Chapter 5

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Alex awoke to the sound of birds and the pouring of water into a porcilen cup. Alex sat up and looked around the room. A fire in the fireplace lit up the shadows as the morning light filled the rest of the room. There was a few pieces of furniture, a desk, and a couple of chairs. "Ah, its good to your awake, Alexandria." Her gaze moved to Minerva, whom was sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace drinking what Alex could only guess was tea. "Where is Snape?" She asked timidly, remembering she had forced her self into his memories. To be honest, he was all she could think of. There was something about him she just- She mentally slapped herself. "He is in his potions lab brewing potions for the hospital wing. Why?" The elderly witch gave Alex an accusing look. "I need to know more about my parents." Alex got off the bed and stood. She saw a black flowing dress that had a deep neckline. "Get dressed and you may go seek Professor Snape out." Minerva said while watching the embers of the fireplace. Alex quickly got dressed into the dress and left the room.

She walked down hallways and down staircases and she soon found herself lost. She groaned and ventured deep into the bowels of the castle. She finally made it to the dungones but it was like a maze. "Hello?" She called out as she walked slower. "Can anyone help me? I'm lost and I seem to have lost my way. Hello?" She prayed for someone to answer her. She heard a woosh and whirled around to find nothing there. She turned back and saw a cat sitting in the middle of the hall. It looked mangy with red glowing eyes but nether the less Alex lit up. "Hello, pretty kitty." She cooed and walked forward. The cat let out a dignified meow and walked towards her. Alex scooped the cat up and started to scratch behind its ear. The cat purred. Alex continued on walking while petting the cat. Alex must have been walking for a good 20 minutes before she sat down on a step and gave a sigh of frusteration. The cat curled up on her lap and was content with Alex stroking her head. "Mrs. Noris? Where are you?" The cat sat up on Alex's lap and meowed. Alex was about to stand when an old man, that looked ragged and sketchy, came around the corner. He looked at the cat then Alex. "What on earth are you doing with my cat? Who are you?" He demanded. "I found her in the hall, I'm lost you see." She held fear in her eyes. The man's face seemed to soften. "She seems fine. Ever seen her purr with a student. Never seen her like a student 'efore." The cat hoped off her lap and over to the man. He picked up the cat. "And ah... who are you?" Alex stood and dusted herself off. "Alexandria Octavias, sir." The man seemed to like the respect. "Ah, Professor McGonagall's charge," Alex nodded. "Where were you looking to go?" Alex smiled and moved forward. "To see Professor Snape." The man nodded and stepped to the side, gesturing her to follow. Alex learned that his name was Argus Filtch, care taker, and he was a Squib (born into a pureblooded family without magic). He seemed to have taken a liking to her. They came to a door and Filtch cleared his throat and turned to face her. "Well this is it. If you ever need help again just call for Mrs. Noris or myself. Always willing to help." Alex smiled and thanked him. He nodded and limped off. Alex turned back to the door and knocked softly. The door flew open to reveal Snape. "What do you want, you annoying girl?" Alex blushed. "I just wanted to appoligize for invading your mind the other day. I was just... I have alway wanted a parents." Snape seemed to soften a bit. "Good day, Professor." Alex said and turned, going right. "Wrong way, Ms. Octavias." Alex turned and went left. Snape pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He let go and followed after the girl after he shut and warded his chamber door.

Alex made it up a staircase and went to step on the landing when the staircase moved. She yelped as she almost fell but a hand grabbed her from behind. She turned as it steadied her. Snape stood their looking outraged. "Are you an idiot?! You could have died!!" Alex's cheeks turned red. "I'm not an idiot!" She shouted deffencivly. She met his eyes with a glare. She tried to push his hand away but he pulled her to his chest. Alex froze and looked up to meet his intence gaze. She was a loss for words as she stared up into his obsedian eyes. He stared back as she moved closer. The stairs abruptly stopped causing them both to stumble and their lips to connect. Alex froze but quickly melted against him. Snape was froze but slowly responded. His hands slipped to her waist. Alex seemed to realize what was happening as reality came crashing down. She pulled away and looked over his confused face. She tried to say something but couldn't get the words out. She turned and walked off, leaving Snape to stare after her retreating figure.

Alex walked into the Great Hall carrying Mrs. Noris. Filtch sighed in exasperation. "I told 'ya Albus! Mrs. Noris sees that this girl is a good one! Deffinatly not a troublemaker." Alex set Mrs. Noris down and walked in to see the teachers sitting at the table. An orange tabby cat walked up. Alex's eyes widened and scooped up the cat. "Your so cute!!" She cooed and scratched the cat under the chin. A couple of teachers snickered and others laughed. The cat meowed desperatly. Alex walked up the the table and started to scratch the cat behind the ear causing the cat to start purring. Snape started to smirk as he raised his goblet to his lips. "Whats so funny?" Albus cleared his throat. "It seems that... in animagius form... Professor McGonagall really does like being petted." Alex's eyes widened as she quickly put the cat down. The cat tranfigured into a disgruntled McGonagall. Snape snickered causing the elderly witch to turn on him. "Whats so humerous, Severus?" Snape looked right at Minerva. "My, my, Minerva. I wonder if you enjoy being scratched behind your ear in this form?" Minerva gave him an evil eye. "Try it and I'll hex all your robes pink." The smirk on Snape's face instantly fell in to a scowle. Alex grabbed an orange and a bunch of grapes before going back off on her adventure.

Alex stood a few feet away from the tree line of the Forbbidon Forest. She thought back the memory of her father draining her mother. She was pulled from her thoughts when a gruff voice called to her. "Oi! Whatcha doin' over there?" Alex turned to see a giant man sitting on the steps of his hutt. This must have been Hagrid. She smiled and walked towards him. "I actually was looking for you."

"Why that?"

"I have a secret that needs to remain a secret." Alex grew nervous. "'Yer secret is safe with me." Alex smiled at the kind faced man. "I had always felt I was strange but now knowing my parets were Vampires I sort of feel stranger." Hagrid just sat there listening with a compassionate face. "I, um, need blood." Hagird smiled. "Then ya best go see Madam Pomfrey-"

"No! Um, not human blood." Hagrid's face softened. "Oh, yer a vegitarian." Alex nodded and Hagrid invited her inside. They both agreed to meet once every few weeks and that the true nature of their visits would remain a secret. Alex left Hagrid's feeling rejuvinalized and seemed to glow.

Alex spent the rest of the day in the library reading on every subject Hogwarts had to offer. By the time she was finished it was passed dinner and she was caught up to 4th grade. She started to grow tired and her butt had grown numb from her corner. She started to nod off but she heard footsteps. "Ms. Octavias?" Came Snape's voice. She sighed and got up, putting away the books. "I'm here, Severus." She called sleepily. She finished and turned to see Snape standing there watching her. She smiled and tried to walk past him but he grabbed her upper arm. "If todays occurances ever happen again, you shall find yourself in so many detentions that your head will spin... Am.I.Clear?" Alex looked up at him. "Remove your hand or I'll remove it for you." Snape raised a challenging eyebrow. Alex grabbed his hand and twisted it causing Snape to hiss and back her up into a bookcase. She was breathing heavier as Snape grasped both of her wrists and held them above her head. He held them with one hand as his other gripped the shelf beside her head. "You lack in respect and I'll gladdly drill it into you." Alex smirked at a dirty induendo she made in her mind. "I'de like to see you try." Snape moved his lips to her ear. Her breath hitched  at feeling his warm breath against her skin. "I have no doubt you wouldn't." Snape hissed. She shutted. She threw caution to the wind as she turned her head and kissed his lips. He growled and greedily kissed her back. He couldn't stop thinking about her either and he hated himself for that. He ripped himself away from her and she was breathing heavily. The two didn't utter a word as Alex quickly walked away from the library.

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