4th Great Ninja War Pt. 2

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Time skip

I watch Pain, floating in the air. Half of the ninjas who came out here is dead while half of the rest is tried. I on the other hand am perfectly fine except that I had to watch both of my parents die, that's why I'm crying with an angry look on.

"Asumi........you wanna know something"? Pain laughed, "All of this, everything you've been through-". Before we get into it, let's start from the beginning. It's kinda long so buckle up!

28 hours before


I'm running towards My parents chakra with my friends behind me. Tsuande and her group has joined us a few minutes before this. I slid to a stop to see them. Mom and Dad, but not just them two, I even seen Pain himself. I started growling lowly while clenching my fist.

My dad felt us and turned around, "Asumi, your supposed to be dead". Was the first thing my dad said to me, I was taken back by this a little bit and felt like yelling at him but I kept my cool. My mom was on the other side and went in front of Pain, holding her hand out protectively, then like on cue the whole Samaky clan came back standing behind my dad, the rest of the reanimated ninja stood behind my mother and Pain.

It was a lot of ninja, and not weak ones either. Luckily we had a couple of strong ninja on our side too. All of the hokages were with us too. Shikaku and Inoichi stayed back to watch out for any lingering ninja. "Diasuke, I thought I told you to kill her. What's taking so long to kill a person that's half your strength"? Pain asked my dad and he looked down disappointed, "It's harder than it looks Pain". He said and Pain stuck his hand out, I quickly did a 'Protective Dome' jutsu and right when he sent one of his black thingies my dome was complete and I jumped out of the way of the thing.

Pain sent two more at me and I did a lightning style jutsu, deflecting it. I stood there watching him, he did something with his hands and bunch of receivers came out of his hands and arms towards everyone. The earth style users put up earth walls stopping the receivers in their place and once they were done they put the wall away. "This can all stop once you just hand over Naruto and Asumi". Obito said. Who was kinda the reason why this all started.

"I'm not handing you shit". I said taking a ground looking more confident. He laughed, "You think you can take on all of these people and the Akatsuki and Madara"? He asked feeling confident. "What's your reason being here Pain? I mean if you really wanted to you could kill us all with air". I asked looking at Pain. "Well isn't it obvious. I need to kill you myself and while I'm at it I'll kill your parents in front of you again". My eyes widened, "YOU WOULDNT DARE"! I yelled". Oh, and what are you going to do to stop me"? He asked with his expressionless face.

I growled lowly. "If you want Asumi and Naruto your gonna have to get through us first"! Shikamaru said. "Gladly". Madara said deeply. I wasted no time and rushed up to Pain with my sword ready, I swung my sword at him and he caught and hit my chest really hard. I flew far and I hit a bunch of rocks and gasped for air at the contact. "Asumi"! My friends called out. I got up slowly, getting used to being able to move my body. I poof to my friends and they all checked up on me. "What the hell is wrong with you going in without a plan"?! Tsunade asked me, my vision was going bad, 'Am I running out of chakra'?!

Sakura saw this and caught me before I fell. "Don't tell me you can't fight". Kiba said irritatedly, I sighed, "I don't know". I said catching my breathe. "Now Asumi, you knew the consequences about learning the sight, now you will die a slow death". I heard grandpa say and I gasped, "They can take chakra away"? I whispered but loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"Damnit". Kakashi said and I turned to him, I stood up and walked to him, "What do you mean 'damnit'"? I asked and he looked the other way, "Samaky clan memebers can take chakra from each other. Since your grandpa is superior to you then he can take your chakra whenever he wants. Your dad can too". Tsuande said and I looked at her shocked and a little pissed.

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