Chapter 24

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They landed in Alex's bedroom and Snape fished through his coat as Alex danced around. "Isn't he perfect, Severus?" Alex asked in a dreamy state. Snape rolled his eyes as he finally found the vial. "Oh yes, he's like a breathe of fresh air." He sneered sarcasticly. "I think I love him." She sighed. Snape stormed over to her and tried to feed her the vial but she danced out of his reach. "I'm serious, Severus!" Alex said as she put her hands on her hips and stomped her foot. Snape curled his lip in disgust. "Take this and tell me how you feel after." He snickered coldly. Alex took the vial and downed it. Her smile quickly faded. "THAT SON OF A BANSHEE!!" Alex roared. Snape felt a tinge of fear but would never admit it. "KIWII!!" Alex screamed. The small elf appeared and trembled slightly. "Dispose all of my tea cups and order more." Alex hissed. The elf bowed and disappeared. Alex threw the vial across the room causing it to smash against the wall. Alex stormed forward and grabbed Snape by the front of his robes, pulling him against her then smashing her lips against his. Snape was taken back by her sudden burst of passion but didn't argue as he lifted her up by her butt and pressed her against the wall.

Alex got dressed into a black pencil skirt and a white blouse as Snape redressed. "I don't see why I have been called forward at Potter's trial." Alex groaned as she left three buttons undone and put on black panty hoes. She put her skirt in place and put her hair up into a classy updo. "Because its been asked of you to do a character study on him by the Minister." Snape explained as her laced his shoes. Alex slipped on her glossy black stilletoes. "Its entrapment. Everyone knows what I think about Harry bloody Potter." She sneered his name. Snape chuckled and slipped on his teaching robe and got up and walked around the bed. He came to stand in front of her as he looked her up and down. He growled and did up a button on her blouse. "If you insist on dressing like this then I'll have to keep you here and teach you a lesson." He purred. Alex felt her knees tremble. "I might like that." She growled. He smirked and offered his arm. Alex took it and felt the familiar pull of Apparation.

They landed just outside a court room when Alex reluctantly let him go. A guard opened the door and said she needed to enter. Alex sighed and put on a passive smile as she entered. The benches were filled on either side of the Minister with people in red and black robes. Harry sat behind her. Dumbledore paced. "Ah, Ms. Octavias!" The Minister greeted. Alex inclined her head and walked up to the chair and sat. She crossed her legs and put her hands in her lap. "Alexandria Octavias, age 16, character study for Mr. Harry James Potter." Fudge said. The type lady nodded. Albus smiled as he walked up to her. "Do you swear to speak the truth and nothing but the truth?" Albus asked. "Yes." Alex said curtly. The Minister nodded. "Ms. Octavias, do you know why your here?" The Minister asked. Alex lifted her gaze to him. "To share my perspective on Harry James Potter." She said boredly. He nodded. "What can you tell us abput Harry Potter's behaviour in school?" Alex inwardly groaned. "He is witty, short tempered, hostile at times when his friends are threatened in anyway, has no regaurd for his own safety when it comes to saving the day or others, brave, couragous... basicly all the qulities of a stubborn, foolish Grffindor." The Minister nodded. "Has Mr. Potter ever broken the rules whilst in school?" He asked. Alex smirked. "Thousands every year but... I have to admit that it was always for the benifit of someone else." Alex said. Fudge cleared his throat and took off his glasses, looking directly at her. "At the end of last year, Mr. Potter claimed that you faught and saved him from You-Know-Who, is this true?" He asked. Alex frowned and swallowed hard. Her eyes trailed to Dolohove whom subtilly has his wand trained on her and shook his head no. "Ms. Octavias, is this true?" Fudge repeated. Alex looked back at him. "No." Alex said in almost a whisper. Alex ignored Albus' staring at her. "Collaberate." Fudge was obviously satisfied with her answer. "Before we touched the cup, Harry Potter bonked his head." Alex lied as she held terror in her eyes. "Your wittness, Dumbledore." Fudge said. Dumbledore walked forward. "Forgive me, Ms. Octavias but you seem some what afraid. What are you afraid of?" Alex avoided his gaze. "Nothing." She said quickly. "You seem afraid of someone in this very room. Whom are you afraid of, Ms. Octavias," Alex went to speak but Albus cut her off. "I must reminde you that you are under oath." He said. Alex felt the tears stream down her face. "I can't say." Alex said, silently pleading with Albus to stop but he ignored it. "Who, Ms. Octavias?"he said louder. "Who is it you are so-"
"Anthony Dolohove!" Alex blurted as more tears ran down her face. There were gasps and people turning to him. "Why?" Albus asked. Alex trembled and broke down. "Because he's one of the death eaters that held me hostage this summer." Alex cried. Dolohove made a run for it but an Aurar stunned him. Alex shook. "Who was the man keeping you hostage, Ms. Octavias?" Albus asked softly. "I can't tell you or he'll kill my my mum." Alex sobbed. She covered her mouth with her hand. "Did you lie about Voldemort's return?" He asked. Alex suddenly stood and left the court room in flooding tears. Albus turned and looked at the Minister. "No further questions." He said and turned toward Harry.

Alex held her hair back as she vomited in the towlet. She finished and walked to the sink and splashed water on her face. Alex looked up in the mirror and whirled around as Lucius Malfoy put the tip of his wand to her throat as she gripped the counter. "The dark lord will not be pleased with you when he learns of this." He hissed. Alex trembled. "I should have exposed you in that court room." She said fiercly but her words held no conviction. "Then you would be dead." He snarled. He lowered his wand and left. Alex left the bathroom.

Alex sat in an empty compartment alone and stared out the window. People were already giving her disbelieving looks or pitty looks. Alex just wanted the world to swallow her up. Everyone either hated her or pittied her. The door opened and in walked Seth. "So word is your the, supposedly returned, dark lord's whore." Seth sneered. Alex stood up. "One warning, leave." Alex hissed. Seth took a step forward and Alex round house kicked him. He flew backwards into the hall and hit a window then slid to the floor. Alex stepped ito the hall and saw people watching and gasping or whispering. "Seth is a natural born animagus." Alex announced and walked back into her compartment, slamming the door and locking it. Alex sank to the floor and sobbed.

Alex got off the train and walked beside Draco and his goons. "It good to see you have excepted your better than those mudbloods and blood traitors." Draco boasted. Alex said nothing but carried on walking.

Alex skipped dinner and stood in the clearing in the forbbiden forest. Alex took a calming breath as she sniffled. She wiped away a tear and laid down on the ground and closed her eyes as she fell asleep.

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