Chapter 32

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It had been two months since Alex had been there and it was going smoothly.
Alex sat in the nursery painting the walls silver. Alex had a small baby bump and thought of Severus often when she rubbed it gently. Once she finished, she stairted to paint the emerald green strips. Alex knew it was faster with magic but she wanted to do this room by hand. She spent hours doing just that. She stood back and admired her handy work. She jumped as Albus cleared his throat. Alex turned and laughed at her own sillyness. "You scared me." Albus smiled softly. "I appoligise for that," he looked around the room. "Thia room is very nice." He complemented. Alex smiled. "Thank you, sir." Albus nodded and the two walked down stairs. Alex was surprised to see Poppy standing there. "I hope you don't mind, she has taken a vow to erase her memory of this place after and I don't trust anyone else." Albus said as Alex walked over to the couch. "Its alright." Alex said as she lifted up her shirt to reveal her stomach. Poppy ran some tests and smiled. "Well, your baby is growing at a good rate and is perfectly healthy." Alex beamed. Poppy left after awhile, leaving Albus and Alex alone. "Severus is getting impassiant and nosy, Alex." Albus explained. Alex nodded. "I promise you can tell him when I'm in my third trimester." Alex said. Albus nodded. "He also wrote you a letter," Alex looked up at him in alarm but he raised a hand, calming her. "I am aware of Severus' cunning ways and have already taken the precaution of scanning it for spells of any kind." He handed the letter to her causing Alex to smile. "Now the holidays are coming fast and I was wondering if you wished to have somwone come to spend the holidays with you?" He asked. Alex thought for a moment. "I would like Severus but I know thats impossible," Alex grew sad at that thought. Albus nodded. "Could I ask for Hagrid?" Alex asked. Albus smiled. "I think that would be lovely." He said. Alex smiled and then got a dizzy spell. She gripped the back of the couch. "I believe your hungry." He stated. Alex nodded. Albus summoned the jar of blood from the fridge and handed it to Alex. She drank quickly and handed the jar back. Alex laid down and fell asleep with a smile on her lips. Albus waved his wand over her stomach and smiled. Severus was going to flip when he found this out.

Alex awoke to a knocking at her door. She shot up and listened carefuly. The knocking began again. Alex stood and walked to the back glass sliding door where a little girl stood in her bathing suit, trying to look inside to no avail. She was adverage hieght for a little kid, had long brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, and looked about 7 years old. Alex walked to the door and unlocked it and slid it open. The little girl jumped back and blushed. Alex smiled softly. "What can I do for you, sweety?" Alex asked. "My mummy is drinking and the neighbours before you let me stay with them." She whispered. Alex frowned. Albus had told her not to let anyone in but Alex felt bad for this girl. She was about to slam the door in the girls face but she heard the drunken screams of a women marching up the beach towards her house. She was tall, short brown hair, brown eyes, slightly darker tanned then the little girl and oh yeah, fuming drunk. Alex looked down at the little girl and moved aside, letting the girl inside. The women stormed up onto Alex's porch and tried to go past her but Alex wouldn't let her. "Can I help you, Ms?" Alex asked a bit snappish. The women gave her a scalding glare. "You just let my daughter into your house." She snapped back. Alex took a calming breath. "You may come inside if you calm down and have a cup of tea with me." Alex said. The women looked shocked but nodded. Alex moved aside and let the women in. Alex shut and locked the door. She turned to see the women give Alex a suspicious look. "I'm new to the neighbourhood and don't know the crime rate around here." Alex played it off and the women believed her. She sat at the table as Alex prepared tea. Alex brought her over a cup after she slipped in a sobering up potion. The woman thanked her and sipped the drink. Alex sat down across from her after giving the girl a couple of cookies. "So your british?" She asked casually. Alex nodded and sipped her tea. "You look quiet young to be living by yourself." She observed. Alex smiled. "I'm a women of independancy." Alex said. The women smiled. "My name is May, thats my daughter Terra." She said. Alex smiled. "My name is Alex." May smiled again. "Are you...?" She asked. Alex nodded with a blush. May smiled. "Where is your husband?" Alex frowned and set down her tea. "Back in britain for work, you won't see him." Alex said. May smiled saddly. "I see. May I use your bathroom?" She asked. Alex nodded and told her where to go. Once she was gone, Alex turned toward Terra. "So why was your mum drinking?" Terra looked away. "Dad was hitting her again." She whispered. Alex then say her mom's childhood in this small girl. "Does he do that alot?" Alex asked. The girl nodded. Alex looked toward the bathroom then back toward the girl. "If I could make your mum stronger, would that make you smile?" Alex asked. The girl nodded rapidly. Alex smiled. "You can't tell anyone, not even her, ok?" The girl nodded. The bathroom door opened and out came May. She sat down across from Alex and smiled at her daughter. Alex stared at May and tapped into her Vampire side. "May?" Alex called. May caught Alex's gaze and visably relaxed. "You are a strong independant women that doesn't need a man that degrades you, ok?" Alex hissed. May smiled. "Yes." She replied. "You will kick your husband out and you will stop drinking around your child, ok?" Alex hissed. May nodded. Alex smiled. "Very good." Alex said and released May from her control. Alex felt a tad dizzy but shook it off. May smiled at Terra. "You stay here with Alex, ok baby girl?" Terra nodded. Alex smiled and stood. "I'll go with you. Terra, you can play outside, ok?" Terra nodded again.

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