The Real Fight Begins!

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We stood like bad gang. I bet the guy was shitting his pants just by looking how cool we look. We stood in a line first was Kiba, Choji (who was still bent down) me, Shikamaru, Naruto, then Neji.

I'll have to heal the rest later, right now I gotta make sure nothing out of the blue happens. "He's the only one here. Seems like the others went ahead". Shikamaru said, "Yea. There not around here anymore". Neji said looking around with his Byakugan.

"They left a while back, I heard them leaving". I said looking at my friends. "Damn.....just when we thought we caught up". Shikamaru said in a bored tone. We all looked at the orange haired baldy for sometime. "Alright guys, let's not die. There is only one of me so try to keep your injuries to a minimum". I told them and they nodded.

Naruto and Kiba went up first. Kiba got down on the ground and leaped towards orange guy while spinning. Orange guy punched Kiba in the face and he flew back with a grunt. "Kiba"! I yelled and went to check on him.

The thought of my parents came to mind. My dad getting punched and my mom bending down to check on him and then........then.........I don't wanna talk about to anymore. Naruto jumped up over Kiba, "Shadow Clone Jutsu"! He said while doing a hand sign. Another Naruto came from him and they held a fist up to they're faces. "Take this"! They both yelled.

Orange guy swatted Naruto's clone away and grabbed Naruto's punch with his hand and head butt Naruto, making him fly to a tree. "Naruto"! I yelled and poof to his side. I looked at orange guy, "Ok my turn". I mumbled and ran up to him. I jumped into the air and drew my leg down on his head but before it could touch him, he grabbed my ankle and threw me into a tree.

I gasped for air, "Asumi"! Shikamaru yelled out, I gave him a thumbs up letting him know I'm ok. "Earth Style Barrier: Earth Dome Prison"! He said and Choji jumped infront of us. "Expansion Jutsu: Human Boulder"! He said and he gotten bigger again, he tucked his head and started spinning the air around us circulate us. We jumped out of sight view and hide.

"Even at 5 against 1 with our chakras taken away, he's not someone we can easily defeat". I said looking towards the area we were just at. "Guys jump"! I said and they did. A tree fell and we were now in sight. "Neji! Take Kiba and Choji, and go after Sasuke"! Shikamaru ordered, Neji nodded, "Got it".

"Behind us"! Me and Kiba yelled in unison, they al turned behind us and they saw orange guy holding a big rock boulder thing in his hands, 'So he's that strong'! "HE'S NUTS"! Naruto yelled out and I shook my head agreeing to him. He threw the boulder at us and we all jumped out of the way. The boulder made a huge dirt path in the ground.

"If the leader is stupid, then I guess the subordinates are loser". Orange guy said and it ticked me off even more. 'Shikamaru is the smartes guy I know! You're the stupid one baka'! "Darn, darn! Babbling on like that! I will-", "He's mines"! Choji yelled out, I turned to him and saw the look I had when I went up against the Akatsuki.

"I will....take care of him"! Choji finished, I smiled at his determination. I know I'll probably have to stay back and help, "I'll stay too". I said and everyone looked at me, "What no Asumi it's dangerous". Naruto said and I shrugged, "I'm the backup so I need to stay here and backup Choji. I know I'm not the only one who smells who powerful he is and we all seen his true strength. I'm getting mines back right now so if Choji-", "No Asumi. Let me do this myself". Choji said and I sighed, "Choji, don't be rational here". I said fully looking at him.

"I'm not. I want to handle this on. My. Own". He said looking even more determined then before, "Fine, but I'll be listening if you need me. I'll be there in a second to heal any of your injuries and to kill this bastard myself ok"? I said sounding like a worried mother. Choji finally smiled and nodded.

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