Chapter 37

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Warning, not for the faint hearted. This next section isn't for those who vomit easily.

Snape was out as she fed William carrots. There was a crack outside the house and Alex stood. She heard cruel laughter and jeers. Alex grabbed William and tried to Dissaparate but found she couldn't. She ran through the house and to the stairs as the door blew open. Alex ran up them as fast as she could as she heard men jeer and whistle as they slowly followed her. William was crying. Alex shushed him. She made it into Snape's room. She slammed and locked the door. She rushed to the fireplace and noticed there was only enough floo powder for one. Alex set William inside. He screamed and cried. Alex shushed him and summoned a locket she had made for him. She put it around his neck and kissed his forehead. "Mommy, loves you so much, William," She was unable to keep the fear from her voice. "Mommy loves you and daddy so much. Tell daddy that mommy loves him for me, ok?" She said now crying. He cried louder as she threw in the floo powder while saying 'Hogwarts'. He dissappeared as the door blew open. Alex screamed as she was swept off the floor and suspended into the air by her ankle. Her shirt fell down slightly, revealing her toned stomach, baby bump wasn't visable yet. "Looky here, mates! The whore is at her master's house." One jeered. He stepped forward and cupped her breast. Alex screamed and clawed at them until one man hit her with a spell. Akex didn't know what it did untill she tried using magic. Alex screamed and thrashed until she was but the right way. An invisable force made her hang in the air, a few inches off the ground, by her wrists. Alex thrashed. "I love it when they fight back." Another hissed. Alex bared her fangs. "Do you know who I am?!" She demanded. They chuckled darkly. "Oh we know who exactly you are." Another purred. He moved closer and Alex noticed it was Fenrir. He wripped open her shirt and they whistled. Alex struggled as they oggled her breasts in a frilly emerald bra. "This is nice but I wonder if down below is nicer." He purred. She was then paralized. Alex felt him unbutton her pants then remove them. There was a bunch of jeers and wolf whistles. Alex was then unparalized. A rugged man walked up and ran his hand up her leg. Fenrir growled and shoved him away. "I get first try!" He barked. Alex kicked him in the face hard causing him to stumble away in shock with a bloody nose. She glared at him as he wiped away the blood. "Oh your going to regrett that, you filthy whore." He snarled. Alex bared her fangs. "Not as much as your going to, mutt." She sneered. She was then punched in the side. She cried out as she swung around. He grabbed her hips to stop her. He leaned down and bite her chest. Alex screamed as he drew blood. He then wripped off her panties. Alex felt the fear coursing through her but screamed as something extremely large was slammed into her, ripping her and causing her to let a blood curtling scream pass her lips. After the first few hard thrusts, she felt numb. Once he finished, he ripped off her bra and removed his cock. Alex winced and cried out as blood trailed down her leg. She cried out as another was thrusted up into her. He sunk his nailed into her sides, drawing blood. Alex was crying as he pounded into her merclessly. Once he finished, he took out a knife and put the tip to her skin. He stared into her eyes as he relished the fear they held. He then slowly started to carve into her tender flesh. He carved the word 'FILTH'. Alex was so numb as the last raped her. He was truely the worst. Blood ran down her legs after he finished. He stabbed her repeatedly then Fenrir stepped forward as blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. "Now lets display our message for Snapey dearest." He purred. She was covered in cuts, stabe marks, bite marks, ect. Everything was battered but her face, arms, and legs. The took her down and laid her on the ground on her stomach like trash. They then tore everything apart then left the room to go do the same to downstairs. Alex started to panic. She wasn't healing. She felt so tired.

William landed in the Great Hall and walked into the middle of the room, crying and screaming. Teachers turned to look at the small child. Severus shoved threw and once he saw William, he scooped him up. "What are you doing here, William?" He asked. He then looked around. "Where's you mother?" He asked. "MOMMY LOVES US!!" He whailed and then started to scream for his mom. Severus quickly handed him to Minerva and Apparated.

He landed inthe livingroom and noticed everything was destroyed or smashed. He walked to the kitchen and saw it was in the same state. "Alex?!" He shouted and ran around the house looking for her only to find no trace. He came to the stairs and raced up. He looked in all the rooms and found they were destroyed. He then turned and saw his door was slightly ajar. He drew his wand. He slowly walked to it, a horrible feeling filling his stomach. "Alex?" He called as he put his hand on the door and pushed it open. The first thing that hit his nose was blood. Then he saw her. He dropped his wand as he slid down the door frame, shaking his head in disbeliefe. She was staring at the door, her eyes were glazed over. He shook as he crawled over to her and flipped her over. He felt he might be sick as he saw her state. He checked for a pulse but found none. He knew he would find none due to the stake in her chest. He pulled her to him and let a whail escape his lips. He screamed as he held her tight. He cried even harder as he barried his face into her hair. "NOOOO!!!!" He screamed. When he calmed down he sent a patronus to the staff members. He then laid her back down where he found her and dragged himself down to the livingroom. He sat on the couch, hunched over with his face in his hands. They all appeared and some raced upstairs, others came and questioned Severus. The air was then filled with Minerva's whails and cries. Severus felt his whole world crash around him. Minerva soon appeared in front of him. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT, YOU DEATH EATER SCUM!!" She screamed. Severus stood. "HOW ON THIS BLOODY EARTH IS THIS MY FAULT?!" H roared back. "SHE WANTED TO LEAVE AND YOU WOULDN'T LET HER!!" She screamed back. "SHE WOULDN'T LEAVE BECAUSE OF HER HORMONES!!" He shot back. "WHY?!" The women screeched. "BECAUSE SHE WAS PREGNANT AGAIN!!" He bellowed. The room went silent. Minerva covered her mouth as fresh tears fell down her face. Severus broke down in tears and covered his face with a hand.

Alex was barried in a grave the clearing in the forest and William was taken from the UK with May and Terra and the war went on. Severus Snape died on May 6th, 1997 and was barried beside Alex. Their son soon attended Hogwarts and went on to be a Potions Master and an Ambassidor at the Ministry for the dark creatures. He married a pureblood girl and had 3 children with her. He also inharited everything from Alex and lived a long happy, Voldemort-free, life. Alexander Octavias was never seen again but some reported sightings of him but none were ever confurmed. Alex and Severus watched from above as their son grew up to be everything they hoped for him.

'It is the unknown we fear when we look upon Death and Darkness, Nothing More.'

~Albus Dumbledore

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