Chapter 18

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Alexandria spent christmas day alone in her mansion but decided to hit a night club at 9 at night. Alex put on a tight fitted black dress with high heels and way hair. Alex put her wand gold chained over the shoulder purse along with her wallet. Alex needed this desperatly. Alex walked out the front door and saw her car. She smiled and hit the start button on her keys. Alex opened the door and got in. Her driving song came on and Alex bit her lip as she shut the door and did her seat belt up. Alex gripped the stearing wheel and put the keys in the ignition. Alex hit the gas pedal and spet out of the driveway and onto the road.

Alex weeved in and out of traffic and came to the club. She put it in park and got out with her purse. People gawked at her and took pictures of her and/or her car. Alex tossed the keys to the usher and shut the door as she walked around and up to the usher. He grinned and moved the rope, letting her in. Alex walked in and saw that it was packed. Alex walked up to the bar and ordered a couple of shots. She smirked and knocked them back. Alex savoured the burning feeling at the back of her throat and turned toward the dance floor, leaning casually against the bar. Alex saw potential targets and saw a cute guy checking her out. Alex moved forward but someone stepped in front of her, blocking her view. "What are you doing here?" Demanded someone. Alex looked up and saw Snape dressed in muggle clothes that consisted of a black dress shirt, black trousers, and black polished dressed shoes. "Having fun, captain buzzkill." Alex snuckered as she turned back to the bar and ordered four shots of vodka. Snape watched with disgust as she downed three of them but he snatched the fourth away from her greedy fingers. "Your done and I will be escorting you home." He hissed. Alex moved forward and cupped him, causing him to jump in surprise and drop the shot into her free hand. Alex caught it without spilling a single drop and released him as she downed it. "Well sucks to be you, professor because your not the boss of me outside of school." Alex sneered. She was feeling a buzz and turned to the dance floor. She grabbed her purse and paid for her drinks before moving to go towards the guy still watching her but Snape grabbed her arm. "I'm taking you back home." He stated. Alex shoved him off. "Piss off, Snape." Alex spat and turned only to see a women with bubblegum pink hair watching her. "I'm thinking about changing things up." Alex purred and beckond the women over. She walked towards Alex but tripped over someone's foot. Alex snickered as the women got to her feet and came over. "Alex, please accompany back." Snape said for the final time. "Didn't I tell you to piss off?" Alex asked and got a couple of rounds for her and the women. They drank but Alex was the only one truely drunk.

Alex stumbled to her car but the women insisted on driving. Alex sat in the passanger seat gighling as they sped back to her house. The women, known as Tonks, helped Alex into the house. Alex was laughing histericly. She turned on Tonks and kissed her neck sensually causing her to moan. Alex took it as encouragement as she shoved her up against the wall. Tonks gasped and gently pushed Alex away. "Your drunk, Ms. Octavias." She said in a matter of fact tone. Alex narrowed her eyes. "How do you know my name?" Alex asked suspiciously. The women hesitated. "I'm an aurar that was asked to wat h over you as a favour to a friend." Tonks said slowly. "Get out." Alex said as she turned and walked to the stairs. "I SAID GET OUT!!" Alex barked when she didn't here Tonks move. Tonks squeeked and dissaperated. Alex made her way up the stairs and to her bedroom. She started stripping and climbed into her bed. There was a pop and Alex felt someone get on top of her and start to kiss her neck as they skillfully messaged her breasts. Alex moaned and opened her eyes to see only raven locks. The scent of herbs and potion fumes hit her nose. "Severus..." Alex moaned. There was an confurming growle as he bit her neck hard. Alex cried out and bucked her hips. "Do you remember me?" He whispered huskily. "No." She whispered and then gasped as he slid down and attacked her chest. Alex was trembling. Snape pushed him self up on his elbows as he looked down at her. "You need to feed regaurdless." Alex sunk her fangs into his neck without hesitation. Alex begain to feed as Snape gave a gaspy cry.

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