The Truth about Aletta Sasaki!

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I stood there shocked, and angry just looking at him, "How did you know I was here"?! I asked anger boiling inside me, he laughed, "Well this little file said that Asumi Samaky would be here. And you are, I didn't expect you to be alive though but that's better". He smirked and I didn't waist time to attack.

I dashed to him and punched his face but jumped back up because I punched his damn bones. Remembering our last fight I instantly went into the third stage of my Kekkei Genkai and ran at him punching and kicking him. Every hit was stronger and stronger making the wind around us pick up.

"You still don't understand do you"? He asked and jumped back. We looked at each other as my friends came up, "Guys you shouldn't be here! Leave before he kills you all too"! I warned but to no avail they stayed. "We were ordered to be backup-" "I don't give a damn! This guy is dangerous! He can kill you in a blink-" I stepped back dodging a bone knife.

"Hey he's like that one guy I fought with bushy brows"! Naruto said while I took a fighting stance, "Leave before someone else dies. I can't lose anyone else". I said and then a second later I ran to him I brought my arm back, "You're still too slow". He said then brought his leg up to me but I dodged it by a hair.

"Think Asumi". I closed my eyes and thought of something. "I see, are you guys associated with this girl"? Shiori asked and I threw a kunai at him, which he dodged and grabbed my kunai, "Why are you so persistent"? He asked, I poof behind him, and scratched his side, he jumped to the side. I growled lowly, "I will not allow you to kill anyone else. I swear on Hiruzen I'll burn you're body". I said darkly and he started laughing.

"Come on Asumi. We fought before, haven't you learned you're lesson? I want to see that demon in you and if I have to kill to get out, like before, I will". He said and my breathing quicken, "GUYS GET OUT OF HERE"! I yelled and they all shook they're heads. "Stop trying to be the hero! I'm trying to protect you all"! I said while blocking one of his bones he used as a kunai.

We started to have a weapon fight and he's fast, like really fast and I'm barely holding up. "Why do you hate me so much, sister-in-law". Shiori said and it distracted me a bit so I got punched in the face. I hit the ground hard but got up anyways, "Let us protect you the way you protected us all these years". Naruto said, I looked at his back and saw his blonde hair blowing in the wind.

"Naruto". I whispered shocked, I knew we were close but I didn't know he would risk his life for me. "You've been messing with our friend Asumi for why to long asshole! It's time for us to repay her back all of these years and protect her the way she protected us"! Naruto said giving me a thumbs up at end.


"I promise I'll bring Sasuke back even it costs me my life"! Naruto gave Sakura a thumbs up and she looked shock.

Flashback ends

Whenever Naruto makes a promise he'll never break it. Even though he haven't brought Sasuke back yet but still, he's trying his hardest. I smiled and stood up, the rest of the ninja and my friends came up behind us.

"Now this will be quick". Shiori said and dashed to me which I easily blocked with a kunai. Naruto took this opportunity to kick his side but he jumped back a bit. "Ino-Shika-Cho Formation". Shikamaru ordered and they all got into their fighting stance. "What's the plan Mi Mi"? Kakashi asked, using my nickname again.

"Well we obviously have to make sure to not get hit with his bones. So Ino-Shika-Cho, you guys will be on the front lines trying to slow him down the best you can. Ino if u can get inside his head try to reason with him and get as much information as you can, if you can't I have a backup plan that will help with that. Gai's team you guys will go in as backup for Ino-Shika-Cho group, make sure while Shikamaru is watching Ino's body that he doesn't get hurt. Kakashi's team you guys will be with me, our part is totally different but it will work in the long run with all of you guys jutsu's. Kuernai and the rest of the Jonin, you guys have it simple except you Kuernai, since you're the only one here who can do gen, I need you to make the strongest gen you can since I won't be here with you right now.

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