The Final Truth!

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When I woke up we were moving. I groaned and moved on someone's back. I looked up and saw white hair. "Ahh good morning Asumi". Kakashi said calmly. "Asumi your awake! Thank god I thought you were dead when you passed out"! Naruto yelled and his yelling hurt my ear drums.

"Naruto please stop yelling". I said tiredly and Kakashi put me down. "Hey are you ok"? Sakura asked me and I nodded. "Yea why wouldn't I be"? I put my long hair into a ponytail that still hung below my butt. "Well you know.....Haku and Zabuza". Sakura said hesitantly. I sighed remembering, "I never forgotten. I just don't like thinking about it".

We started to walk again. "Gato said something about you not joining your family"? Sakura said 'Ahh so you picked that up'. "Yea, he did". I shrugged at the end. "Does he mean that like their dead"? I looked at the road ahead of us with a blank expression, "Yea so what"? They all looked shocked even Sasuke.

"Why didn't you tell us they were dead"?! Naruto asked, "Because I don't tell my business out to everyone. That's how you get blackmailed. Trust me I know, I've done it on a couple of people and had it done to me". Sakura hugged me and I was shocked, "Why are you hugging me"? We all stopped moving.

"I'm so sorry Asumi. You get talked about because of your kekkei genkai and your also alone. It must be tough being the only one to go through that". Now that mad me pissed, "First off Sakura I'm not the only one going through that. Naruto is and you don't seem to care! So why care about me. I said I'm fine and I'll be fine. It was 6 years ago I should be over their death already".

I started walking and they soon started a little bit after. Since the bridge was made it was faster to get back to the village. Once we got there I waved goodbye to the team and jumped on the roofs and ran to the hokage building to tell Hiruzen about the mission and how I hate life.

I told Hiruzen about my day and the fact that I turned into a demon wolf infront of my whole team and now they know both of my parents are dead. Wow a lot happened in a week.

"I see you had just an amazing time in the mist". Hiruzen teased. "Haha old man. So what you gotta do today"? Hiruzen handed me some papers, "The chunin exams? But isn't that like in a couple of months"? He nodded, "Yes but this time there will be tons of other villagers coming so I gotta prepare ahead of time".

I nodded my head understanding. "Hiruzen, What rank do I go for? I'm just curious because on the mission I was mistaken as a genin but I don't think I'm a genin". Hiruzen thought for a bit, "I would put you as a Jonin but you seem to overpass Kakashi by a tiny bit. What do you wanna be ranked as"? I put my finger to my chin and thought.

"Maybe an assassin"! Hiruzen laughed, "Well I can't just have you ranked as an assassin. Why don't I have you join the Anbu Corps. All they do is kill people, get scrolls, and other things that were either stolen or something needed to be given or taken to and from villages". I nodded, "Ok I'll give it a try. When do I start"? Hiruzen smiled, "You can start next week, that will give you enough time to get the uniform and choose your mask you want".

I nodded and left to go to my room. While I was in there I decided to take a bath since I was sweating when I woken. I took a bath and changed into some shorts and a tank top. (Any color you think about is fine).

I went outside and went to the dango shop. "Hey Asumi. Haven't seen you here in a while". The lady said, "Yea I was on a mission with Kakashi's team". She gave me the dangos I always ordered and I waved goodbye.

On my way back to the house, I see Shikamaru and Choji. "Shikamaru! Choji"! I yelled out to them and ran up to them. "Oh hey Asumi". Shikamaru said lazily, Choji was drooling over my dangos so I gave him one. "Arigato Asumi your amazing"! I blushed to his compliment.

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