Chapter 8

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Alex was made to go to Kingcross station with the rest of the teachers.

They got on the train but Alex ignored Minerva's requests for Alex to sit with her and found an empty compartement. She shut the door behind her and closed the blinds. She sat down and stared out the window. Alex knew she should have felt happy but something made her feel great saddness. The door slammed open and there stood Seth Clearwater and three other boys that were clearly native like Seth. Alex looked to them and raised an eyebrow. "See boys, told you she was a veggie Vampire." The boys laughed. Alex smirked. "Don't you have to go dig a hole or sniff someone's ass or whatever mutts do?" The laughing ceased as Seth glared at her. "This is my pack and I don't appreciate someone dissing them." Alex got to her feet. "Thats nice, now get out." Alex was glaring back. Seth suddenly smirked. "No, I think we'll take this compartment and you can go." Alex rolled her eyes. "Stop starting shit and leave Seth." Alex sat back down and looked back out the window. "Say the word, Alpha and we'll teach her a lesson." One boy whispered. Alex reach for her wand that was holding her crimson locks in a bun and stood quickly but they suddenly had her pinned to the window and had her wand. Seth had it pointed to her neck. "Tsk tsk. Vampire, your no match for the pack." Alex struggled but they were over powering her. "Come on, show us what you got." Alex thrashed but kept her inner monster contained. "No." Alex hissed and spat at him. It hit his cheek. He wiped it off with his sleeve and glared at her before Seth puncher her in the gut. Alex groaned. "Oh your going to pay for that you blood sucking bitch." He hissed. "Mr. Clearwater, Mr. Quill, Mr. Proudfoot, and Mr. Arrow... what do you think you are doing?" The boys let Alex go and whirls around to face Snape. "We-"  "Were attacking a new student? Yes, I see that... Professor McGonagall's adopted daughter no less." The boys turned pale. "100 points from Gryffindor and 110 points from Ravenclaw, Mr. Clearwater for leading this little attack. Your heads of house will be notified of this inccident and letters will be sent home to your parents.... Now I suggest you find somewhere else to sit." Snape stepped aside and they left with slumped shoulders, Seth dropped her wand on the ground before following his pack. Alex tried reaching for her flask but was stopped when Snape walked up and lifted her shirt up to reveal her torso. There was a dark purple bruise forming. Alex grabbed her flask and uncorked it before downing the contents. She sighed in relief as the bruise faded slowly only to leave her toned torso unmarked. Snape snatched the flask away and sniffed. "Chicken blood?" Alex looked away from him and put her shirt back down. "This is why you go see Hagrid, isn't it?" Alex remained silent. Snape handed her back the flask and left. Alex slid to the floor and wrapped her arms around her. She let the tears fall.

Alex grabbed her wand and placed it up her left sleeve before she got off the train and came to the boats. Alex got into one and sat quietly as she stared at the murky black water. There was a flash and the boat moved. "Hello, I'm Collin Creevy!" Came an 11 year old male voice. Alex ignored him but he didn't mind. The boats stared to move and sail across the water towards the boat house.

Alex got off the boat and followed the first years and Hagrid up the steps, to the castle and waited outside the Great Hall doors. Minerva came out and asked for her to follow. Alex followed her in and it seemed strange to see the four tables, that she was use to seeing empty, be crowded. Alex stood before the stage where the stool sat. Minerva picked up the old tattered and patched Sorting hat and a roll of parchment. "Alexandria Octavias." Alex took a deep breath and let it out slowly as she walked up and turned, sitting down on the stool. Alex could feel the antisipated stared coming from the teachers behind her as the hat was then placed on her head. "Ah! A half Vampire! I haven't sorted one before but this shall be fun. Hmmm yes, kind, loyal, brave, intelligant yet very ambitious and sneeky... where to put you? I see above all you are cunning and brave so deffinatly not Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.... You are a tough choice." Alex closed her eyes and wished for only one. "If your sure? Yes. Better be... SLYTHERIN!" The farthest table exploded as the head teachers past their bettings to a triumphant looking Snape. The hat was removed and before Alex walked to the Slytherin table, she quickly hugged Minerva who gave a tight lip smile, to hid her disapointment, and hugged Alex back. Alex let go and walked over to the Slytherin table.

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