4th Great Ninja War Pt. 3

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I knew I was next and that pained me to know that I'm going to die without killing Pain. "Asumi! Just stay calm! I'm going to save you"! My dad tried to reassure, but I already knew it was too late for me. My friends were crying out to me and I was crying out to them. 'Just anybody......please.....help me'. I turned to my dad, tears in my eyes, "..Dad"? I whispered and a second after saying that a felt a pain in my gut and I started falling.

I hit the hard ground and started shaking, 'I need to heal. Luckily he didn't kill me instantly like mom, maybe he's going to kill both of them in front of me again?! No-'! "DAD"! I cried out and saw his body fall to the ground lifeless. "No no no no no no". I mumbled, trying to get up on my feet. "No no no no no no no no"! I yelled louder while rushing to him but was pushed back.

I looked at Pain and just stared at him. A second later I felt a new surge of power in me, it hurt like hell and I was scared to let it go because it might kill everyone here but damnit I was so pissed. I let the new surge of power take over my body. A second later the pain was unbearable and I started screaming. After what felt like forever, I felt so strong that I could kill anyone with just one punch. (She has six tails now and two pink swords. Her outfit has the Samaky clans symbol on it and she has it tattooed on her forehead).

Tsunade POV
After Asumi was pushed back, a second in silence and right after that there was a big explosion and we heard Asumi screaming an excruciating cry. A huge gush of wind came towards us and right after was heat. "What??!! Is that Asumi"?!!! Ino asked no one, I nodded, shocked that I'm experiencing this first hand. "I can't believe it". I breathed out and everyone turned to me. "What do you mean Lady Tsunade"? Kakashi asked.

"What we are experiencing right now is every Samaky with the Samaky kekkei genkai, their power went into Asumi. So she basically has times 100 of her strength, and possibly more". I said and everyone looked shocked and turned back to Asumi. We couldn't see her face but we could tell she turned just by the way she's holding herself. After a few minutes the fire controlled it self and the wind had calmed down a bit, "You know, most people would think I'm used to experiencing death by now. But I'm not. It still hurts like hell and I lost a lot of people I cared about today by you. So I'm going to do all of us a favor and end this war, RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW"!

Asumi POV
I looked at Pain, he looked shocked and not just him the entire Akatsuki, Madara, and Obito. "That's the full strength of a Samaky"? Obito asked impressed. "Yes...and I know strength. You can just look at her and feel the power she holds and she's only 16". Madara said. "She's even stronger than us and Naruto". Obito said intrigued. "Then I must end her now". Pain said and he pointed his hands out, "You shall know Pain". Pain started, "Almighty Push"! Pain finished and I thought quickly, "REVERSE"! I put my hands out at the wind and sucked up the air.

It was harder than I thought, haha. "Asumi get away from there that thing could kill you"! Tsunade said but I ignored, I'm not just going to run away from this. The pressure started to push me back a bit but I held my ground. I stuck my tails in the ground to keep me steady.

Pain adds more pressure and that's when it gets really hard. "Asumi stop"! Ino cries out. My friends start to tell me to stop doing this and that this reckless or whatever. The pressure starts to rip parts of my skin off and starts to break my bones but I don't care I heal them every second.

"CHAAAAAAAAAAAAA"! I sucked up the rest of the wind, fell back a bit but quickly gained my balance. I point my hands out, "Almighty....Push"! I yelled and sent what he sent me but 10x harder. Pain was having a hard time to stay up as the wind was too strong it broke his body.

After it was over I fell forward but was caught by Kakashi, "You did good kid". He told me as I smiled and passed out.


I saw Asumi fall forward but Kakashi went and caught her. It was silent except the harsh winds stills blowing. Everyone looked at her shocked at how strong she was. "She stopped an attack on Pain. And killed the entire Akatsuki and Madara and Obito". Some ninja said. "Well they're not dead yet until someone kills the person who summoned them". Sasuke said and Asumi stood up. "Im not done yet". She said through breathes.

She tried walking but couldn't walk for long. "Hey take it easy kid". Temari said while Asumi pushed her hands off of her. "This war isn't over till he's dead and I'll kill him my damn self". She said walking through the crowd. "No need". We turned around to a voice behind us. Asumi looked up, "Itachi". She said while he walked up to her. "No need to strain yourself no longer. I killed him after he released the jutsu". He said and then looked at Sasuke and poofed infront of him.

"Good job Sasuke". He said and poked his face with his pointer and middle finger and Sasuke looked shocked with tears in his eyes. Then Itachi started to disappear. His body was turning into little white squares. Everyone looked at the beautiful scene until he was gone. Everyone stayed quiet for a bit, I was catching my breathe from holding it in for a long time. "We won? We actually survived"?! Some ninja cheered. Then everyone started cheering while Kakashi brought Asumi over to us so Sakura could take care of her injuries.

'God this was such an emotional ride. I thought I was going to loose her, then I lost my dad. Dad I'm not going to disappoint you, I'm going to make you proud from now on, and Asuma Sensei, I'll make sure Asumi listens to you and starts to love'. As I finished that thought Asumi started to wake up.

"Asumi your up"! Sakura said while she started to stand, "And now you get back down"! She ordered but Asumi went over to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry Shika. I shouldn't have left you to do this on your own and because of that, your dad died and not just yours, Ino's too". She hugged tighter and I hugged her back.

"It's not your fault, I'm sure Ino already told you so stop putting it on you". I said and she pulled back, she looks hurt all over again and it's making me hurt. "I'm fine Sakura, by the way. Thank you for tending to my injuries while I was out". Asumi thanked her and she nodded.

A ninja came up to Asumi and hugged her, "Thank you. Thank you so much for protecting me and my family. I now see that your not the enemy, you genuinely want to help us". He said and pulled away from her, Asumi blushed and scratched the back of her head, "Haha no don't thank me. I did this because it was job and to protect everyone. All I did was do my job". She said then Tsunade called her, "Does this mean you're leaving the leaf"? She asked and everyone turned to her.

'I forgot she came here for this reason. I hope you don't leave'. I looked at her and she looked at me, "I could never leave any of you". She said and we all cheered, well Naruto did. "YOURE STAYING! YOURE STAYYNG"! Naruto cheered and picked her up, spinning her in a circle. She started laughing, "Alright Naruto, put her down now". I said a little jealous, he put her down and she ran to me and kissed me.

I was shocked. 'She's kissing me......in front of everyone........should I touch her? That would seem a little bit too much. Then what do I do'? I kissed her back and grabbed her waist, making sure it's not too much but ya know how things get.

She pulled away and looked at me, red as a beet and I probably was too. "Awwww you young love birds". Tsunade's said while walking up to us. "I promote Asumi Samaky as the Leafs proud protecter"! She announce and everyone started cheering, whatever that means. "Since you don't like labels, I could have you hokage but you probably don't want that so I made you our protecter. It's kinda like hokage but without the title". She said and Asumi smiled, "But what about Naruto? He should become Hokage". She said pointing at him.

Naruto smiled a big toothy grin, "Dattabyo"! He said while she smiled. "We'll talk about it once we get back to village and healed up".

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