The beginning

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Ok this is a slow burn romance I believe that's what it's called anyway it's just a warning in case some of you guys don't like slow burn romance ok enjoy 😊


It was two days before Christmas and daddy told me that tonight we could make cookies and drink hot cocoa before I gotta go to bed. Mommy was making dinner while me and daddy was in the living room watching TV.

While watching it we heard a loud bang at the door. My daddy looked at me and we both shrugged our shoulders. He got up and opened the door.

Our house was in the woods and it was snowing pretty badly, so we were confused on why someone would be at our door. My father never really told me what he did for work and mommy stays home with me, so it might be for daddy.

My daddy let in whoever was at the door and I saw that it was the scary man with all the piercings. ".......Mi Mi why don't you go to your room. Daddy will come and get you once we're done". My daddy turned around and smiled a closed eye smile. I nodded and walked to my room.

I put my ear up to the door to listen on their conversation but it was muffled, I could hear some of it but not all of it.

"I'll have the money after Christmas". Daddy said "Can't do that. Money is due today or you know what happens". I'm confused, why does daddy need to give money to someone and what happens when they don't pay him.

Yelling broke me out of my thoughts and I cracked the door to see the scary guy yelling at my dad and my mom was trying to calm them down. I saw the scary guy punch daddy and he fell back.

Mommy rushed to him and what stopped me from going out there was that he stabbed mommy with some black wood thingy. Blood splattered everywhere and my father stayed quiet for some reason.

"I wonder how Asumi will react to her final seconds alive"? My dad stood up, "Don't touch her! She didn't do anything wrong! She doesn't know anything! Please don't kill her"! Me and my daddy locked eyes and I saw how scared he was.

"You know what I gotta do right". Daddy began to plead for his life. "Please! Please I need to take care of Mi Mi and properly bury my wife". My dad was crying.

"You know the consequences Diasuke". In a split second the man killed my father too. His blood splattering everywhere as well. I shut the door and ran under my bed to hide.


I fell asleep under the bed and had woken up from a nightmare. I heard that it was quiet so I slid up from under my bed and peeked out the bedroom door. I saw nothing like literal nothing except blood. I ran out there and slipped on  blood. "M-mommy"?

Tears were falling down my face, I can't believe my parents are dead. I started to cry like I never did before. My heart hurts and my throat hurts from the yelling.

After crying for what felt like hours I got up went to my parents room. I went up to their dresser and pulled out a mini katana. I went to the mirror to see how I looked and I looked like crap.

I went into my room and opened my closet door and pulled out a cape, and something different to wear for the winter and headed out to kill the person who killed my family.

On my adventure to find this guy I decided I needed some training if I'm going to kill somebody who has black wood thingies coming out of their arms.

I walked to the village and I'm pretty known there, so I waved to the faces I knew and looked away to the faces I didn't. I was always talked about in my village, but I never knew why. I had a small crowd of people who didn't talk about me and hung around me, but like I was small. I walked into this place where there is this old guy that trains young ninja to become the best.

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