The Big Fight

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I'm chilling in my office, missing my old life but this life ain't that bad. "Tsunade"! Shizune bust open the doors and rushed to my desk holding a bird, 'Asumi'! "Asumi wrote back! She needs backup, quick"! Shizune hands me the paper and I read it quickly.

Hey Tsunade, sorry if this is poorly written but I'm writing while dodging attacks right now

I sweat dropped, "You're a weird kid, Asumi".

I need backup. I know where I am, there are 10 men working here, 6 girls. All of us are badly beaten, I have wounds that would take a while to heal and I don't have the time to heal myself right now so fighting is only making my injuries worse but I have to save these girls and bring them back home to they're family.

Ok anyway I'm in the far side of the Hot Spring Village there is a pond here it's actually kinda big to be a pond so maybe a lake or river, I don't know, anyway the ten men have chakra, I thought they didn't but they do. They're base is underground, be aware of that because they have some thing that stops peoples chakra flow even their own so I couldn't use my jutsu's or anything, as for my wounds.

Anyway send backup for the girls, I don't need it. I wanna kill them myself, I just can't kill them while the girls are here because I might lose control and use a really big jutsu that could hurt them and I don't want that. So send anyone who's ready please, bring them quickly.

"Ok then". I did a jutsu and called all of my available Jonin. "Um Tsunade not trying to disrespect your choice but I was with my team". Asuma said hesitantly and everyone else agreed. "Fine then would you like your genin and Shikamaru to come and join"? They nodded, "If they join let them know not to help Asumi. She only needs help with bringing the girls back to their family". Everyone gasped slightly, "Asumi contacted us? When"?! Asuma asked eager to read the letter.

"Just now, I just got done reading it". I gave them the letter and they all read it, Kuernai gasped, "Asumi is killing herself fighting in that state and she doesn't want help"?! Kuernai frantically asked, shocked that this little girl is risking her life for random girls.

"Go get your Genins and Shikamaru quickly then I'll explain your mission". They nodded and poof out of here getting they're team. A few minutes later they came back, my office was packed with the original 4 teams here. "Hey what's going on, why are there so many people"?! Naruto asked with his hands on his hip, "Maybe if you shut up and actually let me speak then you'd know". I spat back, he grew an irk mark.

"Ok so your Sensei's know why they are here but you guys don't. Asumi has sent me a letter with all of the information I have asked for, she's calling for backup-". "What happened to Asumi"?! Sakura Haruno asked, I sighed, "If you let me finish, Asumi is fine, we'll she's not but she said she will be so that's all that matters. Asumi is in a dangerous battle, she is injured very badly and she doesn't have time to heal herself, so she asked for your backup to get the girls safely back to their families so Asumi can use her full power". I said and they nodded.

"So where are we going"? The Nara asked, "Well 'Mr Smarty Pants' y'all are going to the Land of Hot Springs. It's right up there next to the Leaf so you shouldn't miss it. Head out now, who knows what happened". I said and the all left the office.

Asumi an hour before

Today is the day I escape! My door opened to reveal big guy. The guy I needed to get me out of here, "Come on cutie, laboratory time". He said and grabbed my arm harshly. I have so many bruises from these two weeks I've been here.

He's walking closer to my sword. Once we get closer I stopped moving, holding my head down. "Come on brat before I make you"! I started laughing, "Make me then". I said, he ran up to me but I stepped to my right dodging him. He turned around and ran up to me with his fist raised. I made sure I was standing in front of the door where the sword was, once he punches it really hard it should break, making it able for me to get in there, cut my chains and get the girls out of here.

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