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2 years later


I finally succeeded in perfecting the sight sense and I'm very proud of myself. Mech says by the time I'm 16 I would be able to perfect the 'Multi Fire Arrow Jutsu'. Me and Aizen has been spending a lot of time together and to be honest I would say he was becoming my best friend.

Well he was my only friend here so it's kinda sad but hey, everyone hates me. "Hey Asumi? When do you plan on going back"? Aizen asked while eating some noodles, "Umm maybe next year. I did tell Tsunade, the leafs Hokage, that I would only be gone for 3 years. And since I only have one year till I'm 16 I believe that this would be best. Plus since I mastered the sight, I'm moving on to this jutsu called reverse, I already started on it and I'm pretty close to perfecting it". Aizen smiled, "So we only have one year left together"?

He asked, sad about me leaving him, I shook my head. "No silly, you can always come visit me in the Leaf whenever you want. Well that's if I'll stay in the Leaf". I rolled my eyes at myself, Aizen did a 'huh' and I chuckled, "I wasn't planning on staying in the Leaf for this long, so maybe when I turn 18, 17 I was going to set off and do what I trained so hard for. Killing Pain and the Akatsuki". I said sternly and Aizen look concerned, "You really believe that you can defeat all of them".

I smiled, "Of course I can! I'm not weak Aizen". I said and got up from the table we were at and paid for our lunch. "You didn't have to do that, I was going to pay". I shook my head, "No I invited you so I must pay-" "But I don't want you to spend you're money on me. Spend it on yourself, I heard those special kunais you need cost a lot of money". I laughed, "Well don't you do your research, and I'll be fine. I wanted to treat you so just shut up and allow me to". I said and continued walking, with him following me.

Aizen sighed, "But it's not gentleman like for me to have the girl pay for lunch". Now I sighed, "Aizen, I don't need you to treat me like I'm some girl you need to treat like a lady. We're friends and friends treat eachother without the other one pressuring the other one to not pay just because she's a girl". I said and Aizen only sighed again. "You know Asumi, you're really stubborn". Aizen chuckled a bit and I smiled a closed eye smile.

Time skip

"Asumi, you're doing great with the reverse jutsu. Now all you gotta do is master the 'Multi Fire Arrow' jutsu". I nodded and took a deep breathe. "Ok we're going to do this again". I nodded and he did a water jutsu and sent it towards me. "Hidden Technique: Reverse". I put my hands out and caught the jutsu, sucking it up in my hands and once it all came in, I pushed my arms up in the air and blasted the water in the air 10x harder than the caster did.

Once it was done I slowly pulled my head down, looking at Mech with my eyes widen and my mouth hanging. "AHHHHHHH I DID IT"! I cheered and ran up to him. I hugged him tightly while repeating 'I did it! I did it' over and over again. Mech patted my back and I pulled away from him, "Good job Mi Mi, I am so proud of you. Now then it's time to work on that justu". I groaned, "But that one was so hard! Why can't I just do two portal thingy"?! I complained/whined, "Because then you won't have the full damage, now let's go". He said and I nodded.


It's been 2 years since Asumi left and this time we hear from her every other week, which I'm really happy about. "Hey Shikamaru". I turned to see Choji with Kiba, "Oh hey guys". I said and they stopped and looked at me, "What's wrong Shikamaru? DID ASUMI FORGET TO WRITE BACK?!!! WE NEED TO TELL LORD FOURTH-" "NO Kiba! She didn't forget, it's not even two weeks yet". I said calming down, "Then why the long face"? Kiba asked, "I sighed, "I kinda can't tell anyone but I'll tell you both a little bit". They nodded and I started to walk somewhere that's more secluded.

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