Chapter 17

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Alex walked through the halls the next day on her way to class as she spotted Seth with his arm in a sling and his pack glaring at her. Alex grinned. It was good to be queen. Alex walked into the D.A.D.A. classroom as the limping man asked for the final unforgivable curse. "The killing curse." Alex said. Everyone turned to look at her. "Ah! Ms. Octavias, so good for you to join us. Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall tell me you are exceptional in Potions and Transfiguration," he paused as Alex's eyes shifted to the bored. She looked back at professor Moody. "Would you like to demonstrate?" He asked. A couple students gasped as she drew her wand and pointed it at the spider. Alex stared at it with twisted excitement. She closed her eyes and mustered up all her hatred, which was alot, and opened her eyes again. "Avada Kadavra!" Green light left her wand and hit the spider. It stopped moving and was still. Moody looked at her with lust for a moment then glee. "Well done, Ms. Octavias! 30 points to Slytherin." Alex noticed how everyone had horror written on their faces. She smirked and slipped her wand back up her left sleeve. Alex sat down and the rest of the class flew by.

Alex stood in the clearing of the woods and turned only to be tackled to the ground. Alex laughed as Junior straddled her. "What are you doing?" Alex asked, highly amused. "Surprising my lovely girlfriend." He teased. Alex chuckled as he leaned down and kissed her neck. She let a moan pass her lips as he undid her blouse and lifted up her skirt. "I love you so much." He whispered against her skin. Alex's breath got caught in her throat as he slid into her. He moved slowly, making the moment even more precious. He needed her breasts as he moved to kiss her lips slowly. They were unaware that someone was watching from behind a tree. Alex cried out as he hit a spot that made her toes curl. Alex arched her back. "I love you." Alex whispered desperatly. The shadows of the trees hid Junior's face, frusterating and making the on looker even more angry. "I love you more, my love." He whispered as he kissed her lips franticly. He made his way down to her neck and bit down hard causing Alex to cry out. "Mine!" He growled. The on looker couldn't take it anymore. "Octavias! What the bloody hell do you think your doing?!" Came the deep demanding voice of non other than Snape. Junior swore and pulled out of her. They both jumped to their feet and Junior kept his back to Snape and shielded his view of Alex. Alex quickly buttoned up her blouse. "Who are you?" Snape demanded as he pointed his wand at Junior's back. Alex fixed her skirt and fixed Junior. "I love you, my love." He whispered before he kissed her lips tenderly. Alex quickly responded. "Get away from her!" Snape shouted and fired a warning shot but Alex had drawn her wand and shielded Junior. Junior pulled away and cupped her cheek. "Mine forever." He whisped as his thumb brushed her bottom lip. Alex looked up in his eyes and smiled. "And ever." Alex whispered back. Junior smiled and ran for it. Alex blocked Snape's spells from hitting Junior. Snape disarmed her, catching her wand in his hand and she drew her gun. She cocked it and aimed it at him. Snape seemed caught off gaurd. "Give me a reason... I beg you." Alex sneered. "Albus will expell you." He said. Alex was calling his bluff. She put the safety on and put the gun away. "Thats fine because you won't remember half of tonight." Alex said and stepped forward. Snape tried to look away but it was too late. He relaxed "You won't remember the man's description, you never saw a gun, and you didn't see the direction he went in." Alex hissed and then felt the slight feeling of being tired. Snape snapped out of it and stormed forward, grabbing her arm, and dragging her back toward the school.

Alex sat in Albus' office as Minerva was pacing angrily, Albus sat at his desk simply studying her, and Snape stood against the far wall glaring at her. Alex sighed boredly amd Minerva snapped. "How could you be so naivè?! He could be a dangerous man and you barely know him!" Minerva turned on Alex, fuming and an angry red face. "And you sneak off to the forest and- and do that with him?!" She shouted. Alex smirked. "The term is sex, Minerva and this would be the fourth time now?" Alex said thoughtfuly. Minerva stormed forward. "No more! This thing you have with this strange man is over as of tonight!" Minerva shreiked. "You can't keep us apart, Minerva." Alex snapped. "I can and I will! I am your gaurdian!" Minerva snapped back. "But for how much longer? Two years? Your pretty old, wouldn't be surprised if you passed away in your sleep!" Alex was met with a back hand but it wasn't from Minerva. Alex looked up to see a seething Snape. She stood and glared at him with murderous eyes. "Whats wrong, Snape? Upset that I stopped being your fuck toy?" Alex asked. Minerva gasped as Snape's face went crimson. Alex looked at Minerva. "Oh yes, Minerva. He strung me along and fucked me but the moment I asked if he loved me, he wanted nothing to do with me," Alex looked back at Snape who looked murderous. "He can't stand another man making me feel something. So much so that he almost raped me on the train." Alex whispered the last part. Snape's expression softened as tears built up in her eyes. "I loved you and you just said nothing." She said as a sob left her lips. Alex turned and left the office.

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