chapter three: like a ballerina

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I laid awake on the Thursday night of my first week of college.

I couldn't sleep knowing that the next day i'd see her again. The entire week I had been going to the bar in the afternoons hoping she'd take up the offer and stop by, but like always, she was a no show.

Eventually I fell asleep, then waking up to go to classes that I didn't pay attention to mind to. Noon was nearing and I was let out a bit early from my previous class, giving me about five extra minutes to talk to Lizzy before class would officially start. Of course, only if I could speed-walk quickly enough.

I turned the corner and there it was. The door was slightly ajar, the hall empty and noiseless. It felt like it was just me on the entirety of the planet. And of course, also her heart, burning in the distance.

I stood at the doorway with half of my body in the classroom. She hadn't noticed me yet; she chewed on the end of her pen while reading a paper before quickly jotting something down. She had a single earphone in as well, and I could hear some faint pop song playing. I couldn't help but carry myself towards her desk.

"Hi." I leaned forward on the desk a bit while she was looking down which made her jump at the realization.

"Shit," She cursed under her breath while pulling the earpiece out, looking up and realizing it was me. She had this look of relief in her eyes, but her facial expression tried to say otherwise. "Class doesn't start yet." Liz turned to look at the watch on her wrist. "Seven minutes early-"

"I know," I said, leaning forward and whispering my words. She wanted to stop herself from smiling, but she couldn't contain it. "Why didn't you show?" I crossed my arms while talking. She knew what I was referring to immediately.

"It's been a busy week—Besides, I wouldn't go there on weekdays," she said bluntly.

"What about today? It's a Friday, but that doesn't count." I wanted to convince her, maybe even pull her out of her desk, and ask her to run away with me. But just by making her promise, I'd be happy.

"Look, I-" She began to look in every other direction except towards mine.

"Please, at least think about it. Do you promise?" I didn't want to pressure her, but something in me told me she wanted to show up. She just didn't think she was brave enough.

She smiled. "Alright."

"Just one question, though." I cheekily started.

"What?" She replied, curiously.

"What are you doing here?" I stretched my arms out, talking about the classroom. This look of wanting to say something but realizing she didn't want to say it right then and there overtook her face.

Then, students started coming in which caught us both by surprise. I gave her one final look before turning to find my seat.

So as everyone got situated, I realized how small the class had gotten. On the first day, the number could've been in the eighties. Now, it struggled to even reach thirty.

The same girl who told me I was lucky on the first day had taken the seat next to mine again. She had bright blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and a beaming, sun child disposition.

"Hey, do you know what happened to everyone?" I leaned to my right and whispered to her.

"I heard that they finally hired another professor for this class. The lucky ones got the schedule change." She sighed and looked gloomy. I still didn't understand what everyone had against this class, and against Liz.

"Ah." I sat in silence for a few more seconds but I desperately wanted to ask another question. "Why does everyone hate this class?"

She quickly turned to me. "You don't know, do you?"

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