Chapter 10

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Alex had missed the halloween feast to read in the library. Alex was headed back towards  the Great Hall when she was stopped by a crowd. She pushed through to gasp. There was a message written in chicken blood and Ms. Noris hanging upside down with her tail tied to a hook. Filtch was yelled at a black haired boy with glasses. Alex ran up and got Ms. Noris down. "Oh Ms. Noris!" She said and checked the cats vitals. "I-is she alive?" Filtch blubbered. Alex nodded as Albus made everyone go to there common rooms. Alex put the cat in Filtche's arms and made a cupping gesture over the cat's head. Alex heard Minerva commanding her to stop but Alex focused. She willed the cat to wake. It took a good minute before she stopped and Mrs. Noris stired. Alex smiled and swayed on her feet. "The message is written with chicken blood." Alex pointed out. "Ms. Octavias are you ok?" Filtch asked. "I'm fine, just tired." Alex brushed it off. Snape shoved past the trio and caught her before she hit the flooded floor. "Stupid girl!" He hissed. "Ah! I see I have finally made the prettiest student swoon in my presance." Lockheart said as he walked up. Minerva turned on him. "Thats my daughter you are speaking about. Don't make me hex out your eyeballs, Lockheart." Minerva hissed like an over protective lioness. Lockheart fell silent. "She almost died to save my cat." Filtch sniffled. "I wish everyone were like her, a proper student and role model to society!" Snape scoffed and picked up the unconcious girl bridal style. "Becarful what you wish for Mr. Filtch." He mutter on his way past. The trio were in shock at Snape's behaviour and Alex's power to bring back Mrs. Noris.

Alex woke to a goblet of blood being thrust into her hands. "Drink." Snape order. Alex blinked a few more times before Snape sighed and took the goblet, placing it to her lips. She drank it all except for the drop rolling down her chin. Snape caught it in his palm. Alex grabbed that hand and brought it to her mouth. She licked the droplet and the trail slowly. She then sucked his index finger. He groaned as she sucked it like how she had sucked his cock. The door opened and he ripped his hand away and got up with the goblet. Minerva walked in. "How are you feeling, Alex?" She asked and came to sit where Snape had sat. "I'm fine, mum." She said without relizing what she said. Minerva's eyes filled with joyful tears as she pulled Alex to her chest and hugged her tightly. "Thats good." The elderly lady let her go and bid her goodnight. Alex got her own bedroom that magicly attached to Minerva's and Snape's for emergancies. Alex was left alone with Snape. Alex put her hand on her stomach and slowly moved it down and started playing with the waist band of her skirt. Alex's eyes were locked on Snape who was watching her every movement. "You can stand there and watch if you wan't, professor Snape." Snape watched as her hand slipped under the waistband. He rushed off to his room and slammed the door. Alex smirked. She had warded silencing charms and locking wards over Minerva's door's side of the room and put up anti wards on Snape's door's side so he would be forced go listen to her. Alex started to rub her clit and cried out in pleasure. She was getting herself aroused. "Ah- ah- oh fuck! Severus!" She moaned and groaned.
Snape knew what the girl was doing and it was getting him hard. It was like listening to a solo porno. Snape grew shameful as he reached into his trousers and started to stroke himself.
As Alex climaxed, so did he.

Alex sat in the Great Hall with a dualing table. Lockheart had aranged a dualing club.
Alex stood beside Snape at the opposite end of the table. People crowded around the table as Lockheart walked up on it and threw his cloak to some school girls who went billistic. Alex rolled her eyes. Lockheart started to speak as she leaned toward Snape. "If you put him in his proper place then I'll serve a detention with you." She whispered. Snape smirked. "The goody-two-shoes in detention at my mercy? Done." Lockheart turned to Snape. "-my assisstant, professor Snape." Snape handed me his cloak and walked up on the platform with his arms crossed and then unfolded them, producing his wand. "But don't worry, you'll still have your Potions Master when I'm threw with him. Never fear." Lockheart winked at the crowd. Alex held onto Snape's teaching cloak tighter. The smell of him filling her nose and intoxicating her. Lockheart and Snape met in the middle and bowed and turned, walking back to the end if the platform. Alex smirked as Snape looked at her. Snape looked at her with dark eyes causing Alex to blush slightly. Snape turned to face Lockheart with his wand raised. Lockheart wore a cocky smile. "1. 2. 3-"

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