Chapter 31

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Alex laid down on the bed as the mediwitch started to run some diagnostic spells. Alex's fear was confirmed when her stomach glowed gold then the glow faded away. Poppy forced heraelf to remain calm as she watch an emotionless Alex. "I need a date." Alex whispered. Poppy did another spell. "You a couple of weeks along." She whispered. Alex nodded. She got off the bed and stood, ignoring the dull pain. "Alex, you should lay down and rest!" Poppy advised but Alex ignored her to and left.

Alex stepped into D.A.D.A. and instantly regretted it. "Ms. Octavias, your late. Detention with Filtch for a month." Snape snapped. Alex ignored him as Slytherin's stood, bowed, and mumbled 'My Lady'. Alex nodded and turned to leave but the door slammed shut and locked. Alex turned back to see Snape with his wand at his side. "Stop being a child and open the door." Alex said softly. "Sit... down." He hissed. Alex raised her hand and shot him with a spell that let him backwards into a wall. Alex turned back to the door and thrusted her hand forward, causing the door to blow open and fly down the hallway. Alex walked out and left her peers in shock.

Alex stood on the Astronamy tower roof, watching the students scurry to their class. A few noticed her but quickly looked away. She had her hands clasped behind her back. She heard a pop and didn't turn as she heard Albus clear his throat. "Poppy came to me and told me what happened in the infermary." He said slowly. She said nothing. Albus nodded. "Severus also told me what happened." He added. "He no longer matters to me." Albus smiled. "You may say that but that ring hanging on the necklace that your currently wearing, under an invisability spell, tells me something different." He said gently. Alex looked down where the necklace hung. "I believe you are trying to doing the right thing, Alex, but it will only hurt you and him even more." Alex smiled softly. "Not for long." She whispered. She then did something Albus never expected. She turned and had her wand trained to her head. They two stood still on the Astronamy tower roof. "Alex, you don't have to do this." He whispered. "Your right." She said and turned her wand on him. He disarmed her but she just stood there. "Kill me." She whispered. He looked at her with pitty. "Let me help you, Alex." He said gently. Alex nodded. "It's not his." She whispered. Albus's eyes widened a fraction. "Severus." He said. Alex nodded again. Albus smiled. "Come with me and I will find you a safe place you." He said. Alex took off the ring on her finger and dropped it, not caring where it landed as she walked to Albus, whom escorted her down from the roof.

They sat in his office as they waited for a letter to arrive. Alex had her hands over her stomach as she waited. The owl flew in and gave a soft hoot as it gave the letter to Albus. He opened it and read it. He smiled and looked up at her. "There is a safe house, would you like to go now?" He asked. Alex nodded and stood. "I will have to inform you now, that once you go to this location, you can not tell anyone where you are. You may give your letters to me and I will deliver them when I visit you." He said. Alex nodded again and walked around the desk, taking the elderly wizard's arm.

They landed in a fully furnished living room. Alex let go of Albus and looked around. It a house on the beach with 2 floors, the main and upstairs. It had two bedrooms, two master bathrooms one on the main floor and the other connected to her bedroom, an awsome kitchen that was fully stocked, a study, and a safe room behind a bookshelf that was warded and had an emergancy fireplace inside. Everything was furnished and lovely. Alex noticed some of her personal things were already there. Alex turned to Albus. "The house is warded and concealment charms are on the windows. Your in Austrailia, Sydne. Out of the way of danger," he paused and moved closer. "Right me a list of things you require for the baby and next time I come, which will be in two weeks, I will give to you. I have also moved a large sum of money to a private valt and have transfered half of it into muggle money for you," he handed her a coin purse that was connected to the valt. "Are you sure about this, Alex?" He asked. Alex nodded. He nodded his understandment. "This is our secret... Goodbye for now, Alex." He said and Disapparated, leaving Alex alone. She walked over to a sterio and turned it on. It started to play Human by Christina Perri. She walked upstairs and into her bedroom where a dresser sat in the corner, a four poster bed sat against the wall and a vanity by the window that over looked the street. Alex moved to leave the room but a picture frame caught her eye. Alex walked over to the nightstand and picked it up. It was of Severus writing at his desk. Alex noticed it wasn't a picture at all but more of a looking glass, a device that let the owner see someone anytime they desire without the person of interests knowing. Alex smiled and started to cry. She sunk to the floor as she sobbed and watched the man she loved. She watched him throw his quill down and leave the room, going to her room and discovering the room to bare. Albus walked in.

"Albus where is Alex?" Snape demanded. Albus smiled saddly. "She is gone to a safer place." Albus said crypticly. Snape eyed him. "Where?" He growled. "I can not tell you." Albus said regrettfuly. "Albus, tell me now, I demand to know where my f- where Alex is." He said, retracting the last part. Albus looked at him saddly. "I'm sorry, Severus." He said and left the room. Snape turned and slowly walked over to the bed, sat down, grabbed a pillow, and brought it to his nose. He inhailed her scent deeply as tears filled his eyes.

Alex couldn't watch anymore as she got to her feet and set the frame down. Alex went downstairs and made a crap load of food. Alex ate most of it before running to the bathroom and vomiting it all up. Alex laid on the cool bathroom floor for an hour or two before forcing herself up.

Alex got into bed and stared at the looking glass and saw Severus just lay in his bed. "Goodnight, Alex." He whispered into the silent air. Alex smiled softly, closing her eyes. "Goodnight, Severus."

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