Chapter 33

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Hagrid and Alex had a lovely time together and enjoyed each others company. Christmas morning came fast and Alex awoke to Terra .

Hagrid sat in his chair as May and Alex sat on the couch and Terra on the floor into the presents. "I've never seen so many!" She shreiked. Alex smirked and admitted that she may have spoiled Terra. She got Terra a pretty blue dress, matching shoes and some hair accessories along with a charm bracelet. She got May a necklace with matching earings and braclets that were made of real diamonds. May said it was too muvh but Alex said it was her way of thanking May for her company. She got Hagrid a scarf and mitts and a couple of other things he would have to open later due to May and Terra. She got a solid mahogany crib with Slytherin baby blankets from Hagrid, a knitted hat and stroller from May and Terra. Alex was so thankful and then started to cry. May told her it was just hormones and went to tend to dinner. Alex smiled and saw Hagrid watching her closely. "He misses you, 'ya know?" Hagrid said. Alex nodded and handed Hagrid a present for Severus.

Alex spent boxing day in a comforting silence. She looked into the looking glass as she rubbed her belly.
Snape sat on his couch debating wheither or not to open the presant. He then opened it. He took out the card.


I cried when I read your letter and I feel the same. I want to tell you where I am or what I'm doing but for now I can't. I love you so much and I hope you can forgive me, if not me then forgive Albus for keeping my location a secret. You will get the meaning of this gift in a few months.

~Always yours, Alex

He set the letter down and reached into the box and pulled out a bun. Just a plain bun. He snickered at Alex's antics. Alex smiled at seeing his face lighten. He obviously didn't get it but oh he would and the look on his face would be great! Alex set the frame down and have a nap.

Alex woke up to a thump downstairs. Alex grabbed a knife and ran down the stairs to see Marvin pinning May up against the wall. "Get out of my house." Alex barked. He let her go and turned to face her. Terra coward behind the couch. "May take Terra upstairs and watch the T.V. while I show Marvin out." May did as Alex said. Marvin laughed. "Oh your going to get it you nosy bitch!" Alex walked over to the counter, disregaurding him. That pissed him off. Alex turned to face him while sipping her tea. Alex set it down. "Listen buddy, your going to hurt alot after this so I'm going to give you a glimps at what your facing." Alex said. He smirked but then backed away as Alex bared her fangs. "What the fuck?!" Alex chuckled. "Now get out or I'll smash your skull into that wall behind you and then I'll have a fresh supply of blood for a week." Alex enjoyed the horror on his face. She moved in a blurr and stood in front of him. "Get.. out." She hissed. He ran for it and Alex flicked her wrist, the door slamming shut and locking behind him.

It was now Febuary and Alex was going into her third trimester. Alex rubbed her stomach as she and May laughed. Terro opened the door and Alex stepped into the house but froze upon seeing Snape standing there. Albus stood behind him. "Um, we'll leave you be. See you later, Alex." May said and left with Terra. Snape looked over joyed to see her. It was dark in the house so he didn't see her stomach. "Alex..." he whispered. Alex smiled. "Did you bring the bun?" Alex asked, preparing her joke. He nodded. "Well you can't put it in my oven because it's full." Alex joked. Albus covered his face and started to howl with laughter. Snape was confused. Albus soon sobbered up. "Allow me to shine some light on the subject." Albus said and waved his wand. The lights turned on and Snape looked from her face and then to her belly. His eyes widened as he moved forward slowly. "Are you-?" Alex nodded. "The dark lord?" He asked. Alex shook her head. Alex walked to him and took his hand and put it on her belly. "Yours." She whispered. He looked up into her eyes and Alex saw it sink in. "I'm sorry that I left but I had to keep-!" Alex was cut off as Severus kissed her roughly. Alex moaned and kissed back and cursed her belly as she tried to pull him closer. Snape pulled away and got down on his knees, lifting up her shirt and kissed her belly as a tiny hand pushed against where his lips were. Alex smiled as Severus chuckled. He stood up and held her as close as possible, without hurting the baby. Alex relished his scent and touch. Snape barried his face in her hair, unwilling to let her go. "Well, I shall leave you two alone... to do... it." He said ackwardly before Dissaparating. Snape lifted her up with ease causing Alex to giggle as he carried her up the stairs and to the bedroom, where he laid her down and started to take off her clothes for her. He kissed every inch of her causing her to cry out in pleasure. Severus took off his clothes as he moved her so her head was on the pillow. He crawled inbetween her legs amd slowly penitrated her. Alex arched her back and gasped as each thrust was slow and persice. "Severus.... oh Severus...." Alex moaned. He grunted and moved a bit faster then slower. The way her voice rose and fell was like music to his ears. He pleasured every part of her before he gave them the release they so desperatly were in need for. He fell feside her as they were wrapped up in the sheets. Snape slide down and put his head against her belly as he rubbed it. Alex smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. "Do you know what we're having?" He asked. Alex shook her head. She moved to get up but winced and fell back down against the pillow. Snape slid up and cupped her cheek. "What is it, whats wrong?" He asked seriously. Alex kissed his neck and felt his excitement dig into the side of her leg. He grunted as she sunk her fangs into his neck and gripped his length. Severus cried out as she pumped him and fed. He rocked in her hand as he cupped her breast. Severus exploded as she finished feeding. Alex sighed and leand her head against his shoulder. Alex removed the invisability spell and Snape saw the ring he gave her, sparkle on her engagement finger. Snape smiled and held her closer. "You have given light to my darkness and now you have given me a family." He whispered and held her tighter. Alex smiled. She got out of bed and waddled to the bathroom. Alex smiked as she bathed and dressed in a frilly yellow maternity dress. Alex stepped out of the bathroom and froze as Alexander stood in the bedroom doorway with Severus between them with his wand raised. Alex put her hand over her stomack protectivly. "So this is where you've been." He hissed. Heis eyes traveled down her and landed on her belly. A cruel smile played on his lips. "The Dark lord's seed has proven fruitfull it seems." Alex glared at him. "Its not his." Snape sneered. Alexander bared his fangs. "You have gone too far, Snape." He hissed. "Alex, go. I'll take care of him." Snape ordered. "Please let me stay with you." Alex pleeded. "Go!" He barked. Alex dissappeared into smoke and appeared outside May's house. Alex pounded on the door. The door slid open and Alex rushed inside. "Alex, whats wrong?!" Alex caught her breath. "My father is going to kill my husband." Alex said. May gasped and grabbed the phone. Alex then winced as she felt her stomach tighten. Terra ran over and Alex gave her a small pouch. "Terra, go to your fireplace, yake a handful of this powder and throw it in as you say 'Hogwarts'." Terra did as told and the flames went green as Alex stumbled over. "Albus, I need you! Please help me!" Alex called threw the flames. Then he walked out. Terra gasped in awe. "Severus needs help, please help him!" Alex begged. Albus looked down at her and his eyes widened. "Go, you need to go see madam Pomfrey." He said. Alex nodded and walked threw the flames. Alex came to stand Albus's office. Poppy rushed to her and made her lay down on the floor. "Your ok dear, you just need to take it easy." Poppy whispered. Alex winced as she felt the rounds of kicks. "Severus." Alex called. Poppy shushed her. Poppy helped her to her feet as the door was thrown open. Harry ran in and froze upon seeing Alex. He grinned but then frowned as he saw her clutching her swollen belly. "Harry, I-" He stormed forward and pulled her into a tight hug. Alex hugged back and smiled. She heard the floo and let Harry go, whirling around to see Albus helping a limping Severus. Alex smiled. "Severus!" She breathed and moved forward only to wince and clutch her belly. "Poppy take Alex to her room and let no one see her. Classes are in session so no one should be in the halls." Poppy nodded and Harry helped her support Alex.

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