. "The lady said no, you pathetic filthy muggle!" He snarled. Alex wanted to gag. She tried to move away from him but he held her close. "Let go of me or I'll rip your arm off and shove it up your ass, Vol-"
"Tom, dear. Call me Tom." He purred the man gave up and walked off. Alex pulled away from Tom and stormed off.

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