The Mission That Change it all Pt. 3

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I opened my eyes to see that I'm back into that place I dreaded so much. "You allowed him to get away. Both Zabuza and Haku are still out there because you wanted to be ignorant and ignore me". I rolled my eyes, "I'm not becoming you so stop trying, I'll use my Kekkei Genkai wisely I won't go to my final form because I don't want to be you".

She laughed, "But you are already me, just innocent. Your scared of hurting the people you love. I get that but if you don't allow me to take over then, you'll always be weak to protect the people you care about". Her voice was soft. I sighed, "Fine if I do this will you go away"? She nodded and touched my forehead with hers.

Pain was sent through my entire body. Why does it hurt so badly! "AHHHHHHHHHH"! I started screaming at the top of my lunges.


We were all downstairs waiting for lunch to be served when we heard a excruciating scream. We all jumped up and ran upstairs to see Asumi screaming in her sleep. "Ahhh Kakashi Sensei what do we do"?! Sakura asked panicking. I went up to Asumi and her eyes are pitch black, 'Damnit not now'.

I picked her up and felt her body burning. "I'm going to take Asumi far away from the village as possible I'll bring her back once it's done". I put her over my shoulder was about to leave through the window but was stopped by Sasuke. "When what's over"? I felt someone gripping my jacket and looked behind me to see tears falling down her face.

"I'll explain later I gotta go now". "But Kakashi Sensei your injured"! I looked back at my team, "I'll be fine. I'm more worried about her". I jumped out the window and ran as fast as I could to somewhere I thought was far enough. 'Maybe water can stop whatever she's going to do'. "KAKASHI"! I heard her yell. I moved her so she could see my face and her eyes are still black and she was still crying. 'Last time she couldn't talk why is she talking now'. "Asumi just hold on ok. It'll all be over soon". She gripped my jacket really tight and put her head in my chest.

"It burns. It burns so badly". She whispered/cried. "What burns". She didn't answer me so I thought maybe she fell asleep again but I was wrong when I heard her voice speak but this time, it was deeper and more darker. "Let me go if you don't want to die". I stopped and set her on the ground. She stood up and I saw pink chakra surrounding her body.

Like the nurse said, the chakra made wolf ears that were really long probably to hear from afar. She had two wolf tails that waved all around her like they were ready to grab something. She looked up at me and then smirked, 'Oh shit I couldn't even keep up with her when she wasn't even trying hard. Now I got this to worry about'. "Kakashi, are you scared of me"? I looked shocked that she would ask such a stupid question.

"No why would be scared of you"? She walked up to me and kept her head low. I could tell she was fighting the urge to attack me. "Because I'm a monster". "Look at me". She did, "I'm not scared of you because, I know that you wouldn't hurt me even if you had to. Like now, I can see your fighting the urge to attack me". She looked sad and hurt.

"I'm sorry Kakashi I had to! I had to become strong enough to protect you guys. I didn't want anyone else I love to be killed becuase I was weak"! She put her head in my chest and cried for a bit. I rubbed her hair like I use to do when she was sad, it calmed her down so I thought this would calm her.

And to my surprise it calmed her down. The pink chakra went away slowly and she stopped crying. "Are you ok now"? I asked and she nodded. "Can you walk"? She nodded and stood up but fell back down. Luckily for her I caught her and she didn't hit the ground.

"Ha I guess not". She said sadly, I picked her up and put her on my back and I ran back to the house. "You know the teams going to want answers". She looked confused, "You were screaming in your sleep so we all rushed into the room to find you screaming and your eyes were pitch black and they were asking me questions I couldn't answer because it wasn't my business to tell". She nodded, "Well I'm not going to tell them either".

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