Asuma, Shikamaru, Asumi, and the team vs Hidan and Kakuzu!

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I'm walking around the village when I see an Akatsuki member. "Ko go tell Tsunade that someone's here and I'm going to stop him the best I can. Tell her that I do need back". I told Ko and she nodded and dashed to the office.

"Well hello there Asumi". Hidan said standing up, I run out of my hiding spot and stood there, remembering my last encounter with him. "Wow you've grown so much". He smirked and I just gaged. "What are you doing here Hidan"? I asked getting straight to the point. "Hmmm well boss figured out your parents little pop ups and told me to handle you myself". Hidan said and I clenched my fist.

"What the hell did you do to my parents"? I asked anger washing over me, "Oh I didn't do nothing, but boss did something your mother". He said slowly, and I couldn't take it anymore, I ran up to him with my sword in my hand.

He threw his scythe at me but then brought it back. I dashed to him, swinging my sword he blocked it of course and I kept swinging till I got behind him then I fright to stab him but he turned around and kicked me. I rolled on the ground a bit and dashed to him, "I'm not going to let you win"! I yelled and jumped dodging his scythe, he brought it back by the rope tied to it and and almost cut me.

We started having a weapon fight. I block his attack while he block mines but I haven't landed a hit on him yet, he keeps kicking me and it's pushing me away from him. I heard Ko's voice and got distracted, I was punched so hard I almost lost conciseness. I hit the building he was sitting in front of so hard that I spat blood out my mouth. "Asumi Sensei"! Ko called out and ran up to me.

I heard Hidan throw his scythe towards me, "Ko stop"! I yelled and jumped in the way, I had got cut on my cheek, 'Damnit that isn't good'. I got up and put Ko somewhere else. "Ko stay here with Shikamaru while the rest of us take care of him.

"Stay! You almost died.....if you stay here then...then you won't die". She said putting her head down. I looked at Shikamaru and he was giving me a look that said, 'Please stay'. I sighed giving in and watched them fight.

Izumo and Kotetsu both came up to his sides with they're weapon and Hidan tried to jump out of the way but Shikamaru caught him in his shadow paralysis jutsu. "Your too slow". Shikamaru said and I blushed a bit. Izumo and Kotetsu stabbed Hidans sides and he looked like he got a paper cut. "That freakin hurt". Hidan said unbothered. "What the hells your problem"? Everyone face was shocked except mines because I already knew that would've happened.

"I'm here to kill that Samaky so leave me alone so I can go back home". Hidan said again, and I clenched my fist. "What's going on?! We hit his vital organs"! Izumo said, I was about to jump down there but I felt someone behind us. I blocked Kakuzu punch but it was too strong that we got pushed back.

We were running away from him with Ko in my arms and Asuma poof in front of while Izumo and Kotetsu came behind us. "Asumi watch Ko-" "No you watch her. I've been waiting for this moment my entire life and I'm not letting this go to waist". I said staring at Hidan with a death stare.

Hidan pulled his scythe from the ground, "Kakuzu, stay out of this". Hidan said. "But she might kill you if you do something to anger her". Kakuzu said and Hidan slip his foot a bit, "Like she could pull it off, Kakuzu. "If she could kill me, I'd let her. But that's not happening, is it"? Hidan asked after finishing making his mark on the ground with his blood.

I clenched my hands around my sword hilt and ran up to him. "Watch Ko"! I yelled blocking his scythe, Asuma came up to fight with me too. Hidan threw two kunais at us and I blocked them while Asuma did the same. Hidan threw his scythe towards Asuma and luckily he dodged it, so he tried it with me but I blocked it. I went into my first stage of my kekkei genaki.

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