Asumi's Training!

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I'm leaving to go to the Snow Village to get some training. I might be gone for 3 years so when I get back I'll be 16! I hope nothing happens to Shikamaru's feelings while I'm gone. Well that's if he even did like me. I couldn't really get anything if he's been telling me.

Anyway I'm on my way to the village gates to say goodbye to all of my friends. Apparently Naruto is leaving for 3 years too with pervy Sage. I hope Naruto is strong enough to protect old man Sage. I know I'll be in the Snow but if anything pops up with the Akatsuki, since their after him, I'll go there and kill them. Simple.

"Please come back safe. Who knows how they are now. You did get really strong over the years since the last time they saw you". Tsunade said and I nodded in response. "Of course and if anything does happens I'll be able to kill anything that's in my way". I said proudly and Tsunade chuckled. "I'm serious Asumi. You don't know how they are now. Their Kage might pose you as a threat-" "They won't. Even though I am dangerous in their eyes, I think now when they see how nice I am since imma be there for 3 years they can finally see that I'm not what they say I am". I said and turned around to hug Shikamaru.

Naruto had already left but I already said buy to him before he left and he did the same. "Shikamaru, I wanna tell you something so badly, but it's going to have to wait till after my trip". I said and he pulled apart but kept a stern hold on my arms. "What do you mean? Why can't you tell me now"? He sounded eager to know which made me more nervous, "Because I don't think I'm ready to tell you yet. But I will when I get back, so don't sweat it". I shrugged and Ino came and wrapped her arms around me tightly.

Sakura coming up and doing the same, "Don't leave Asumi! Naruto already left and now we're losing you too"! They both yelled while crying, "Guys I'm coming back, and this isn't my first time being away from you guys for so long". I said and they both punched my shoulder hard. Sakura is really strong person when she wants to be, so that punch hurt but I healed it. "You were gone for only months-"! Sakura started, "This time it's YEARS"! Ino finished, I smiled at them and gave them a reassuring thing my mom did when I was worried, sad, or just feeling down.

I walked up to Sakura and put our foreheads together, she seemed to calmed down so I went to Ino and did it. "I'll be back guys, don't worry so much". I said and here came the rest of my friends hugging me and Lee and Kiba asking me to do the same to them, which I did because they might be worried about me too so if it helped Sakura and Ino then I would Kiba and Lee.

After all of that chatting and goodbyes, I finally left. I'm walking, not in a rush to get there. 'I never really walked for my missions. Maybe because I was always trying to get them done so quickly. The only one where I walked was with Kakashi and his genin, my first conjoined mission. I wish I could turn back time and let Hiruzen know- No let my parents know to not open that door or to flee as far as possible. Nah that would be waist, he would find them and kill them and me this time. Still I do wish they were still here or maybe at the village, that would be a great, but sad, surprise'.

I see a lake up ahead and decided to just walk over it, it looks like it goes all the way to the mist village and that's not where I wanna go. Well not yet at least, I'll go by and visit Haku and Zabuza, and when I get back I'll talk to Hiruzen about my fun time being back home. I miss Mech so much and the though that he remembered my birthday was even better and I also got this cool ass sword. No more using that mini Kiba katana, now I got full on Kiba katana.

It's going to take awhile to get used to but hey I don't care, I'm going to train day in and day out so I can get stronger. I heard something run past me but I didn't care to look since it didn't stop anywhere near me.

'Must be some ninja coming back to the village'. I shrugged the thought off and continued my journey.

Unknown POV

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