Chapter 36

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It had been weeks and Alex was starting to feel bad about what she had done. She left William with Molly and Apparated in front of the school.

It was dark and ominouse. Alex walked inside and heard bangs. She walked down the hall but saw no one. Alex felt someone's fear and moved in a blurr. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs to the Astronamy tower. Alex walked up and saw Draco pointing his wand at Albus. "Draco," Alex walked up onto the landing and moved over to Albus. "Draco, put your wand away." Alex said with both hands raised. She caught a scent and discreetly looked under the grate and say Harry. Alex looked back at Draco. She lowered her hands and stood up straight. "Your not a killer, Draco," tears ran down the fearful boy. "Your mother doesn't want this for you and neither do I," Alex smiled as she took a step toward him. "I can protect you, you and your mother." Alex said. He started to lower his wand but raised it again as people ran up and came to stand by him. "Well, done, Draco." She whispered. Alex raised her hands cautiously. Bella looked at her and smirked. "Figures you'de be here, filthy whore." Bella spat. Alex swallowed hard. "Do it, Draco." Bella hissed. Alex held Draco's gaze. She smiled at him weakly. "Your not a killer, Draco," she gave him a pleading look. "Don't throw your life away, for one man's selfish endevours." Alex said softly. "Shut your whore mouth, you filthy half blood! Do it Draco!" Bellatrix bellowed. "Doesn't have the stomach, just like his father," Fenrir snickered. "Let me do it." He said. "NO!! Do it Draco, now!!" Bellatrix ordered. Draco was lowering his wand. Alex smiled encouragingly. "No." Came a deep velvety voice. Severus came into the light. Albus came to stand beside Alex. "Severus... please." He whispered. Alex saw Severus grip the handel of his wand. Alex looked up at him in horror. "Severus?" He looked up at Albus and raised his wand. Alex screamed and moved to wrap her arms around Albus as the spell hit them and sent them flying over the railing and hurdling toward the ground. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. "Alex... let me go... you still have your whole life ahead of you and a son." He whispered. Alex whimpered as tears fell from her eyes. "You can't die! You saved me from that orphange!" Alex said desperatly. He smiled and kissed her forehead gently. "My daughter." He said proudly. Alex was then ripped from him. She screamed as she watched him hurl toward the ground with a soft smile on his lips. Alex's vision was then obscured by black smoke.

She landed by Hageids hut, on the ground where she started to whail with pain. "Alex..." came Snape's voice. Alex moved in a blurr and had him down on the ground on his back by his neck. Alex had her fangs bared. "I'm going to fucking kill you!!" She screeched. He gave her a hard look. "You don't have it in you." He hissed. Alex knew he was right and let go of him and stood. He stood to. "Your right," she admitted. He moved toward her but she moved out of his reach. "But you will never see or go near William ever again." She snarled. Snape felt everything he had slipping away from him. Alex took off his engagement ring and threw it at him. "And you will never touch me or lay your eyes on me either." She said with a sob. He made his expression go blank. "I loved you, Severus." She sobbed. "I am taking William and we're leaving the UK." She said. Snape took a stwp forward, his composure breaking. "Alex, please... let me explain-" Alex looked at him, void of any and all emotions. "Goodbye... Professor Snape." She whispered. Snape lunged forward but fell through black smoke. He hit the ground and his body shook.

Alex landed in Molly's livingroom and collapsed to the ground, whailing and sobbing.

Alex sat in the rocking chair, staring out the window with glossy eyes and without the will to go on. Molly and everyone else was getting worried about how she would feed and nap William but then past him off, unwilling to look at him for the unbearible pain of the reminder of Snape. She never spoke a word and barely ate but what concerned everyone in the house was the fact she hadn't fed in a month. It was common to hear whails and crying from the attic. The very sound could break your heart. Molly was trying everything. One night, Molly couldn't find her. She stayed up all night and jumped up from her chair when the front door opened to reveal Alex. She hummed a strange cruel tone as blood drentched her black dress, rolled down her chin, stained her hands and coated her feet. Alex saw William sleeping in a crib and walked to him. She picked him up and shushed him as he awoke. Molly observed her from the shadows. It was Alex yet it wasn't. "Mummy is here now, angel... And she is never leaving." Alex hissed, her fangs bared. Molly was shaken to the core. Alex continued humming as she turned and walked out the door with her baby.

Molly told the order what had happened the next day and everyone became concerned. "Albus warned me about this," Minerva looked up at everyone. "She lost the only thing that kept her balanced... now she's given into her Vampire urges and desires... the Alex we knew is gone." Minerva said shakily. "Can she come back from this?" Shacklebolt asked. Minerva looked up at him. "If you would like to go get that traitorous bastard and some how reunite him with Alex then that would be the only way." She spat. They all went silent. "Merlin, help us all." Arthur whispered.

Alex sat in her bedroom in her mansion, in a rocking chair, rocking with William in her arms. She was humming a creepy nursery rhym as she stared down at him. There was a bang from downstairs but Alex ignored it. She heard someone climbing the steps and then walking toward her bedroom door. The footsteps stopped and then the door creaked open. Alex looked up and saw Severus. Alex gave him a twisted smile as he looked around in horror. Blood stained the walls, the ceiling, the floor, everything, even her blood soaked dress. He looked at her with caution. "Alex?" He called softly. Alex gave him a tooth smile, baring her fangs. "Severus." She hissed. The room was dark and Snape swallowed hard before walking deepered into the room. "Alex... come to me," he ordered. Alex laid William down in the crib next to her and stood, looking toward Severus. He held his hand out to her. "Come to me, love." He said softly. He saw her subtilly shift her weight from foot to foot. He took a step closer and she snarled. He stopped. "You killed him." She hissed. She saw the way his eyes flickered to William. She moved to stand in front of the crib. "Your not taking my son." She hissed. He gave her a firm look. "I am here to take you both to a safe place," he raised a finger, stopping her from cutting him off. "I will tell you everything you want to know but you need to snap out of this and go back to the Alexandria I fell in love with, the one I have a son with." He said softly. Alex put her fangs away and felt a chilling feeling over take her. Alex looked around her and started to let the horror sink in. She had been using Azkaban and animals as her personal blood banks. Snape wrapped his arms around her and she felt instantly safe and secure. Alex shook as he shushed her and reasured.

Alex sat on his bed in his house, staring at a mirror. William was asleep in a crib. Alex stood up and did a cleansing spell, then waved her hand and was dressed in an emerald langerie. Snape had explained everything to her and she was in desperate need of him. Alex left the room.

She found him sitting in his chair reading a paper. Alex walked up to him, ripping the paper from his hands and tossing it onto the floor. He looked up at her angrily but once he noticed what she was wearing his anger melted away. She made him lay back in his chair before straddling him and kissing his lips passionatly as she undid his frock coat. She then desperatly started to kiss his neck. She ground her hips against his causing his hands to fly to her hips and her ass. He stood, picking her up and layin her down infront of the fireplace. He waved his wand and they both were naked. He pulled away from her as he took a moment to take in her beauty. "I love you, Severus." She whispered while cupping his face. He cupped her cheek. "I love you even more." He whispered.

Alex sat at the kitchen table feeding William. She sighed happily but then felt her arm get tired. Alex removed the blanket and found a 2 year old staring up at her. Alex screamed causing Severus to bolt in. Alex stood and sat William down on the edge of the table. Severus moved closer and waved his wand over him. He checked over their son and then had him open his mouth. Alex gasped as she covered her mouth. He had fangs.

It had been a week and Alex had been feeling under the weather and Voldemort visited and needlessly to say, she needed healing potions. Alex stepped out of the bathroom as William ran up. She smiled and stroked his hair. She then gaged and ran back into the bathroom. William came in and held pieces of her hair out of her face with his tiny hands. "Mummy ok?" He asked. Alex threw up again. "Will, go get daddy, please." She instructed. He let her hair go and rushed off.
William found Snape writting in his study. "Daddy!" Willam called as he ran up to him and clinged to his leg. Severus looked down and smiled at his son. "What is it, William?" William frowned. "Mommy is sick." He said. Snape frowned and left the room, running to the bathroom. He stopped when he saw Alex laying on the bathroom floor, sweating profusly. "Alex?!" He said concernedly as he picked her up off the floor and carried her to the couch. He laid her down on the couch and set her head on a throw pillow. Alex was breathing heavily. He checked her over and noticed she fell asleep. He left her and took William upstairs for his nap.

He came back down and didn't see Alex. He smelt bacon and walked into the kitchen to see Alex shoveling food into her face. He suddenly remembered her eating this much when she was pregnant with William. He walked over to her and dropped to his knees. Alex looked at him in confusion as he felt her stomach. He let out a breath as he kissed her stomach. Alex was still confused.

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